FINAL REMINDER: SCA paper submission deadline is in less than one week!
The submission website is live at: <https://srm.eg.org/SRM_SCA2013>
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation
<http://sca2013.cs.tamu.edu/> http://sca2013.cs.tamu.edu/
The 12th annual Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) will take place in
sunny Anaheim, California from July 19-21, immediately before SIGGRAPH. For
more than a decade, SCA has been the premier forum for innovations in the
software and technology of computer animation. Bringing together researchers
and practitioners working in all aspects of time-based phenomena, SCA's
focused, single track program creates an intimate setting that encourages
community interaction, promotes the exchange of research results, inspires
new ideas, and establishes new collaborations.
There will be Best Paper Awards, and top papers will also be invited to have
extended versions appear in a TVCG Special Issue.
REGULAR PAPERS: We invite submissions of original, high-quality papers on
computer animation, broadly defined as computation dealing with time-varying
phenomena. Each submission should be 7-10 pages in length, and will be
reviewed by an international program committee for technical quality,
novelty, significance, and clarity. All of the accepted regular papers will
be archived in the EG and ACM digital libraries.
SHORT PAPERS: Continuing the highly successful short papers track from last
year, we also invite 4-6 page submissions for quick dissemination of fresh,
compact ideas. These papers will undergo the same rigorous review process as
regular papers, appear in the electronic proceedings, and be archived in the
EG and ACM digital libraries.
We invite work on a broad range of topics, including:
o 2D, 3D, and N-D animation systems
o autonomous characters
o clothing animation and simulation
o expressive motion / communication
o facial animation
o group and crowd behavior
o intuitive interfaces for creating and editing animations
o mathematical foundations of animation
o methods of control and artistic direction of simulations
o nature in motion (natural phenomena, plants, clouds, ...)
o new time-based art forms on the computer
o novel time-varying phenomena
o perceptual metrics for animation
o perceptual foundations of animation
o physical realism / measuring the real world for animation
o physical simulation
o fluid animation
o planning / learning / optimization for animation
o real-time and interactive methods
o camera control methods for computer animation
o sound and speech for animation
as well as on related problems in robotics, game development, human-computer
interaction, simulation, visualization, computer vision, and others.
POSTERS: We also invite submissions to the poster and demo session, which
has traditionally been an integral part of the SCA program. There will be a
posters fast-forward session during which all presenters will have the
opportunity to give a one-minute description of their work. Posters are not
formal publications, so work submitted as a poster is still eligible for
later publication, and will be exempt from inclusion in the ACM and EG
digital libraries. Details regarding submission format will be announced
closer to the deadline.
Important Dates:
April 16: Paper submission deadline
May 12: Notification of conditionally accepted papers
May 24: Camera-ready papers due
May 31: Poster submission deadline
June 3: Notification of accepted posters
June 14: Camera-ready posters due
July 19-21: Symposium
All deadlines are 6 PM, US Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)
All papers will be reviewed carefully by the International Program Committee
members. Given the limited time between submission and final version, papers
will be evaluated as submitted.
Please check the conference web page for regular updates and more
information: <http://sca2013.cs.tamu.edu/> http://sca2013.cs.tamu.edu/
See you in Anaheim!
Conference Co-Chairs:
Jinxiang Chai, Texas A&M University
Yizhou Yu, University of Hong Kong
Program Chairs:
Theodore Kim, University of California, Santa Barbara
Robert Sumner, Disney Research, Zurich
Poster Chairs:
Ladislav Kavan, University of Pennsylvania
Bernhard Thomaszewski, Disney Research, Zurich
34th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics
May 6th to 10th, 2013
Girona, Spain
Dear Colleague:
We would like to remind you that Eurographics 2013 starts in less than one
month, and that you should book your accommodation as soon as possible
because there is going to be held another conference in Girona during that
month, and there could be some booking problems. Registration information is
provided on our website:
Another reason why accommodation should be booked as soon as possible is
that the conference is just before the "flowers week" in Girona, a major
touristic local event that shouldn't be missed, if possible. Hotel and
travel information can be found on our website:
The 2013 program can be found at: http://eg2013.udg.edu/program.shtml
May 4th-5th and May 11th will be dedicated to co-located events, while the
main conference will open on Monday, May 6th and close on Friday, May 10th.
The tutorial program on Monday is included in the conference registration
and the conference opening with the awards session followed by the paper
fast forward will start on Monday, May 14th, around at 16:30. Take into
account this schedule in your travel plans.
Full details on the conference, co-located events and program can be found
through the conference web site at:
Conference Chairs (conferencechairs(a)eg2013.udg.edu)
Xavier Pueyo, Universitat de Girona
Pere Brunet, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya