14th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage

Genova, Italy, 5-7 October 2016

The 14th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH 2016) aims to foster an international dialogue between ICT experts and CH scientists to have a better understanding of the critical requirements for processing, managing, and delivering cultural information to a broader audience. The objective of the workshop is to present and showcase new developments within the overall process chain, from data acquisition, analysis and synthesis, 3D documentation, and data management, to new forms of interactive presentations and 3D printing solutions. Interdisciplinary approaches for analysis, classification and interpretation of cultural artefacts are particularly relevant to the event.

The intention of GCH 2016 is also to establish a scientific forum for scientists and CH professionals to exchange and disseminate novel ideas and techniques in research, education and dissemination of Cultural Heritage, transfer them in practice, and trace future research and technological directions. Therefore, we seek original, innovative and previously unpublished contributions in the computer graphics area applied to digital cultural heritage, challenging the state of the art solutions and leveraging new ideas for future developments. Specific sessions will be devoted to reports on applications, experiences and projects in this domain. Contributions are solicited (but not limited to) in the following areas:

• 2/3/4D data acquisition and processing in Cultural Heritage

• Multispectral imaging and data fusion

• Digital acquisition, representation and communication of intangible heritage

• Material acquisition analysis

• Heterogeneous data collection, integration and management

• 3D printing of cultural assets

• Shape analysis and interpretation

• Similarity and search of digital artefacts

• Visualization and Virtual Museums

• Multi-modal and interactive environments and applications for Cultural Heritage

• Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections with digital presentations

• Semantic-aware representation of digital artefacts (metadata, classification schemes, annotation)

• Digital libraries and archiving of 3D documents

• Standards and documentation

• Serious games in Cultural Heritage

• Storytelling and design of heritage communications



All the accepted papers will be published in the EG digital library.

For a selected number of top quality papers, the authors will be invited after the workshop to extend the paper in order to be published in the ACM journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH).




May 2 Abstract

May 9 Full Papers, Short Papers

June 30 Notification

Sept 5 Final Camera Ready


Event Co-Chairs

Bianca Falcidieno (CNR IMATI, Italy),

Dieter Fellner (TU Darmstadt/Fraunhofer IGD, Germany)

Program Co-Chairs

Chiara Eva Catalano (CNR IMATI, Italy)

Livio De Luca (UMR CNRS/MCC MAP – Marseille, France)


Program committee (provisional)

Pierre Alliez


Maria Teresa Linaza

Carlos Andujar

Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann

David Arnold

Marco Marchesi

Juan Barcelo

Ricardo Marroquim

Angelo Beraldin

Michela Mortara

Silvia Biasotti

Mark Mudge

Jean-Yves Blaise

Andras Patay-Horvath

Ulrich Bockholt,

Sofia Pescarin

Alan Chalmers

Denis Pitzalis

Paolo Cignoni

Fabio Remondino

Matteo Delle Piane

Patrick Reuter

Leo Dorst

Selma Rizvic

Anastasios Doulamis

Karina Rodriguez Echavarria

Dieter Fritsch,

Maria Roussou

Andrea Giachetti

Holly Rushmeier

Enrico Gobbetti

Robert Sablatnig

Antonella Guidazzoli

Pedro Santos

Gabriele Guidi

Roberto Scopigno

Sorin Hermon

Michela Spagnuolo

Marinos Ioannides

Didier Stricker

Martin Kampel

Jean-Marc Vallet

Min Hyuk Kim

Martin White

Reinhard Klein

Michael Wimmer,


More info on http://gch2016.ge.imati.cnr.it