Hello everyone,
We would like to invite you to attend High Performance Graphics 2021 online.
The conference will take place virtually from July 6-9, 2021.
High-Performance Graphics is the leading international forum for performance-oriented graphics and imaging systems research including innovative algorithms, efficient implementations, languages, compilers, parallelism, and hardware architectures for high-performance graphics. The conference brings together researchers, engineers, and architects to discuss the complex interactions of parallel hardware, novel programming models, and efficient algorithms in the design of systems for current and future graphics and visual computing applications.
High-Performance Graphics is co-sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics. The program features four days of paper and industry presentations and the possibility to connect during the breaks and online social events.
Besides paper and posters presentations, the program contains exciting keynotes, invited talks, and a panel discussion. Please refer to our website (https://www.highperformancegraphics.org/) and explore the full programme: https://www.highperformancegraphics.org/2021/program/
The conference will be streamed via Twitch and YouTube, which are accessible for free.
For only $15, you will get access to the premium experience, which means the possibility to interact with others, to ask questions during the talks, to access the virtual online community, and to receive an exclusive surprise present! Please visit our registration page: https://www.highperformancegraphics.org/2021/registration/
We hope to see you at HPG2021!
The HPG Committee