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                                CALL FOR PAPERS


                        16th International Workshop on

                      Vision, Modeling and Visualization

                                   VMV 2011


                            October 4th - 6th 2011

                                Berlin, Germany


                              In Cooperation with

                           Eurographics Association


               Paper Submission Deadline extended to May 22th 2011!




Paper submission is open at: http://vmv2011.hhi.fraunhofer.de/submission.html



Vision, Modeling and Visualization are symbiotic disciplines. Although they

are different in terminology and formalism, they profit from the synergy of

jointly encountered problems and jointly used technologies. Special interest

topics range from image-based modeling and rendering, future directions of

photography, hardware graphics up to medical and information visualization.


Authors are encouraged to submit their recent research results, practice and

experience reports, or novel applications relating to the topics of the VMV

2011 Workshop. Topics may relate to any area in Computer Graphics, Computer

Vision and Visualization.


A non-exclusive list containing the topic scope of the conference is listed



- Animation

- Geometric Modeling

- Shape Deformation & Representation

- 3D Imaging

- Dynamic 3D Acquisition and Processing

- Time of Flight, Kinect Imaging

- Structure from Motion and Stereo

- Multi-Sensor Fusion

- Large-Scale Acquisition, Processing, and Visualization


- Human Perception and Error Measures

- Computational Photography

- Illumination and Reflectance Modeling

- Image and Video Processing

- Image and Video-Based Rendering

- Medical Image Processing and Visualization

- Modeling and Simulation

- Motion Capture and Tracking

- Optical Flow

- Object Localization and Recognition

- Real-Time Rendering

- Realistic and Non-Photorealistic Rendering

- Segmentation and Grouping

- Statistical Methods, Learning

- Texture Analysis and Synthesis

- Information and Data Visualization

- Visual Analytics

- Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality

- Applications (Medical, Robotics, Multimedia, ...)



VMV 2011 will be co-located with INFORMATIK 2011,

41. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fuer Informatik.



Important Dates:

- Paper Submission Deadline (extended):  May 22th 2011

- Notification of acceptance: July 15th 2011


Conference Email:

- vmv2011@hhi.fraunhofer.de


Conference Website:

- http://vmv2011.hhi.fraunhofer.de


Conference Chairs:

- Peter Eisert

- Konrad Polthier

- Joachim Hornegger