Expressive 2025 will host an exhibition for artworks, posters, and demonstration projects, where artistic pieces, computational demonstrations, and posters will be featured side-by-side. This category focuses on recent research and creative activities at the intersection of arts and sciences. We are open to any work and research related to the Expressive 2025 conference topics. The authors of accepted works will be invited to present their work (as posters or interactive demo sessions) through a panel discussion at the main Expressive 2025 conference. Accepted works will be archived through the Eurographics Digital Library and will be made available in the ACM Digital Library.

All submissions should be between 2 and 4 pages, written in English, including a title page with an abstract, keywords, and a bibliography. The required LaTeX template is available from the SRM system. Submissions should provide a clear description of the work and the process. Posters and demos will be demonstrated and/or displayed at the conference venue. Authors of accepted works in all areas of submitted work are encouraged to demonstrate their work; creating a separate submission for a poster and a demo is unnecessary if they refer to the same project.

All submissions must be made through the Eurographics SRM conference submission site. If you have any questions, please feel welcome to contact the Posters and Demos chairs at

Important dates:


Paper submission deadline

February 03, 2025

Final decision notification

March 03, 2025

Camera-ready submission

March 31, 2025

(All deadlines are at 23:59:59 UTC/GMT)


Submission topics


Posters,  demos and digital/physical artworks,  exploring techniques related to (but not limited to):


  • Analysis and modeling of creative behavior (AI, A-life) 
  • Simulation of natural media, traditional styles, and novel artistic styles 
  • Analysis of image style and saliency (paintings, photographs, others) 
  • Visualization techniques Simplification and abstraction techniques (e.g., sketching, indication) 
  • Empirically-based metrics of aesthetic attributes 
  • Applied visual perception 
  • Interaction techniques (e.g., sketch, gestural, multi-touch, multi-modal) 
  • Sketch-parsing, classification, and recognition 
  • Novel interfaces for art creation, modeling, control, sketch input, etc. 
  • Study designs and methodologies for evaluating and validating sketch-based systems, aesthetic metrics, visual communication systems, etc. 
  • Advanced rendering techniques (e.g., volumetric, GPU, mobile, multi-modal) 
  • Applications in special domains, e.g.,  Medicine, Geology, Biology, Sociology, Cultural Heritage 
  • Sketch-based information retrieval 
  • Stylistic or aesthetic aspects of character animation and simulated physics 
  • Accounts of real productions (e.g., animated films, digital art) or applications in software products (e.g., modeling, visualization, presentation software) 
  • Visual composition Design, rendering, and evaluation of layouts for text and presentation graphics 
  • Example-based style transfer 
  • Deep learning and neural networks for expressive rendering (e.g., neural style transfer) 
  • Temporal and spatial coherence 
  • Aesthetic evaluation and stylistic rendering of visual effects such as motion blur, depth of field, and lighting 
  • Non-traditional camera models
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) 
  • AI-assisted modeling, animation, and generation of 2D/3D content
  • AI-enhanced visual effects and generative art

General Co-chairs

- Marc CHRISTIE - University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France 

- Fotis LIAROKAPIS - CYENS Centre of Excellence, Cyprus 


Program Co-chairs 

- Chiara Eva CATALANO - CNR IMATI, Genova, Italy 

- Amal Dev PARAKKAT - Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France 


Posters & Demo Co-chairs 

- Daniel BERIO - GOLDSMITHS, London, UK 

- Alexandre BRUCKERT - University of Nantes, France 


Publicity Chair 

- Mona ZAVICHI, INESC, Lisboa, Portugal