The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2020 (

will take place in London, England from June 29th to July 2nd, 2020. This

31th event continues the series of highly successful Eurographics Symposia

and Workshops on Rendering.


This year, EGSR features two paper submission tracks: the Research Track

and the Industry Track (new as of last year). Information about both tracks

is available here:


Research Track



All accepted research papers will be presented at EGSR 2020 and archived in the

Eurographics digital library (exact publication modalities pending).

Furthermore, a selection of them will be published in an issue of the Computer

Graphics Forum (CGF) journal, based on both the recommendations of the reviewers

and the outcome of a second cycle of review.


We are looking for work that shapes the future of rendering in computer graphics

and related fields, such as virtual and augmented reality, deep learning, and

computational photography.


There is no fixed minimum or maximum paper length. However, submissions over

12 pages in length will be treated as exceptional cases, and length must be

proportional to contribution.


For each submitted paper, a minimum of 3 reviews will be provided to the

authors, who will then be able to provide a rebuttal to clarify

misunderstandings and answer the reviewers' questions. The reviewers will then

discuss and decide on the acceptance of the paper to the EGSR 2020 program. In

the event of acceptance, the authors will submit a revised version of their

manuscript prior to the conference.



Topics of interest



We invite original contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in topics

related, but not limited, to:


* Physically-based rendering (PBR) and global illumination

* Monte Carlo sampling and integration

* Real-time rendering, including ray tracing, acceleration structures, and GPU algorithms

* Image processing for rendering, including denoising

* Machine learning for rendering and rendering for machine learning

* Augmented/virtual reality, including rendering, input, and output technologies

* Rendering software systems

* Procedural modelling, texture, geometry, and simulation

* Image-based rendering (IBR)

* Computational photography, optics & displays

* Expressive rendering and image manipulation (NPR)

* Material and scattering models

* Inverse and differentiable rendering

* Acquisition and modeling of geometry and appearance

* Human perception of rendered images

* Specialized rendering hardware

* Scientific visualization, e.g. large-scale data visualization and volume rendering

* Audio/sound rendering



How to Submit Your Work



Please submit your work using the SRM online submission system



The submission should use the EGSR 2020 LaTeX template available on SRM: 

(First create an account on the SRM system to download the template).



Important dates (All times are midnight, 23:59 UTC)


* Abstract deadline: April 2, 2020

* Papers deadline: April 7, 2020

* Reviews released to authors: May 10, 2020

* Rebuttals due: May 14, 2020

* Author notification: May 25, 2020

* Final papers due: June 15, 2020



Program chairs

* Carsten Dachsbacher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

* Matt Pharr, NVIDIA



Local organizing committee

* Abhijeet Ghosh, Imperial College London

* Tobias Ritschel, University College London

* Tim Weyrich, University College London



Program committee

  Coming soon!