Please share the following job postings with friends and colleagues, who could be interested in working with us at VRVis :-)

We are looking for new team members, who will join our Biomedical Image Informatics Group in their endeavor to further advance visual computing solutions for the efficient integration, mining, and exploration of neuroscience data:

We are also looking for new team members for our growing field of Climate Change Adaptation:

Moreover, we are looking to replace our retiring:

We are also offering Master's theses and/or internships, e.g. in the field of Energy Efficient Building Design and Integrating Simulation Results into Point Cloud Data.

Apologies for any cross-postings,

Franziska Steyer-Beerman
VRVis Zentrum fuer Virtual Reality und Visualisierung 
Forschungs-GmbH                  FN: 195369h, HG Wien
Donau-City-Strasse 11      Tel: +43 (0)1 908 9892 206
A-1220 Wien, Austria       Web: <>