/We apologize for multiple messages/
This is to invite you to participate in the following track of "SHREC'21 -
3D Shape Retrieval Contest 2021" (
SHREC'21 track: Retrieval and classification of protein surfaces equipped
with physical & chemical properties
The aim of this SHREC'21 track is to evaluate the performance of retrieval
and classification algorithms for protein surfaces characterized by
physicochemical properties. Starting from a set of protein structures in
different conformational states observed via NMR experiments and deposited
in the PDB repository, we build their Solvent Excluded Surface (SES) by the
freely available software NanoShaper and compute some physicochemical
properties on them. The track is jointly organized by IMATI-CNR and the
The dataset will be available on January 15th. Results are required by
February 14th.
For further information see:
or contact: Andrea Raffo (email: andrea.raffo(a)ge.imati.cnr.it) and Ulderico
Fugacci (email: ulderico.fugacci(a)ge.imati.cnr.it)
Best regards,
Andrea Raffo, Ulderico Fugacci