Next Generation User Interface Technology for Consumer Electronics
ACM SIGGRAPH Workshop - May 2004 - Snowbird, UT
SIGGRAPH Panel - August 2004 - Los Angeles, CA
As the power and complexity of consumer electronic devices continues to
increase, the difficulty of the user experience also increases. If VCRs
still flash 12:00, just think what will happen with the new generation of
devices. The technology in the new consumer devices rivals the CPU and
graphics horsepower of workstations of only a few years ago. The purpose of
this workshop is to investigate the application of existing tools and
techniques from other disciplines to the next generation of consumer
The problem domain for this workshop includes:
Dealing with large quantities of information, e.g. extremely large music and
video libraries, photo albums, program schedules, etc.
- Can we leverage some of the work of the SciViz community?
Creating a comfortable user experience - Games and CGI?
Given the power of the CPU and graphics being designed into the next
generation of devices is it possible/meaningful/useful/appropriate to
exploit such technologies as:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->OpenGL / DirectX
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Game Engines
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Parallel processing
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Haptic Devices
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Augmented Reality
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Story Telling Interactivity
In addition to advancements in technology, while each of the CE vendors
wish to maintain the identity of their products, there is a pragmatic need
for overall interoperation. Just as automobile manufacturers have
standardized on the basics for interaction, there is still plenty of room
for product differentiation in the marketplace.
As we are about to step off into a new world of human interaction with
electronics devices in our daily lives, it is important to begin to address
the means for creating an effective and enjoyable user experience.
Garry Paxinos (Workshop Chair) Thierry Frey
Senior Vice President and Chief Technologist Director for Chapters
+1.954.655.7453 (cell)
Rob Lembree
Advanced Technology Group
SavaJe Techonologies, Inc.