Geometric and numerical approaches to the description
of electrostatic interaction between biological macromolecules
Italian Institute of Technology, Genova 1-3 July 2013
co-located with SGP'13
Geometry and function are interconnected in many complex physical and
biological problems. CEBA'13 is intended to provide an international forum
to discuss and explore different approaches to improve the electrostatics
calculations in the Molecular Biology field by setting up a truly
interdisciplinary context of researchers in Geometry Processing, Shape
Modeling, Applied Mathematics, and Computational Biology and Chemistry.
CEBA'13 is co-organized by the Drug Discovery and Development Unit of the
Italian Institute of Technology and by the Shape Modeling Group of IMATI-CNR
and, to foster an interdisciplinary participation, it is co-located with the
EG Symposium on Geometry Processing 2013, (3-5 July 2013), a premier venue
for exchanging research results on a wide range of topics related to the
creation of mathematical foundations and practical algorithms for the
processing of complex geometric data sets and models.
The scope of the meeting is quite broad. However, a special focus on
theoretical, numerical and modeling aspects of the Poisson-Boltzmann
equation and its applications to the NanoBiotechnology field will be given.
The scientific program will be based on different sessions, with plenary
lectures, oral communications, and poster sessions. The first day will be
mostly devoted to the model and numerical aspects of the Poisson-Boltzmann
equation solution, the second day will focus on geometric approaches and
discretization issues and the third will feature biological applications. A
special hands on DelPhi session is envisioned, allowing young researchers
interested in how to exploit the functionalities of the DelPhi
Poisson-Boltzmann solver to walk through worked examples and ask questions
on specific issues.
The list of confirmed speakers can be found on the workshop web site, at the
The results of the meeting will be published as a book by Springer, with
contributions invited and reviewed short after the workshop. The book is
expected to give a broad overview of the state-of-the-art in the areas of
Applied Mathematics, Geometry Processing, and Computational Biology and
Chemistry which contribute to electrostatics calculations in the Molecular
The workshop is co-sponsored by CECAM, by the flagship CNR Project
The organizers
Walter Rocchia, Sergio Decherchi, José Colmenares (DelPhi development Team
at IIT, Genova)
Michela Spagnuolo, Chiara Catalano (Shape Modeling Group, CNR-IMATI, Genova)
CEIG'13 ------------Paper submission extended to Monday, May 13th, 2013
Spanish Computer Graphics Conference
Madrid, September 17-20, 2013
<http://www.gmrv.es/ceig2013/> http://www.gmrv.es/ceig2013/
CEIG 2013 aims at being a discussion forum for the latest advances in the
Computer Graphics field, where attendants will be able to exchange opinions,
research results and experiences. Researchers and professionals are invited
to submit their contributions in Computer Graphics, both novel research
works and technological developments of real applications.
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
- Photorealistic rendering
- Expressive visualization (non-photorealistic)
- Geometric Modeling
- Procedural Modeling
- Volumetric modeling and visualization
- Computational Geometry
- Computer-based Animation
- Computational Photography
- Virtual humans and artificial life
- Graphical interaction
- Graphics hardware, parallelism and graphic standards
- Computer Graphics and education
- Computer Graphics applications
Keynote speakers (CEIG):
Christian Theobalt (Max Planck Institut / Saarland University)
Keynote speakers (CEDI):
Markus Gross (ETH Zurich / Disney Research Zurich) Giovanni De Micheli (EPF
Information to authors
All articles must have at least their title and abstract in English.
Although the articles at the conference can be presented both in Spanish and
in English, authors are encouraged to use preferably English. Authors of
outstanding quality papers (at least 3) will be invited to submit an
extended version to the Computer Graphics Forum journal.
Important dates
Technical papers
The CEIG 2013 Technical Papers program will showcase innovative research,
practice and experience, and novel applications. These are the traditional
papers, with a maximum length of 10 pages, which will be published in the
conference proceedings.
- Monday, May 13th, 2013: full paper submission deadline
- Thursday, June 20th, 2013: author notifications
- Thursday, July 4th, 2013: final versions ready
The CEIG 2013 posters will showcase recent results, works in progress, new
ideas and other projects that could be of interest for the general
community, but that are too speculative, are unfinished or do not have
enough excellence to become a full paper. Two caterogies of posters will be
accepted. Posters presenting novel content will be included in the
conference proceedings, they should follow the structure and format of full
and short papers, but limited to a maximum length of one (2) pages.
