Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting your work to Pacific Graphics 2016. It is less
than a month before the deadline of the paper/short paper submission to
Pacific Graphics 2016. The abstract submission due is at the end of the next
week. For more details, see below.
Yoshinori Dobashi
*Pacific Graphics 2016 Call For Papers (
The 24th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific
Graphics 2016) will be hosted by Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
(OIST) and held in Okinawa, Japan, during October 11-14, 2016. Pacific
Graphics is an annual international conference on computer graphics and
applications. As a highly successful conference series, Pacific Graphics
provides a premium forum for researchers, developers, practitioners in the
Pacific Rim and around the world to present and discuss new problems,
solutions, and technologies in computer graphics and related areas.
*Paper submission*
Original unpublished papers are invited in all areas of computer graphics
and its publications. The topics include (but are not limited to) modeling,
rendering, animation, and imaging, as well as visualization, human-computer
interaction, and graphics systems and applications. Any interesting new
ideas related to computer graphics and applications are welcome.
*Paper publication*
The conference will have a full paper track as well as a short paper track.
The full papers will be published in the conference proceedings which will
appear as a special issue of the Computer Graphics Forum (CGF). Short papers
will not appear in the CGF, but will be published electronically through the
EG Digital Library. Extended versions of selected, high-quality, short
papers will be invited to a SpringerOpen journal, Computational Visual
Papers submitted to Pacific Graphics 2016 must be original, unpublished
work. Any work that has previously been published or simultaneously been
submitted in a substantially similar form to any other conference or journal
will be rejected. Contributions must be written and presented in English.
Authors may submit to either the full paper or short paper track. Authors
can also specify if they would be willing to have their full paper
submission considered for short paper in the event the paper is not
accepted. Full papers submission are limited to a maximum of 10 pages. Short
papers are limited to a maximum of 4 pages. The review process will be
double blind. Please remove all personal data (e.g. names, affiliation,
etc.) from your submission.
*Important Dates*
- Abstract Submission: May 27, 2016
- Paper Submission: June 3, 2016
- Author Notification: July 17
- Camera Ready: August 16, 2016
- Conference: October 11 (Tue) - 14 (Fri), 2016
*Conference Organization*
- Conference co-chairs
Chandrajit Bajaj (University of Texas Austin)
Thomas Ertl (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Tomoyuki Nishita (Hiroshima Shudo University/UEI Research, Japan)
- Program co-chairs
Eitan Grinspun (Columbia University, USA)
Bernd Bickel (IST Austria)
Yoshinori Dobashi (Hokkaido University, Japan)
More information can be found here:
Call for Posters: ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer
(SCA) Zurich, July 11-13, 2016
Conference website:
Submission deadline: May 16, 2016
Notification: May 27, 2016
The 15th annual Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) will be held in
beautiful Zurich, Switzerland, July 11-13 2016, at the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich). SCA is the premier forum for
innovations in the software and technology of computer animation. It unites
researchers and practitioners working on all aspects of time-based
phenomena. Our focused, intimate gathering, with single track program and
emphasis on community interaction, makes SCA the best venue to exchange
research results, get inspired, and set up collaborations.
Don't miss out!
We invite submissions to the poster and demo session. As in previous years,
the poster and demo session will be an integral part of the SCA program.
Note that posters are not formal publications, so work submitted as a poster
is still eligible for later publication.
Posters will be included the ACM and EG digital libraries. Note however that
as usual, a SCA poster does not preclure subsequent publication of a
complete paper on the same topic by the same authors (however, a SCA poster
by other authors is considered prior art and should be cited as such).
We encourage any of the following types of poster submissions:
- Up and coming computer animation research
- Technically novel production work
- Work done outside of SCA that would be of interest to the computer
animation community. This includes animation-related works recently accepted
to other conferences.
- Half-baked ideas and negative results
**Electronic Submission**
All PDF poster submissions should be submitted via email to
sca2016.posters(a) by the deadline. Due to GMail's limits, each email
message must be less than 25MB. If this is not sufficient for your
submission or supplemental materials, you may send your submission in parts
as attachments to several emails. For supplemental materials, links to
external websites are also allowable.
Submissions must be camera-ready, with author names and affiliations listed.
The review process will be single blind. Poster abstracts should consist of
a PDF formatted according to the Eurographics / Computer Graphics Forum
style, and be no more than 1 page in length. Posters should be written and
presented in English. Supplementary material such as videos may also be
submitted electronically and will be made available to reviewers. Finally,
we also encourage the authors to submit a draft of the poster of size A0 in
PDF as supplementary material.
Poster abstracts will be included in the ACM and EG Digital Libraries, thus
providing a better and longstanding referencing to such works.
