EuroVis 2019 Posters Track
Call for Posters
Deadline: April 7, 2019, 23:59 GMT
EuroVis 2019 (3-7 June 2018, in Porto, Portugal) features a posters track.
The posters track will present late-breaking results, work in progress, and
follow-up extensions, application case studies, or evaluations of existing
methods. In particular, it provides young researchers, especially
postgraduate students, with valuable opportunities to receive feedback from
other researchers and engage in stimulating discussions.
Submission Instructions
We solicit poster submissions in the form of a sketch (i.e., an extended
abstract of at most 2 pages in the EuroVis poster format, with an additional
page allowed for references only).We strongly encourage the submission of
additional materials. For example, you can submit an additional PDF (without
any page limit) that contains a number of example results, screenshots, an
interaction sequence, etc. The poster draft can also be added as additional
material (but is not mandatory for the submission). Finally, submissions can
also include supplementary material such as videos or executable programs.
In particular for interactive tools/approaches, a digital video is essential
and thus strongly encouraged to allow the reviewers to assess the
interactive aspects.
Poster sketches are to be submitted using the Precision Conference System (
<> PCS).
At least one author of an accepted poster must attend the conference to
present the work, and authors will also be required to present a brief (less
than one-minute) summary of their poster content at the opening preview
session (also called fast-forward).
Both a PDF version of the poster and the extended abstract will be included
on the conference USB stick and also in the EG digital library with a DOI.
The material in a poster/sketch can later be reused by the original authors
for a more extensive publication (e.g., a full paper) with more detailed
content and mature results, without being considered self-plagiarism.
For detailed poster preparation and submission instructions please refer to
the submission guidelines (
Important Dates
* April 07, 2019: Submission deadline
* April 28, 2019: Notification of acceptance
* May 05, 2019: Camera-ready version
All deadlines are at 23:59 GMT.
Poster Program Co-Chairs: Renata Raidou (TU Wien, Austria) and João Madeiras
Pereira (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
EuroVis General Chairs: Alfredo Ferreira (INESC-ID, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa) and Joaquim A. Jorge (INESC-ID, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
Our research team would like to recruit a post-doctoral student in computer graphics for 12 to 18 months. The topic is to modelize and simulate the appearance of ancient precious textiles in a virtual heritage project which aims to reconstruct the "The Field of the Cloth of Gold" (1520).
More details are provided here : <>
C. Renaud
Pr. C. Renaud
Directeur du LISIC
Laboratoire d'Informatique, Signal et Image
de la Côte d'Opale (LISIC)
BP 719 - 62228 Calais cedex
tél. : (+33) 321 46 56 66
fax. : (+33) 321 46 06 86
**** Early bird deadline approaching: March 31st 2019 ********
Some Program Milestones:
* More than 100 presentations
* New Think Tank sessions
* On-Site Lunch
* Social Events
* Electronic Theater
Preliminary Program: <>
Eurographics 2019 continues a series of events organized by the Eurographics
Association covering the wide field of computer graphics, from applied
geometry techniques of meshing and surface reconstruction to photorealistic
rendering techniques, as well as computer animation and simulation of
natural phenomena or fabrication. The 40th Eurographics conference will be
held on May 6-10 2019 in Genova, Italy.
It will be hosted at the Porto Antico Conference Center at Magazzini del
Cotone (Cotton Warehouses) located on one of the ancient quays of the old
port of Genova, in the center of the city.
Besides an outstanding technical program with fantastic keynote speakers,
such as Bernd Bickel, Florence Bertails-Descoubes and Enrico Gobbetti, the
conference also offers social activities and opportunity to meet with other
participants during on site lunches and coffee breaks, the welcome cocktail
and the social event, which will take place at the Palazzo Grimaldi della
Meridiana, one of the historical Genoese Palaces that became a Unesco World
Heritage site.
This year, in collaboration with SIGGRAPH, Eurographics 2019 will present
the Electronic Theater to our participants and invite you to join this
fantastic show.
All information about the conference can be found at:
Looking forward to seeing you in Genova!
Michela Spagnuolo, Franca Giannini, Marina Monti and Bianca Falcidieno
Conference Chairs
Submit your papers, posters and sketches to SCA 2019 in Los Angeles!
Papers due April 5; sketches & posters due May 8.
Website: <>
The 18th annual Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) will take place in
sunny Los Angeles, California from July 26 to July 28, 2019, immediately
before SIGGRAPH. For almost two decades now, SCA has been the premier forum
for presenting innovations in the theory and practice of computer animation.
