The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2012 will take place in Paris, France, from June 27 to June 29, 2011. This is the 23rd annual event in the series of very successful Eurographics Symposia on Rendering and Eurographics Workshops on Rendering. This year, EGSR will be collocated with HPG 2012, the High Performance Graphics conference which will take place from June 25 to June 27.


The local organizers are Tamy Boubekeur and Elmar Eisemann, and the program chairs are Fredo Durand and Diego Gutierrez. Up-to-date information about the conference is available on the official EGSR 2012 website:





Conference topics include (but are not limited to):


Global illumination

Reflectance, volumetric scattering and translucency

Representations of material appearance

Human perception and error measures

Rendering hardware and its application

Rendering dynamic/animated environments

Shadows and visibility

Monte Carlo techniques

Finite element techniques

Sampling, filtering, and anti-aliasing

Texture models, analysis, and synthesis

Non-photorealistic rendering

Image-based measurement and rendering

Acquisition of appearance

Point-based rendering

Real-time rendering and real-time ray tracing

Systems and software architecture for rendering

Audio/sound rendering


The proceedings of EGSR will be published as a special issue of the Computer Graphics Forum journal. Because of this, there will be a brief second review cycle for any papers that require changes to be accepted; such papers will only be accepted after the changes have been confirmed by the program committee. Promising papers that require more significant revisions may be referred to Computer Graphics Forum for an expedited review.





Tuesday, April 3 Abstract submission deadline

Friday, April 6 Paper submission deadline

Friday, May 4 Reviews due

Friday, May 11 End online discussion

Monday, May 14 Notification to authors

Tuesday, May 22 Revised papers due

Friday, May 25 Camera ready due

Wednesday, June 27 EGSR2012 starts

Friday, June 29 EGSR2012 ends


The EGSR review and publication process is very short, and to achieve this quick turnaround all deadlines must be strictly observed. Note that the abstract submission is mandatory.





Instructions about the submission procedure, keynote speakers and the complete International Program Committee will be available on the conference website in due time.



Fredo Durand and Diego Gutierrez

EGSR 2012 Program Chairs