But the conference will also accept as posters already published works and
presentations of laboratories and/or research groups. In these cases, the
structure and format of the work will have a maximum extension of only one
page and will not be included in the proceedings of the conference.
- Monday, June 17th, 2013: posters submission deadline
- Thursday, June 27th, 2013: author notifications
- Monday, July 8th, 2013: posters final versions ready
Conference chair
Miguel A. Otaduy (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
Program committee
M. Carmen Juan (Universitat Politécnica de Valencia)
Diego Borro (CEIT - Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Técnicas)
Francisco Abad (Universitat Politécnica de Valencia)
Aiert Amundarain (CEIT - Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Técnicas)
Carlos Andújar (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya)
Dolors Ayala (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya)
Inma Boada (Universitat de Girona)
Carles Bosch (Universitat de Girona)
Pere Brunet (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya)
Antoni Chica (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya)
Miguel Chover (Universitat Jaume I)
Francisco R. Feito (Universidad de Jaén)
Julián Flores (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
Marcos García Lorenzo (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
Alejandro García-Alonso (Universidad del País Vasco)
Diego Gutiérrez (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Juan J. Jiménez (Universidad de Jaén)
Domingo Martín (Universidad de Granada)
Luis Matey (CEIT - Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Técnicas)
Francisco J. Melero (Universida de Granada)
Ramón Molla (Universitat Politécnica de Valencia)
Adolfo Muñoz Orbañanos (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Miguel A. Otaduy (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
Gustavo Patow (Universitat de Girona)
Francisco Perales (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Anna Puig (Universitat de Barcelona)
Inmaculada Remolar (Universitat Jaume I)
Mateu Sbert (Universitat de Girona)
Rafael J. Segura (Universidad de Jaén)
Francisco J. Serón (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Antonio Susín (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya)
Juan C. Torres (Universidad de Granada)
Pere-Pau Vázquez (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya)
Roberto Vivó (Universitat Politécnica de Valencia)
Eurovis 2013 - Early Bird Registration ends April 29th
The EUROGRAPHICS Conference on Visualization
June 17th - June 21th, 2013
Leipzig, Germany
Dear Colleague:
We would like to inform you that the Eurovis 2013 online registration
is open and the early-bird registration will only be offered till
*** April 29th, 2013 ***
so please register as soon as possible to get the reduced rate!
You can register at our website:
Accomodation can also be booked via the online registration form.
There will be four co-located workshops on Monday afternoon (June 17 th) and
Tuesday morning (June 18th ) while the main conference will start on Tuesday
after lunch. More information on the program will be available soon at
<http://www.eurovis2013.de/> http://www.eurovis2013.de/
Conference Chair
Gerik Scheuermann, University of Leipzig, Germany
The 2013 ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games 2013 (MIG)
November 7-9, 2013, Dublin, Ireland
Submission Deadline: July 9, 2013
The Sixth International Conference on Motion in Games (MIG) will be hosted
in the historic city of Dublin, Ireland from November 7-9, 2013. MIG 2013
will be held in cooperation with Eurographics and, for the first time this
year, it will be sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH, with papers appearing in the ACM
digital library.
Our confirmed speaker list for this year includes:
Stelian Coros, Disney Research, Zurich
Stephen Guy, University of Minnesota
Mark Pauly, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) Ben
Sunshine-Hill, Havok
Games have become a very important medium for education, therapy and
entertainment. Motion plays a crucial role in computer games.
Characters move around, objects are manipulated or move due to physical
constraints, entities are animated, and the camera moves through the scene.
Even the motion of the player is used as input to games. Motion is currently
studied in many different areas of research, including graphics and
animation, game technology, robotics, simulation, computer vision, and also
physics, psychology, and urban studies. Cross-fertilization between these
communities can considerably advance the state-of- the-art in the area. The
goal of the Motion in Games conference is to bring together researchers from
this variety of fields to present their most recent results, to initiate
collaborations, and to contribute to the establishment of the research area.