Bringing together academic and industrial researchers and practitioners
working in all aspects of time-based phenomena, SCA provides an intimate
setting that encourages community interaction, promotes the exchange of
research results, inspires future ideas, and establishes new collaborations.
Conditionally accepted regular papers will undergo a second round of
revision and will, upon approval, appear in the new journal Proceedings of
the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (PACMCGIT). Best
Paper Awards will be given to excellent submissions that push the leading
edge. New this year, we are also excited to introduce SCA Sketches, which
provides a forum to present and discuss your late-breaking, innovative, and
thought-provoking animation ideas and work-in-progress at SCA.
SCA 2019 will also feature an exciting lineup of keynote and invited
speakers, which so far includes:
Uri Ascher, UBC (Keynote)
Etienne Vouga, UT Austin
Melina Skouras, Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes
Mridul Aanjaneya, Rutgers
Chenfanfu Jiang, University of Pennsylvania
Steve Tonneau, University of Edinburgh
We invite work on a broad range of animation topics, including:
2D, 3D, and N-D animation systems
Autonomous characters
Clothing and hair animation and simulation
Expressive motion / communication
Facial animation
Fabrication of dynamic objects and characters
Group and crowd behavior
Intuitive interfaces for creating and editing animations
Mathematical foundations of animation
Methods of control and artistic direction of simulations
Nature in motion (natural phenomena, plants, clouds, )
New time-based art forms on the computer
Novel time-varying phenomena
Perceptual foundations and metrics for animation
Physical realism / measuring the real world for animation
Physical simulation
Fluid animation
Planning / learning / optimization for animation
Real-time and interactive methods
Camera control methods for computer animation
Sound and speech for animation well as related problems and techniques in robotics, game development,
human-computer interaction, simulation, visualization, computer vision, and
Regular Papers:
We invite submissions of original, high-quality papers on computer
animation, broadly defined as computation dealing with time-varying
phenomena. Each submission should be 7-10 pages in length (excluding
references) and will be reviewed by an international program committee for
technical quality, novelty, significance, and clarity. All conditionally
accepted regular papers will be guaranteed a presentation slot and to appear
in the SCA proceedings. They will then undergo a thorough second round of
revision and review, and (conditional on final acceptance) be published in
the new journal Proceedings of the ACM in Computer Graphics and Interactive
Techniques (PACMCGIT). In the case that a paper fails to pass the second
review round, authors retain the option to withdraw the paper or exclude it
from the conference/proceedings, if requested.
As in previous years, the poster (1-2 pages) session will be an integral
part of the SCA program. The poster session will be held prior to the
reception Friday evening and will follow a posters fast-forward session
during which all presenters will have the opportunity to give a one-minute
description of their work. Posters will be included in the conference
proceedings and the ACM and EG digital libraries.
Sketches (NEW!):
We also invite sketch submissions (in 2-4 pages) for quick dissemination of
fresh, compact ideas. These submissions will also undergo a full review by
the program committee, but with greater emphasis placed on novelty and
potential future impact over polish or completeness. Accepted submissions
will be presented during the symposium. Sketches can be freely published in
other venues because they will not be archived in any journal, conference
proceedings, or digital libraries. We hope that feedback from reviewers and
attendees will help to improve your work for a future paper submission!
Important Dates:
Regular Papers:
Paper Submission: April 5, 2019 23:59 UTC
Notification of Acceptance: May 2, 2019
Paper Revised Version: May 23, 2019
Paper Final Notification: June 7, 2019
Camera-Ready Paper: June 12, 2019
Sketches & Posters:
Sketch/Poster Submission: May 8, 2019 23:59 UTC
Notification of Acceptance: May 23, 2019
July 26-28, 2019
Conference Co-Chairs:
Sung-Hee Lee, KAIST
Craig Schroeder, UC Riverside
Program Co-Chairs:
Christopher Batty, University of Waterloo
Jin Huang, Zhejiang University
Posters Chair:
Tamar Shinar, UC Riverside
Dear EG members: we have two PhD positions on visual computing subjects
available in our group, funded by a Marie Curie project (see below). Could
you be so kind to inform students of this opportunity? Thanks a lot!
