::::::::::Smart Tools and Apps for Graphics :::::::::::::::::::.
Cagliari, September 22-23, 2014
Call for Papers
The aim of the conference is to focus on real-time and exploiting graphics hardware and to bring together practitioners, users and researchers, which will hopefully inspire further collaboration between participants particularly between academia and industry.
The topics are (but not limited to):
- modeling
- rendering
- animation
- imaging and image processing
- graphics systems
- applications.
- information visualization
- volume graphics
- web graphics
In particular, we are looking for:
Tricks and Hacks: clever ways to optimize or otherwise improve known techniques or algorithms. Nuts-and-bolts methods that are used by the pros but aren't in the textbooks.
Original Techniques and Algorithms: new ways to solve real problems. Methods that offer improvements over ones in common use.
Novel Research Ideas: small, elegant research results. Simple good ideas. Often, just an "aha!" insight that has a straightforward implementation.
Experience/Advice: how to make practical use of known research results. For example, what are the parameter settings that really work? How much precision is needed? How many data points?
A selection of accepted papers will be considered by the editor of Journal of Graphics Tools to be invited for a short track submission to the journal.
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: June 15th
Notification: July 15th
Camera ready: July 25th
Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory and will be conducted using the (SRMv2) system. Papers must be written in English, must be anonymized, should not exceed 10 pages in length, and must be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum publication guidelines. This event uses a double-blind reviewing approach, so please remove all personal data (like such as authors, affiliations, etc.) from your submission. Reviewers are asked to keep confidential all materials sent to them for evaluation.