Expressive 2016 — Call for Posters, Demos and Artworks



Date: May 7–9, 2016

Location: Lisbon, Portugal


Submission deadline: rolling notification closes April 23, 2016


You are invited to submit to these programs any time before April 23; every effort will be made to return a response within two weeks.



Posters and Demos


We seek poster and demo submissions that show work that pertains to all three tracks of Expressive 2016. The poster and demo submissions should be made via email to Poster submissions should be in the form of a two-page abstract, written in English, and should follow the Eurographics formatting instructions, including a title page with an abstract, keywords, and a bibliography. The submission should be submitted as PDF files; supplemental video and images may also be submitted (preferably as web links) but are not required. The demo submissions should be in the form of a one-page abstract describing the work and how it was created, along with an image or video. These will be demonstrated and/or displayed at the conference venue. Authors of accepted posters are encouraged to bring a demonstration of their work as well; it is not necessary to create a separate submission for a poster and a demo if they refer to the same project.


Anıl Çamcı, Expressive 2016 Posters chair





Expressive 2016 will continue to host an installation gallery for 2D and 3D artworks, sculptures, animations and demonstration projects, where artist installations and computational demonstrations will be featured side-by-side. We are open to any work that is related to topics of the Expressive 2016 conferences (Computational Aesthetics, Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modelling, and Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering). Accepted artists will be invited to present their work through a panel discussion or short oral presentation within the main Expressive 2016 conference, to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, May 7–9, 2016, and will be co-located with the Eurographics 2016 conference.


The theme for the Expressive 2016 Call for Artworks is Data Activism. We live in a world that produces, collects, stores and processes an exponentially increasing amount of data. While these practices have many beneficial applications, they also raise relevant questions in terms of security, privacy and civil rights. Therefore, we particularly invite artists to create works that: explore, reflect upon, challenge, praise or criticize such practices; highlight their risks or promises; use massive data collection and visualization to raise awareness for important issues and to promote societal change; exploit and explore large volumes data. If your artwork is related to this theme, indicate its relation to the theme in your submission.


To submit an artwork, authors should provide links that exemplify the work, and a short write-up describing the work (~2 pages). Details about the size and equipment needed for the installation should also be provided. Please email the Arts Chairs at and, with the subject line “Expressive’16: Data Activism” when submitting your materials. Submissions are due by April 23, 2016.


Penousal Machado and Ergun Akleman, Expressive 2016 Arts Chairs