******** EUROVIS 2017 ********
EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization
June 12th to 16th, 2017
Barcelona, Spain
EuroVis 2017, hosted by ViRVIG in Spain, is the 19th annual visualization
gathering organized by the Eurographics Working Group on Data
Visualization and supported by the IEEE Visualization and Graphics
Technical Committee (IEEE VGTC). EuroVis has been a Eurographics
and IEEE co-supported international visualization symposium
held in Europe annually since 1999. Since 2014 EuroVis is a conference.
Authors are invited to submit original work presenting fundamental
research, practice and experience, or novel applications in all areas of
visualization and related topics thereof.
EuroVis full papers are published as a special issue of Computer Graphics
Forum (CGF), the International Journal of the Eurographics Association,
using a two-stage review process. STARs are also Computer Graphics Forum
papers and follow a three-stage review process. EuroVis Short Papers will be
electronically archived in the Eurographics Digital Library and are fully
citable publications.
** Important dates:
Full paper abstracts: Monday, 05/Dec/2016
Full papers: Monday, 12/Dec/2016
STAR sketches: Sunday, 09/Oct/2016 (closed)
STAR submission: Monday, 26/Jan/2017
Short Papers: Friday, 17/Feb/2017
Posters: Friday, 07/Apr/2017
Please note that an abstract submission is *required* one week before the
full papers deadline to assist the papers chairs in allocating reviewers
and ensure that the review process runs to time.
** Committees (http://eurovis2017.virvig.es/index.php/organization):
General Chairs
Isabel Navazo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)
Pere-Pau Vázquez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)
Papers Chairs <ev2017-full@cs.upc.edu>
Jeffrey Heer (University of Washington, USA)
Timo Ropinski (Ulm University, Germany)
Jack van Wijk (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands)
STARs Chairs <ev2017-star@cs.upc.edu>
Miriah Meyer (University of Utah, USA)
Shigeo Takahashi (University of Aizu, Japan)
Anna Vilanova (TU Delft, the Netherlands)
Short Papers Chairs <ev2017-short@cs.upc.edu>
Barbora Kozlíková (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Tobias Schreck (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
Thomas Wischgoll (Wright University, USA)
Posters Chairs <ev2017-poster@cs.upc.edu>
Anna Puig (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
Tobias Isenberg (Inria, France)