The conference will consist of regular paper sessions, poster presentations,
as well as presentations by a selection of established researchers in areas
related to games and simulation. The conference program will also include
cultural and social events that foster casual and friendly interactions
among the participants.
The relevant topics include (but are not limited to):
Animation Systems
Animation Algorithms and Techniques
Character Animation
Behavioral Animation
Facial Animation
Particle Systems
Simulation of Natural Environments
Natural Motion Simulation
Virtual Humans
Physics-based Motion
Crowd Simulation
Path Planning
Navigation and Way-finding
Flocking and Steering Behavior
Camera Motion
Object Manipulation
Motion Capture Techniques
Motion Analysis and Synthesis
Gesture Recognition
Papers should be submitted using the MIG online submission system:
Papers should be formatted using the SIGGRAPH formatting guidelines:
There are several options for submission which are detailed below. The
review process will be double-blind.
Long papers: Long papers should be 7-10 pages long. They should include a
significant contribution to the state of the art.
Short Papers: Short papers should be 4-6 pages long. Short papers should
include an augmentation or new application of existing work. Short papers
can also contain the mature seeds of new research.
Posters: Two types of work can be submitted directly for poster
1. Work that has been published elsewhere but is of particular
relevance to the MIG community can be submitted as a poster. This
work and the venue in which it was published should be identified
in the abstract.
2. Work that is of interest to the MIG community but is not yet
mature enough to appear as a short or long paper.
Posters will not appear in the official MIG proceedings but will appear in
an online database for distribution at author's discretion.
Accepted papers will be presented at the conference during oral sessions, or
as posters during a poster session. Best Paper and Best Student Paper awards
will be conferred during the conference. In the previous year the 5 best
papers were invited for publication in a special issue of the Journal of
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
(CAVW) published by Wiley. Similar plans have been made for the 2013
Important Dates:
Paper deadline: July 9, 2013
Notification: Aug 19, 2012
Conference: Nov 7-9, 2012
Organization and Contact Info:
Conference Chair
Rachel McDonnell (Trinity College Dublin)
Program Chairs
Victor Zordan (UC Riverside)
Nathan Sturtevant (University of Denver)
Poster Chair
Jan Ondrej (Trinity College Dublin)
Email Contacts:
Paper and program related inquiries: <mailto:mig2013@easychair.org>
mig2013(a)easychair.org All other inquiries: <mailto:info@motioningames.org>
General conference URL and related links:
<http://mig2012.inria.fr> http://mig2012.inria.fr
Past year's proceedings and program committee:
(Apologies for cross posting)
Call For Posters, Eurographics 24th Symposium on Rendering 2013:
19-21 June, 2013 - Zaragoza, Spain
Poster Chairs:
Jose A. Iglesias - Universidad de Zaragoza
Patric Ljung - Siemens Corporation, Corporate Technology (Princeton)
Poster Submission Deadline: 23:59GMT, May 10th, 2013
We invite you to submit your poster proposals to the EGSR 2013 Posters
program. The Posters Program is seeking posters presenting:
. Recent research results on rendering previously published in another
venue. This is your chance to present your work to the full rendering
audience and gain more visibility!
. Recent research work, late-breaking technical results and work in
progress covering the topics of the conference (see the call for papers for
more details and a full list of the conference topics).
Accepted posters will not be considered for publication but, prior authors
authorization request, we will give authors the choice to increase the
visibility of their work by uploading their posters to the official
conference website.
