Call for Papers for Cyberworlds (CW 2008)
Hangzhou, China(September 22-24, 2008)
The conference Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society
Press. Manuscripts should be written in English conforming to the IEEE
standard conference format (8.5" x 11", Two-Column) as shown in Manuscripts
should be submitted through the conference online website. Each manuscript
may not exceed 8 pages of IEEE format. Solicited papers of high-quality will
be published in "The Visual Computer", "Transactions on Edutainment",
International Journal of Virtual Reality".
Cyberworlds are information worlds being formed on Internet either
intentionally or spontaneously, with or without design. As information
worlds, they are either virtual or real, and can be both. In terms of
information modeling, the theoretical ground for the Cyberworlds is far
above the level of integrating spatial database models and temporal database
models. This conference will deal with large distributed information worlds
on Internet and methods/tools used for creating such worlds.
Conference Topics
* Philosophy, evolution, and ethics of Cyberworlds
* Cyberworlds and their impact on the real worlds
* Telemedicine, healthcare in Cyberworlds
* Mobile computing, mobile graphics, mobile game
* E-learning, web-based learning and edutainment
* Intelligent agents in Cyberworlds
* Digital watermarking, Internet security, information hiding
* Distributed virtual environments
* Cyber fairs and digital museums
* Game engine, game algorithm, and multi-user web games
* VR/AR/MR for Industrial design, digital heritage
* Shared virtual worlds, Collaborative work using Cyberworlds
* Human animation in Cyberworlds
* Virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed Reality
* Computer vision for Cyberworlds
* Cyberethics and cyberlaws
* Communication in Cyberworlds
* Data mining and warehousing in Cyberworlds
* Bioinformatics for cyberlife and medicine
* E-business in Cyberworlds
* Cyberworlds for manufacturing, civil planning, and bioengineering
* Multimedia information retrieval/indexing in Cyberworlds
* Biometrics in Cyberworlds
Invited Speakers
Harold Thwaites, Concordia University , Canada
Richard Blade, University of Colorado, USA
Kun Zhou, Microsoft Reaerch Asia, China
Bob Liang, Intel Corporation [to be confirmed]
(1) VR for Safety and Security
(2) DMAMH'2008
(Digital Media and Its Application in Museum and Heritage)
(3) Robotics Simulation and VR
[Deadline for submission is May 30, 2008]
Important dates
Submission: 15 May, 2008
Notification: 10 June 2008
Registration: 20 June, 2008
Camera Ready: 25 June, 2008
Conference: 22-24 September, 2008
Web Site:
E-mail: cw2008(a)