**Fast Forward Slide**
Authors of accepted posters will be required to provide a PowerPoint slide
describing their work for the poster fast forward presentation session. A
slide template and video guidelines will be provided to presenters.
**Oral Presentation**
For the final presentation, videos and interactive demonstrations are highly
encouraged. We will provide electrical outlets and tables so that authors
can display such demonstrations using their own equipment.
**Important Dates**
All deadlines are 23:59 GMT.
Poster submussion: May 16, 2016
Poster notification: May 27, 2016
Camera-ready posters: June 10, 2016
Symposium: July 11-13, 2016
**Organization Committee**
Conference chairs:
Barbara Solenthaler, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Matthias Teschner, University of Freiburg, Germany
Program chairs:
Ladislav Kavan, University of Utah, USA
Chris Wojtan, IST Austria, Austria
Poster chair:
Jan Bender, TU Darmstadt, Germany
STAG 2016 - Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics
Genova, October 3-4 2016
The aim of the conference is to focus on smart novel ideas and smart
customization of existing modeling and rendering techniques for effective
Computer Graphics applications. The goal is also to bring together
practitioners, users and researchers, which will hopefully inspire further
collaboration between participants particularly between academia and
The topics are (but not limited to):
Imaging and image processing
Human-Computer Interaction
Graphics systems
Information visualization
Volume graphics
Web graphics
In particular, we are looking for:
Tricks and Hacks: clever ways to optimize or otherwise improve known
techniques or algorithms for real-world applications
Original Techniques and Algorithms: new ways to solve real problems. Methods
that offer improvements over ones in common use.
Experience/Advice: how to make practical use of known research results. For
example, what are the parameter settings that really work? How much
precision is needed? How many data points?
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: July 17, 2016
Notification: August 20, 2016
Camera ready: September 7, 2016
Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory. Papers must be written in
English, must be anonymized, should not exceed 10 pages in length, and must
be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum
publication guidelines. This event uses a double-blind reviewing approach,
so please remove all personal data (like such as authors, affiliations,
etc.) from your submission. Reviewers are asked to keep confidential all
materials sent to them for evaluation.
We are planning special issues of contributions presented at STAG 2016. In
2015, the authors of the three selected best papers were invited to submit
an extended version of their works for review and potential publication in a
Special Issue of the Computer and Graphics Journal, Elsevier.
Program Committee (tentative):
Marco Agus, CRS4
Francesco Banterle, ISTI - CNR
Daniela Cabiddu, IMATI - CNR
Matteo Dellepiane, ISTI - CNR
Marco Fratarcangeli, Chalmers, University of Technology
Giovanni Gallo, Università di Catania
Fabio Ganovelli, ISTI - CNR
Andrea Giachetti, Università di Verona
Enrico Gobbetti, CRS4
Jose A. Iglesias-Guitian, Disney Research
Federico Iuricich, DISI, Università di Genova
Marco Livesu, IMATI - CNR
Fabio Marton, CRS4
Fabio Pellacini, Università la Sapienza, Roma
Paolo Pingi, ISTI - CNR
Riccardo Scateni, Università di Cagliari
Alberto Signoroni, Università di Brescia
Davide Spano, Università di Cagliari
Marc Stamminger, University of Erlangen
Marco Tarini, Università dell'Insubria
Event Chair: Silvia Biasotti (IMATI-CNR)
Program Chairs: Gianni Pintore (CRS4), Filippo Stanco (Università di
Thesis award Chairs: Andrea Giachetti (Università di Verona), Marco Tarini
(Università dell'Insubria)
Call for Posters: ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer
(SCA) Zurich, July 11-13, 2016
Conference website:
Submission deadline: May 16, 2016
Notification: May 27, 2016
The 15th annual Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) will be held in
beautiful Zurich, Switzerland, July 11-13 2016, at the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich). SCA is the premier forum for
innovations in the software and technology of computer animation. It unites
researchers and practitioners working on all aspects of time-based
phenomena. Our focused, intimate gathering, with single track program and
emphasis on community interaction, makes SCA the best venue to exchange
research results, get inspired, and set up collaborations.
Don't miss out!
We invite submissions to the poster and demo session. As in previous years,
the poster and demo session will be an integral part of the SCA program.
Note that posters are not formal publications, so work submitted as a poster
is still eligible for later publication.
Posters will be included the ACM and EG digital libraries. Note however that
as usual, a SCA poster does not preclure subsequent publication of a
complete paper on the same topic by the same authors (however, a SCA poster
by other authors is considered prior art and should be cited as such).
We encourage any of the following types of poster submissions:
- Up and coming computer animation research
- Technically novel production work
- Work done outside of SCA that would be of interest to the computer
animation community. This includes animation-related works recently accepted
to other conferences.
- Half-baked ideas and negative results
**Electronic Submission**
All PDF poster submissions should be submitted via email to
sca2016.posters(a) by the deadline. Due to GMail's limits, each email
message must be less than 25MB. If this is not sufficient for your
submission or supplemental materials, you may send your submission in parts
as attachments to several emails. For supplemental materials, links to
external websites are also allowable.
Submissions must be camera-ready, with author names and affiliations listed.
The review process will be single blind. Poster abstracts should consist of
a PDF formatted according to the Eurographics / Computer Graphics Forum
style, and be no more than 1 page in length. Posters should be written and
presented in English. Supplementary material such as videos may also be
submitted electronically and will be made available to reviewers. Finally,
we also encourage the authors to submit a draft of the poster of size A0 in
PDF as supplementary material.
Poster abstracts will be included in the ACM and EG Digital Libraries, thus
providing a better and longstanding referencing to such works.
**Fast Forward Slide**
Authors of accepted posters will be required to provide a PowerPoint slide
describing their work for the poster fast forward presentation session. A
slide template and video guidelines will be provided to presenters.
**Oral Presentation**
For the final presentation, videos and interactive demonstrations are highly
encouraged. We will provide electrical outlets and tables so that authors
can display such demonstrations using their own equipment.
**Important Dates**
All deadlines are 23:59 GMT.
Poster submussion: May 16, 2016
Poster notification: May 27, 2016
Camera-ready posters: June 10, 2016
Symposium: July 11-13, 2016
**Organization Committee**
Conference chairs:
Barbara Solenthaler, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Matthias Teschner, University of Freiburg, Germany
Program chairs:
Ladislav Kavan, University of Utah, USA
Chris Wojtan, IST Austria, Austria
Poster chair:
Jan Bender, TU Darmstadt, Germany
The Computer Graphics Lab at Braunschweig University of Technology, Germany,
is seeking applications for one PhD and one postdoctoral Research Associate
position to strengthen our research team for the DFG Project "Immersive
Digital Reality"
( <>
Interested candidates should have finished their Master's/PhD degree with
very good grades, have a strong mathematical background and excellent
programming skills in C/C++, CUDA and/or Python. You should have experience
in computer vision, computer graphics and/or image processing. Very good
verbal as well as writing skills in German and English are essential.
Convincing applications including cover letter, CV, diploma copies incl.
grades should be sent to: <>
Application deadline is May 31, 2016.
For the full text of the job advertisement please see:
14th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
Genova, Italy, 5-7 October 2016
Call for Papers
The 14th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH 2016)
aims to foster an international dialogue between ICT experts and CH
scientists to have a better understanding of the critical requirements for
processing, managing, and delivering cultural information to a broader
audience. The objective of the workshop is to present and showcase new
developments within the overall process chain, from data acquisition,
analysis and synthesis, 3D documentation, and data management, to new forms
of interactive presentations and 3D printing solutions. Interdisciplinary
approaches for analysis, classification and interpretation of cultural
artefacts are particularly relevant to the event.
The intention of GCH 2016 is also to establish a scientific forum for
scientists and CH professionals to exchange and disseminate novel ideas and
techniques in research, education and dissemination of Cultural Heritage,
transfer them in practice, and trace future research and technological
directions. Therefore, we seek original, innovative and previously
unpublished contributions in the computer graphics area applied to digital
cultural heritage, challenging the state of the art solutions and leveraging
new ideas for future developments. Specific sessions will be devoted to
reports on applications, experiences and projects in this domain.
Contributions are solicited (but not limited to) in the following areas:
. 2/3/4D data acquisition and processing in Cultural Heritage
. Multispectral imaging and data fusion
. Digital acquisition, representation and communication of intangible
. Material acquisition analysis
. Heterogeneous data collection, integration and management
. 3D printing of cultural assets
. Shape analysis and interpretation
. Similarity and search of digital artefacts
. Visualization and Virtual Museums
. Multi-modal and interactive environments and applications for Cultural
. Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections with digital
. Semantic-aware representation of digital artefacts (metadata,
classification schemes, annotation)
. Digital libraries and archiving of 3D documents
. Standards and documentation
. Serious games in Cultural Heritage
. Storytelling and design of heritage communications
May 16 Full Papers, Short Papers: EXTENDED!
June 30 Notification
Sept 5 Final Camera Ready
All the accepted papers will be published by the Eurographics Association
and will be stored in the EG Digital Library.
The authors of selected best papers will be invited to submit an extended
version to the ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH, see at
Event Co-Chairs
Bianca Falcidieno - CNR IMATI, Italy
Dieter Fellner - TU Darmstadt/Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
Program Co-Chairs
Chiara Eva Catalano - CNR IMATI, Italy
Livio De Luca - MAP (Models and simulations for Architecture and Cultural
Heritage) Lab, CNRS, France