Notification date will be May 15th, 2013. Please visit the website for
submission details: <http://egsr2013.unizar.es/posters.php>
Conference topics include (but are not limited to):
. Global illumination
. Reflectance
. Volumetric scattering and translucency
. Representations of material appearance
. Human perception and error measures
. Rendering hardware and its application
. Computational photography
. Rendering dynamic/animated environments
. Shadows and visibility
. Monte Carlo techniques
. Finite element techniques
. Sampling, filtering, and anti-aliasing
. Texture models, analysis, and synthesis
. Non-photorealistic rendering
. Image-based measurement and rendering
. Sensing for graphics
. Point-based rendering
. Real-time rendering and real-time ray tracing
. Systems and software architecture for rendering
. Virtual/augmented reality and interactive systems
. Audio/sound rendering
Please see the website for more information about the conference:
<http://egsr2013.unizar.es/> http://egsr2013.unizar.es/
/// SIGRAD 2013 - Last Call for Papers
/// Conference of the Swedish Eurographics Chapter
/// http://scivis.itn.liu.se/sigrad2013
SIGRAD 2013 will be held June 13-14, 2013 in Norrköping, Sweden, and
focuses on visual computing. SIGRAD solicits the submission of original
research papers that advance the state-of-the-art of one of the subareas
of visual computing, ranging from computer graphics and visualization to
We expect a beautiful summer here in Sweden, and are very happy to have
an outstanding lineup of keynote speakers. The submission system is open
now, and full paper submissions can be made until April, 21.
Keynote Speakers
* Helwig Hauser, University of Bergen, Norway
* Frank Steinicke, University of Würzburg, Germany
* Martin Enthed, Ikea R&D, Sweden
Covered Topics
Suggested topics for submissions include, but are not limited to:
* Real-time rendering
* Global illumination
* Image-based rendering
* Computational Photography
* High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Graph drawing
* Volume rendering
* Visual Analytics
* Vector field visualization
* Virtual reality
* 3D human-computer-interaction
* Advanced user interfaces
Important Dates
* Paper submission: April 21, 2013.
* Paper notification: May 17, 2013.
* Venue: June 13-14, 2013.
SIGRAD Co-Chairs
* Timo Ropinski (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Jonas Unger (Linköping University, Sweden)
Program Committee
* Tomas Akenine Möller (Lund University, Sweden)
* Ulf Assarsson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Francesco Banterle (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
* Stefan Bruckner (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Michael Burch (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
* Gerd Bruder (University of Würzburg, Germany)
* Alan Chalmers (University of Warwick, UK)
* Matt Cooper (Linköping University, Sweden)
* Michael Doggett (Lund University, Sweden)
* Thomas Ertl (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
* Morten Fjeld (Chalmers University, Sweden)
* Eduard Gröller, (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Diego Gutierrez (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
* Andreas Kerren (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
* Lars Kjeldahl (KTH Stockholm, Sweden)
* Tomas Larsson (Mälardalen University, Sweden)
* Rafal Mantiuk (Bangor University, UK)
* Tania Pouli (Max Planck Institut für Informatik, Germany)
* Bernhard Preim (University of Magdeburg, Germany)
* Stefan Seipel (University Gävle, Sweden)
* Heidrun Schumann (University of Rostock, Germany)
* Veronika Sundstedt (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
* Ivan Viola (TU Vienna, Austria)
* Ruediger Westermann (TU Munich, Germany)
* Thomas Wischgoll (Wright State University, US)
* Burkhard Wuensche (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
* Anders Ynnerman (Linköping University, Sweden)
Further Information
* http://scivis.itn.liu.se/sigrad2013
(Apologies for cross posting)
Call For Papers EGUK Chapter Conference:http://www.eguk.org.uk/TPCG13/
5-6 September, 2013 - Bath, UK
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Kenny Mitchell (Disney Research)
Andrew Willmott (EA Maxis)
Paper Submission Deadline: 13th May 2013.
The 31st Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics
Association will be the eleventh Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics
2013 Conference (TP.CG.13). It will take place at the University of Bath on
the 5-6 September 2013, with a paper deadline of May 13th, 2013. All
accepted papers will be published by Eurographics and held on the Digital
Library, and will be available at the conference.
The aim of the conference is to focus on theoretical and practical aspects
of Computer Graphics and to bring together top practitioners, users and
researchers, which will hopefully inspire further collaboration between
participants particularly between academia and industry.
The Programme Committee is seeking refereed papers and work-in-progress
reports in all aspects of computer graphics and its applications. The topics
of interest include (but are not limited to):
. computer animation
. computer-based art and entertainment
. computational geometry
. display technologies
. fundamental algorithms
. graphics applications and graphics systems
. graphics architectures and acceleration hardware
. fractal and natural phenomena
. human computer interaction
. image processing
. Internet graphics and collaborative environments
. medical imaging
. modelling methods
. rendering techniques
. texture synthesis
. scientific visualization
. information visualization
. virtual reality and virtual environments
. volume graphics
. web graphics
Please see the website for more information:
<http://www.eguk.org.uk/TPCG13> http://www.eguk.org.uk/TPCG13
(Apologies for cross posting)
Call For Papers EGUK Chapter Conference:http://www.eguk.org.uk/TPCG13/
5-6 September, 2013 - Bath, UK
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Kenny Mitchell (Disney Research)
Andrew Willmott (EA Maxis)
Paper Submission Deadline: 13th May 2013.
The 31st Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics
Association will be the eleventh Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics
2013 Conference (TP.CG.13). It will take place at the University of Bath on
the 5-6 September 2013, with a paper deadline of May 13th, 2013. All
accepted papers will be published by Eurographics and held on the Digital
Library, and will be available at the conference.
The aim of the conference is to focus on theoretical and practical aspects
of Computer Graphics and to bring together top practitioners, users and
researchers, which will hopefully inspire further collaboration between
participants particularly between academia and industry.
The Programme Committee is seeking refereed papers and work-in-progress
reports in all aspects of computer graphics and its applications. The topics
of interest include (but are not limited to):
. computer animation
. computer-based art and entertainment
. computational geometry
. display technologies
. fundamental algorithms
. graphics applications and graphics systems
. graphics architectures and acceleration hardware
. fractal and natural phenomena
. human computer interaction
. image processing
. Internet graphics and collaborative environments
. medical imaging
. modelling methods
. rendering techniques
. texture synthesis
. scientific visualization
. information visualization
. virtual reality and virtual environments
. volume graphics
. web graphics
Please see the website for more information:
<http://www.eguk.org.uk/TPCG13> http://www.eguk.org.uk/TPCG13
CGLibs: Smart Libraries for Computer Graphics
Science made Practical: Poster Session
CGLibs aims at blurring the border between scientific exploration and
practical applications which make an intense use of visual computing, and a
wide open poster session will be the perfect place where to discuss new
ideas, new products, or ideas for new products.
Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations of:
- recent results, work in progress, new ideas and other smaller projects
- recent or upcoming commercial products, ideas for new products
as long as it may be of interest to the general community and include
intense use of visual computing technology. Posters may be written in
English or Italian.
Posters will be displayed during the conference and will form the focus of a
posters session to be run in conjunction with one of the social events and
during the breaks. We encourage submissions from all areas related to
computer graphics, such as rendering, modeling, visualization, animation,
simulation, virtual reality, computer vision, and imaging.
Authors of accepted posters will be expected to be present at their posters
during the posters session to discuss their work and answer questions.
The abstracts of the posters will be collected in a small volume distributed
to the attendees.
Submission Details
Submitted posters should be in the form of a 2 page paper which must be
formatted according to the Eurographics Author's guidelines and may be
accompanied by a preliminary version of the actual poster if the authors
wish it. Anonymous submissions will be made electronically through the
Eurographics Submission and Review Management (SRM) system and subject do a
review process. Authors will be notified in time for submission of a final
version in two formats, a 2 page paper and an A4 version of the final
poster. Both formats will be included in the conference digital media with
the proceedings and other material. You can either use our
submission system:
or send your submission to <mailto:it-chapter@eg.org> it-chapter(a)eg.org.
The submission deadline for posters is 23:59GMT, 15/Apr/2013.
Notification to authors will be on 28/Apr/2013.
EUROVIS 2013 Registration Open!
15th annual European Visualization Symposium
June 17th - June 21th, 2013
Leipzig, Germany
Dear Colleague:
We would like to inform you that the Eurovis 2013 online registration is
open and the early-bird registration will be offered till
*** April 29th, 2013 ***
so please register as soon as possible to get the reduced rate!
You can register at our website:
Accomodation can also be booked via the online registration form.
There will be four co-located workshops on Monday afternoon (June 17 th) and
Tuesday morning (June 18th ) while the main conference will start on Tuesday
after lunch. More information on the program will be available soon at
<http://www.eurovis2013.de/> http://www.eurovis2013.de/
Conference Chair
Gerik Scheuermann, University of Leipzig, Germany