-- Enrico Gobbetti
CRS4/Visual Computing
Call for two MSCA-ITN Early-Stage Researchers (PhD positions) on Advanced
Visual and Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication
We are happy to announce the availability at CRS4 of 2 Early-Stage
Researcher (ESR) PhD positions (out of 14) in the Marie Sklodowska-Curie
Innovative Training Network on Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing for
3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication (EVOCATION). This project has received
funding from the European Unions (EU) Horizon 2020 research and innovation
program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813170.
EVOCATION, started in October 2018 and lasting four years, is a leading
European-wide doctoral Collegium focusing on scalable and high-fidelity
shape and appearance acquisition, extraction of structure and semantic
information, processing, visualization, 3D display and 3D fabrication in
professional and consumer applications. The ESRs will receive scientific
skills in cutting-edge techniques in a highly stimulating and collaborative
international environment involving eight leading institutions across
Europe. Further information on the EVOCATION network is available at
The two ESRs will be hosted by the Visual Computing Group of the CRS4
research center in Italy, at the forefront of research in the acquisition,
storage, processing, distribution, and interactive exploration of massive
data. More information on the Visual Computing group is available at
The two specific research topics are the scalable reconstruction and
exploration of complex indoor environments (main topics: 3D reconstruction,
(deep) learning, modeling) and the scalable exploration of complex objects
and environments beyond visual replication (main topics: real-time graphics,
rendering, visualization).
The main goal is to conduct excellent research, generating results which are
published and presented in top international journals and conferences, while
being practically applicable for solving challenging large scale
visualization problems. The activities will not only include research and
continuing education for network participants, but also support in teaching
(esp. to other network participants), as well as system/software maintenance
and administrative tasks. The work will involve trans-national mobility and
will also include pursuing a PhD degree at the University of Cagliari.
Full details are available on EURAXESS:
Enrico Gobbetti ( Enrico.Gobbetti(a) )
Director of Visual Computing, CRS4 ( <> )
Main Lab: CRS4, Via Ampère 2, I-09134 Cagliari (CA), ITALY
Pula Offices: CRS4, POLARIS Ed. 1, C.P. 25, I-09010 Pula (CA), ITALY
8th Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing
Call for Papers
Researchers should submit one of:
- Regular paper (max 8 pages) reporting new work or new ideas in a relevant
research area.
- Short paper (max 4 pages) describing work in progress or a vision of the
near term future of intelligent cinematography.
- Invited paper (1 page abstract) reporting relevant work already published
in other venues.
Proceedings of the workshop will be published by EG Publishing in the EG
Digital Library.
The prospective schedule for the workshop is as follows:
Paper deadline: 28 March 2019
Notification: 15 April 2019
Camera Ready Due: 20 April 2019
Workshop : 6 May 2019
* Adam Myhill, Creative Director at Unity, Head of Cinemachine
Adam Myhill has spent almost two decades in video game and film worlds,
working as a Director of Photography and CG supervisor at Electronic Arts
and Blackbird Interactive. Using his experience on multiple titles and as a
feature film DP on several movies, Myhill created a ground-breaking
procedural cinematic and in-game camera system called Cinemachine, which is
now an integral part of Unity's offering where he now works to empower
creators. He also holds a number of technology patents around virtual
cameras and procedural cinematography.
* Stephen Jolly, Senior R&D Engineer, BBC R&D
Stephen Jolly is a Senior R&D Engineer at BBC R&D. He has been employed by
the BBC as a research engineer since 2004, and has worked on a very wide
range of projects in areas such as digital radio, 3D television, television
remote control APIs, television companion applications and the Internet of
Things. He currently co-leads the AI in Production project at BBC R&D,
focusing on cinematic feature extraction in video materials, and automated
Camera path planning and visibility
Interactive and automatic camera control
Automatic video editing
Movie pre-visualization
Game cinematics, cinematic replays, and machinima
Virtual reality and augmented reality movie making
Immersive and interactive cinema
Natural user interfaces for cinematography and video editing
Expressive performance of virtual characters
Cognitive models of film perception
Automatic video analysis of movies
Re-cinematography, re-lighting and re-framing of live-action video
Computer-assisted multi-camera production
Evaluation methodologies and user experience
Analysis of film style
-Marc Christie, Univ Rennes, Inria, CNRS
-Stephen Jolly, BBC R&D
-Hui-Yin Wu, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
Dear Colleagues,
we have extended the deadline for the EuroVis Workshop on Trustworthy
Visualization (TrustVis) to April 5.
TrustVis, formerly known as EuroRVVV, will be held as a co-located event
with EuroVis 2019 on June 3rd in Porto, Portugal.
/// EuroVis Workshop on Trustworthy Visualization
/// New submission deadline: April 5
TrustVis is a continuation of the EuroRVVV workshop, which was held six
times in conjunction with EuroVis and IEEE VIS. TrustVis includes the topics
covered by EuroRVVV Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation in
visualization and also widens the scope.
We use the term trust in a broad sense. As a user, trust in a
visualization might mean that:
* It shows the numbers I know from my spreadsheets (a common use case in
* I understand how it is showing the data and I know how to interpret it
(HCI, perception, etc.)
* It shows results that I can verify or validate by some means
(verification, validation)
* It employs methods that are based on sound research (reproducibility of
* If I get sued for a decision I make based on this, I will be able to use
it as evidence that I did nothing wrong (reproducibility of decisions)
* It shows me the limits of what my data and/or models can provide
Topics we are looking for in the TrustVis workshop include, but are not
limited to:
* Verification and validation in visualization
* Reproducibility of visualization methods and decision making
* Ways to improve trust in visualization
* Uncertainty visualization
* Ways to attack visualization (adversarial visualization)
We welcome short paper contributions, which will be peer-reviewed in a
one-stage process by an international program committee. They will be
electronically archived in the Eurographics Digital Library and are fully
citable publications. Submissions for the TrustVis track should be no longer
than 4 pages for the main content, plus one page for references. All
accepted papers will be presented at the workshop.
Besides regular short papers, we also welcome short position papers, where
authors have an opportunity to state opinions, present controversial
arguments, show on-going work, or share thoughts for future directions.
Important Dates:
*Paper Submission Deadline*: April 5, 2019
Acceptance Notification: April 19, 2019
Camera-ready Deadline: April 24, 2019
Workshop Date: June 3, 2019
Further details, including the call for papers and submission instructions,
can be found at <>
The TrustVis 2019 Organizers
Robert Kosara // Tableau Software, United States
Kai Lawonn // University of Koblenz Landau, Germany
Lars Linsen // University of Münster, Germany
Noeska Smit // University of Bergen, Norway
Call for Papers - <> Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2019
(A <…> EUROGRAPHICS symposium in cooperation with ACM <…> SIGGRAPH)
Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
8-10 July, 2019
Conference website: <>
The Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2019 will be held at Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy on 8-10 July, 2019. Following the success of previous editions, a <> Graduate School will offer tutorials taught by leading experts on the weekend of 6-7 July.
The SGP is the premier venue for disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in Geometry Processing. In this research area, concepts from mathematics, computer science, and engineering are studied and applied to offer new insights and design efficient algorithms for acquisition, modeling, analysis, manipulation, simulation and other types of processing of 3D models and shape collections.
The SGP proceedings will appear as a regular electronic issue of Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal of the EUROGRAPHICS Association. The journal status of the proceedings requires a two-stage review process with conditional acceptance after the first round and final acceptance based on the revised submissions.
We are happy to announce <> Daniel Cremers (TU Munich), <> David Eppstein (University of California, Irvine), <> Yaron Lipman (Weizmann Institute) and <> Hao (Richard) Zhang (Simon Fraser University) as invited speakers.
We invite submissions related to, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Acquisition and reconstruction
- Analysis and design for fabrication
- Architectural and industrial geometry
- Computational geometric design
- Computer-aided design and manufacturing
- Discrete differential geometry
- Exploration of shape collections
- Geometry and topology representations
- Geometry compression
- Geometric data sorting, clustering, and visualization
- Geometry processing applications
- Interactive techniques for shape design and editing
- Isogeometric analysis
- Machine learning in geometry
- Mesh editing and deformation
- Meshing and remeshing
- Multiresolution modeling and subdivision meshes
- Multimodal shape processing
- Procedural geometric modeling
- Processing of big geometric datasets
- Shape analysis and synthesis
- Simulation and animation
- Smoothing and denoising
- Surface and volume parameterization
- Abstract submissions: April 5, 2019
- Full paper submissions: April 11, 2019
- Notification of acceptance: May 22, 2019
- Revised version due: June 14, 2019
- Camera ready copy due: June 24, 2019
<> Paper submission via SRMv2 system: <>
All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC / GMT
Awards and Recognitions
Following its traditions, SGP 2019 will attribute three best paper awards, a software award recognizing the authors of an open-source software that has greatly influenced the field, and a data set award designed to acknowledge the suppliers of high-quality datasets used in geometry processing. In addition, SGP provides papers with the reproducibility stamp to recognize the effort of researchers who, in addition to publishing their paper at SGP 2019, provide a complete open-source implementation of their algorithm.
Conference Chairs
Marco Tarini <> (University of Milan, Italy)
Alessandro Rizzi <> (University of Milan, Italy)
Paolo Cignoni <> (ISTI, Italy)
Technical Program Chairs
David Bommes <> (University of Bern, Switzerland)
Hui Huang <> (Shenzhen University, China)
Graduate School Chairs
Marcel Campen <http://graphic> (Osnabrück University, Germany)
Sylvain Lefebvre <> (INRIA Nancy, France)
SGP Steering Committee
Leif Kobbelt <> (RWTH Aachen, Germany) [President]
Marc Alexa <> (TU Berlin, Germany)
Pierre Alliez <> (INRIA, France)
Niloy Mitra <> (UCL, UK)
Daniele Panozzo <> (NYU, USA)
UNESCO CHAIR on Digital Cultural Heritage
Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary
qualifications in order to fill one (1) Full-time Researcher Position:
Special Scientist for Research / Senior Researcher A / ERA Chair holder on
Digital Cultural Heritage) at the newly established UNESCO and European
Research Area Chairs on Digital Cultural Heritage within the Digital
Heritage Research Laboratory (DHRLab) of the Cyprus University of Technology
(CUT) in the research field of Digital Heritage and Cultural Informatics.
The selected scientist will work for fifty-four (54) months within the EU
H2020 ERA Chair Mnemosyne Project, a unique EU-funded programme bringing
together for the first time a worldwide network, aiming at implementing a
multidisciplinary and intersectoral educational, research and training
programme between academic research, creative industries and key Cultural
Heritage stakeholders.
Cultural Heritage is a strategic resource for Europe with high cultural,
social, environmental and economic value. The era of Digital Cultural
Heritage (DCH) is now well underway and the European research resource for
DCH has grown significantly in recent years worldwide. But the visible
contribution of the EU Widening countries to this effort remains relatively
weak. The Digital Heritage Research Laboratory (DHRLab) at Cyprus University
of Technology (CUT) has been an exception in this
respect, becoming a beacon in the Eastern Mediterranean and for Europe in
general, in particular through its leadership of key initiatives in DCH
research training and in EU policy co-ordination and support. While the
Cypriot economy gradually recovers, in order to maintain and expand its
leading role in DCH research, DHRLab needs further investment. This call for
an ERA Chair is an ideal opportunity to ensure this by means of a
well-designed and iterative process of strengthening its research capacity
and restructuring of its role. Therefore, the EU ERA Chair Mnemosyne project
will proceed from the appointment of an outstanding researcher and research
manager as ERA Chair holder in 2019, who will attract, direct and maintain
high quality human resources and negotiate and implement the necessary
structural changes to achieve excellence on a sustainable basis. The project
will be carried out over a period of 5 years. Following recruitment of the
ERA Chair Research Team, a three-phase research programme centered on
holistic documentation (knowledge management) of the DCH life cycle in
support of existing and potential user needs, will be carried out and
extensively evaluated, with strong attention paid to exploitation.
Communication activities will be strategically planned and refined from the
outset of the work and will last throughout the project duration.
Cyprus University of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Computer Engineering and Informatics
Digital Heritage Research Lab
Archbishop Kyprianou 30
CY-3036 Limassol, Cyprus
Tel.: +357-25-002020,
Fax: +357-25-002899
Email: marinos.ioannides(a)
The EU ERA Chair MNEMOSYNE has received funding from the European Unions
Horizon 2020
Programme as Coordination and Support Action, under GA n° 810857
The ERA Chair will be recruited by the host organization of the Cyprus
University of Technology in Limassol, Cyprus for the duration of fifty-four
(54) months under a full employment contract with the possibility of
extension. The Chair holder will work closely together with the Director of
DHRLab and the team of the UNESCO Chair on DCH and be responsible for the
planned research topics and areas. It is noted that for this purpose funding
is included in the MNEMOSYNE project for a group of post-doctoral scholars
and PhD researchers to assist the Chair, the team at DHRLab and the UNESCO
An outline of the research topics under consideration (subject to agreement
with the ERA Chair) includes:
A. Holistic structures and standardization
- definition and creation of holistic documentation pipelines for specific
user communities;
- creation of standards for 3D documentation and knowledge management.
B. DCH data acquisition
- advanced digitisation and approaches such as mass, crowdsourced and
on-demand digitisation;
- methods for crowdsourcing content and allowing user-generated content for
DCH in the cloud on cloud-computing for DCH, e.g. by leveraging popular
- the use of UAVs and related technologies in capturing documentation;
- automated metadata extraction and crowd;
- realizing the potential of big data management and opportunities created
by the vast volume, variety and velocity of mainly unstructured new data,
generated every day most for finding and using previously inaccessible
European digital content;
C. DCH data processing
- user-oriented metadata and ontology standards for the description and
exchange of DCH data;
- metadata designs especially of language-based data close to human
conceptual systems and gaining insights from data in natural language;
- innovative tools and methods to extract meaning from digital artefacts,
including video recordings, audio recordings, digital images, text,
multispectral and thermal
- information and 3D representations of objects or scenes;
- generation and presentation of localized DCH content and its documentation
to enhance audience value (in services such as Europeana) for example
through efficient and innovative acquisition and deployment of geospatial
D. Data modelling
- data modelling and semantics, including those for Intangible Heritage and
the modelling of motion for DCH;
- classification and typology of objects, sites and monuments and its impact
on media display and environments where these can be exhibited;
- using immersive VR and AR technology (Mixed Reality MR) to blend and/or
emphasize dimensions and detail environmental experiences;
- interactive environments in DCH e.g. re-creating 3D space through spatial
references, imaging and modelling.
E. Knowledge management (interpretation)
- establishing meaningful narratives (storytelling) for DCH objects which
are meaningful to identified user groups for interpretation purposes;
- using crowdsourcing and the Internet to provide documentation resources
for experiencing, contributing and gaining understanding in cultural
heritage scenarios;
- systems for managing and re-using complex documentation and deriving
knowledge e.g. for monuments and sites;
- applications of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in DCH;
- applying Big Data Analytics to DCH;
- the role and applications of Linked Open Data in enriching DCH
information, linking exhibited content to other relevant content to provide
greater understanding;
- curation of digital assets;
- linking exhibited content to other relevant content to provide greater
understanding of the viewed item.
F. Preservation
- documentation for the preservation of European heritage;
- the virtual or actual reconstruction of destroyed or degraded sites and
artefacts including the digital restoration of important monuments destroyed
during conflict protecting against or remedying looting and destruction;
- virtual reunification of CH assets which have been scattered to
different parts of Europe and the world.
G. Use and re-use
- cost reduction and simplification of digital technologies;
- personalisation and interactivity of viewing experiences in DCH, including
the use of social media;
- new types of User Experiences (UX) with DCH that arise from the current
hardware and software revolution in the realms of VR/AR; interface
selection (e.g. Augmented Reality, holograms) to allow seamless blending of
on-site and on-line dimensions;
- visualisation techniques and their combination in different contexts,
drawing on the state of the art in technology and standards e.g. for
Interactive Video (IV); Immersive VR (IVR); Augmented Reality (AR); 3D
Real-time Editors (game-engines), Ultra High and Giga-Pixel Panoramas;
infinite zooming images; VR Wearables and Gesture Recognition Interfaces;
- inter-disciplinary collaborative research to establish paradigms in
socio-economic areas of DCH impact e.g. tourism, education, employment,
economic growth;
- crowdsourcing, co-creation and Citizen Science;
- using innovative social platforms to exchange user experiences and support
multidisciplinary approaches.
The Applicant should:
- Have completed at least a four or five-year education cycle (e.g. Diploma
in Engineering, Masters Degree etc.) from a recognized university in
Geomatics, Computer- / Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Surveying
Engineering and/or BA or MA in Humanities with a focus on e-CH) with at
least eleven years of continuous full-time research experience in the above
fields, and very good language, communication and implementation skills;
- For this unique position, an earned Doctorate degree from a recognized
University is required;
- The qualifications required for this position are the same as those
required for the post of a full Professor at the Cyprus University of
Technology and, in addition, the following qualifications are required:
o A total of at least eleven years of university / research
work or experience of equal value after the award of the doctoral
title, out of which, at least four shall be years of university work or
holding a post in the rank of Professor in a recognized University or
holding a position as a Senior Researcher in a recognized research
o International recognition of scientific work of
acknowledged merit, promising an important contribution to science:
publication of works, such as articles in international pre-reviewed
scientific journals of well-known reputation or monographs or books of
internationally recognized publishing companies, substantiating notable
autonomous research work.
o Ability to instruct and promote research, including the
supervision of postgraduate students, significant contributions in
research projects and track record in ensuring additional financing of
research activities.
o Indications of international recognition of the candidate´s
contribution to the research fields described or similar fields,
such as research reports, invitations for scientific lectures/keynotes,
assignment of the evaluation of articles, research reports/projects or
doctoral theses, participation in committees for the publication of
scientific journals or participation in the organization of seminars,
workshops and conferences.
o Significant contribution to the teaching and/or
administrative/management work of a University or research center.
o Supervision/coordination of successfully completed of
research projects or doctoral theses.
o Excellent knowledge of the English language at a
proficiency level (spoken and written).
The yearly gross salary for this position will be 78.000,00 Euro. From this
amount employer and employee contributions to the Cyprus government funds
will be deducted. A 13th monthly salary is incorporated into the monthly
gross salary. In addition, health insurance will be funded by the program.
Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), was established by law in 2004, and
enrolled its first students in 2007. With its orientation towards applied
research, the University aspires to establish for itself a role in support
of the state and society in their efforts to confront problems, which cover
all areas of science and technology. CUT involvement in research can be
recognized from the fact that within the last four years, projects with more
than 30M Euro have been funded. CUT is an advanced University equipped with
the most modern infrastructures and technological equipment which makes it
possible to be the strongest on the island in research, with specialized
units directed by distinguished professionals. The Digital Heritage Research
Laboratory (DHRLab), established in 2013, is directed by Dr. Marinos
Ioannides and already works in the digital and holistic documentation of
Cultural Heritage Objects as well as contributing to national and European
policies for DCH. Moreover, the Lab is very active in 3D Reconstruction and
HBIM with a special focus on semantics and symbolic representation.
UNESCO Chair on Digital Heritage: The main scope of this unique Chair is to
extend the successful work of the DHRLab and address a full range of key
aspects of novel research and innovative developments such as:
- the e-documentation and analysis of cultural heritage data for both
tangible and intangible heritage;
- technical areas, including 2D and 3D virtual environments (tangible and
intangible), archives and collections management systems, web and museum
based interactive applications and language technologies;
- non-technical areas, including testing, economic and social impact
evaluation in support of the development of the cultural heritage sector and
its opportunities in tourism, entertainment and education.
Applications must be sent via email at: HRecruits(a) with the
subject: Application for Researcher Position (Special Scientist for
Research Senior Researcher A) Position Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering and Informatics no later than Friday 5 ?pril 2019,
12:00 (noon) which is the deadline for the submission of the applications.
For further information please contact Dr. Marinos Ioannides (Director of
the UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage) at email
marinos.ioannides(a) and telephone number +357-25-002020
UNESCO CHAIR on Digital Cultural Heritage
Full Time Marie S. Curie Early Stage Researcher Position (ESR) in the field
of Enrichment of 3D volumetric data with Metadata and Semantics
Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary
qualifications in order to fill one (1) full time Marie S. Curie Early Stage
Researcher (ESR) Fellow Position in the newly established UNESCO Chair on
Digital Cultural Heritage / Digital Heritage Research Lab of the Cyprus
University of Technology (CUT) in the research field of Enrichment of 3D
volumetric objects with Metadata and Semantics: The selected Marie S. Curie
ESR will work for thirty six (36) months within the ITN CHANGE Marie S.
Curie ITN Project, an EU-funded programme bringing together eight (8)
leading European Institutions as full beneficiaries and ten (10) other as
partners in a transnational network, aiming at implementing a
multidisciplinary and intersectorial research and training programme between
academic, research and the industrial partners.
Cultural Heritage (CH) is an integral element of Europe, vital for the
creation of a common European identity and one of the greatest assets for
steering Europe's social, economic development and job creation. However,
the current research training activities in CH are fragmented and mostly
designed as single-discipline, failing to cover the whole lifecycle of
Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) research, which is by nature a
multi-disciplinary and intersectorial agenda. The CHANGE project will train
a new generation of early stage researchers towards a common goal, namely
the assessment of changes in tangible cultural heritage objects and their
monitoring in the atmosphere and/or during their conservation treatment,
using multimodal imaging techniques to complement more traditional
analytical techniques. Their research will consist in optimizing capture of
data and their analysis, visualisation and management, to ensure a better
documentation and long-term preservation of our common European cultural
heritage. This work will be carried out within an interdisciplinary
environment involving 5 CH and 4 ICT beneficiary institutions as well as 9
CH, ICT and industrial partners from 8 EU countries.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No 813789
H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action ITN 2018 CHANGE
One ESR to be recruited by the host organization of the Cyprus University of
Technology in Limassol, Cyprus for the duration of three (3) years under
full employment contract. The fellow will work on: Development of advanced
metadata and semantic model for integrating: (1) Paradata of the acquisition
technologies and historical and archaeological evidence of CH objects, (2)
the argumentation leading to virtual reconstruction and discussing
alternatives with the object owners/ stakeholders, (3) the connection of
physical and social-historical, constructive, functional, aesthetic and
environmental parameters, etc. with 3D/4D documentation of CH objects.
Expected Results: A complete online platform for the holistic
e-documentation of 3D CH objects: metadata, paradata, semantics, reflecting
the interpretation and story of the 3D asset.
The Applicant should:
1. Have completed at least a four or five-year education cycle (e.g. Diploma
in Engineering, Master's Degree etc) from a recognized university in
Geomatics, Computer- / Electrical Engineering Computer Science, Surveying
Engineering and/or BA or MA in Humanities with a focus on e-CH with less
than four (4) years of continuous full-time research experience in the above
fields, with excellent programming skills and very good language and
communication / implementation skills,
2. At the time of recruitment, not have resided (or carried out his/her main
activity e.g. work, studies, etc.) in Cyprus, for more than 12 months in the
last 3 years immediately prior to the reference recruitment date,
3. Possess excellent knowledge of the English language at a proficiency
level (spoken and written)
Career Stage
Early stage researcher or 0-4 years of experience (Post graduate) -
According to the H2020 (Marie S. Curie Actions) Regulations. Eligibility
rules for the Marie S. Curie fellows can be found at the H2020 MSCA
2018-2020 Work programme:
Research Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No 813789
H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action ITN 2018 CHANGE
. Competitive salary to cover living allowance (2.701,02 Euro - gross
salary), mobility (600,00 Euro) plus a family allowance (if the candidate is
married: 500,00 Euro), social and health insurance (according to the H2020
Marie S. Curie Actions Programme and CUT regulations).
. In the context of a personal Career Development Plan, opportunities for
international collaboration, attend outstanding conferences/events and
exchanges to world-class academic and industrial partners will take place.
. Registration for a PhD at CUT / UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage,
Limassol, Cyprus.
. Training in a range of state-of-the-art scientific skills, intellectual
property and project management skills and visiting GR language courses at
CUT language center,
. Secondment placements within the network's partners (up to max. 30% of the
training period).
For more details on the fellow salary and other benefits/eligibility
criteria please refer to the H2020 Marie S. Curie actions CHANGE website at and
Applicants are requested to submit the following:
1. Detailed EuroPass - Curriculum Vitae in English - three (3) copies (see
2. Motivation Letter - three (3) copies,
3. Official certified transcripts of grades from all academic institutions
of higher education listed in his/her application, certified copies of
degrees, or/and certifications of fulfillment of the required obligations
for entering a graduate PhD programme - three (3) copies
4. Official certified copies of titles in English language - three (3)
5. Names and full address (including valid email) of three referees who,
upon request, can provide recommendation letters - three (3) copies
6. Copies of any related research papers or other significant
achievements/work by the applicant - three (3) copies
Applications must be submitted in a closed envelop marked as "Application
for H2020 Marie S. Curie CHANGE Research Fellow Position (ESR)" - UNESCO
CHAIR DCH - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and
Informatics at the premises of the Cyprus University of Technology, Human
Resource Department, 4th Floor, Arch. Kyprianos 31, CY-3036 Limassol via
express courier or must be sent via registered post (P.O. Box 50329, CY-3603
Limassol) with a clearly visible post office stamp of a date not later than
31st of May, 2019, 24:00 which is the deadline for the submission of the
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No 813789
H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action ITN 2018 CHANGE
Applicants are also requested to send their applications electronically to
the email address marinos.ioannides(a) before the deadline of 31st of
May 2019, however, please note that the electronic submission alone will not
be considered as a formal application unless the printed application is
received as requested in the previous paragraph.
For further information please contact Dr. Marinos Ioannides at email
marinos.ioannides(a) and telephone number +357-25-002020 or visit the
website: Research Fields Computer Science, Geomatics,
Archives, libraries, semantics, ontology, Photogrammetry, Computer Vision,
Computer Graphics, Big Data, Holistic documentation
Start of the fellowship: 1st of October 2019