Dear colleagues,
Télécom Paris, located in Palaiseau in the near suburbs of Paris, is hiring
a junior faculty member (assistant/associate professor) in Computer
The position is tenured but not reserved only for associate-level
applicants. Strong PhDs and PostDocs are more than encouraged to apply.
You can find the job description at this address:
You can contact Kiwon Um ( or myself
(jthiery(a) for more information about the position.
Have a good day,
best regards,
Caen, 28-30 September 2021
Organized by Universite Caen Normandie
In cooperation with Eurographics Association, ACM SIGGRAPH,
and Normandie Univ, ENSICAEN, CNRS, Region Normandie, Caen-la-mer
Conference web page:
<> ,
Follow us on Facebook:
CW 2021 SCOPE:
Created intentionally or spontaneously, cyberworlds are information spaces
and communities that
use computer technologies to augment the way we interact, participate in
business and receive
information throughout the world. CW 2021 is the 20th conference organized
annually since 2002.
CW 2021 will consider the following tracks and topics:
Applications of virtual and augmented reality in cyberspace; Art and
heritage in cyberspace;
Color theory and image recoloring for color vision defect support;
Computer vision for augmented and mixed reality; Electronic education in
Image processing and computer vision for vision enhancement; Image-based
ophthalmologic diagnosis;
Multi-user games in cyberspace; Multimodal interaction; Shape modeling in
Virtual and augmented reality for smart cities and smart manufacturing;
Virtual city modelling, processing and simulation; Virtual collaborative
Virtual humans and avatars; Visual analytics in cyberspace; Visual computing
for active ageing;
Virtual and augmented reality for the vision impaired.
Affective computing; BCI applications; Cognitive informatics; EEG-based
Emotion artificial intelligence; Game innovation for active living;
Human factors in transportation, maritime, and industry 4.0;
Human and machine intelligence coexistence; Human-robot interaction;
Machine and deep learning for biosignal-based algorithms; Machine-assisted
cognitive enhancement;
Mobile and adaptive BCIs; Multimodal interfaces; Neurofeedback systems and
Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity; Signal processing;
Virtual and augmented reality and human factors.
Authentication protocols; Behavioral biometrics; Biometric template
Content protection and digital rights management; Emerging biometrics;
Identity and trust management;
Information hiding and anonymity; Multi-biometrics; Password security;
Performance evaluation of biometric systems; Presentation attack detection;
Privacy protocols;
Privacy, security and trust in social media; Quality of biometric data; Risk
and reputation management;
Security of embedded systems; Security of personal data; Security protocols.
SUMISSION CATEGORIES: full paper (up to 8 pages), short paper (up to 4
poster paper (up to 4 pages with publication in the proceeding) and
poster only (1 page abstract without publication in the proceedings).
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS with all accepted poster papers will be published by
Conference Publishing Services as well as submitted to the IEEE Xplore
Digital Library,
IEEE Computer Society Digital Library and reference databases of all major
referencing indices
including EI Compendex, Scopus, and SCI
Friday 23 April Papers (Full/Short) submission
Monday 31 May Papers (Full/Short) notification
Friday 11 June Poster papers submission
Monday 28 June Poster papers notification
Friday 16 July Author registration
Friday 16 July Camera-ready papers submission to CPS
Paper submission page:
Christophe Rosenberger, ENSICAEN
Najoua Essoukri Ben Amara, National Engineering School ofSousse, Tunisia
Christophe Charrier, University Caen Normandie, France
Lyes Khoukhi, ENSICAEN, France
Alexei Sourin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Alexei Sourin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Olga Sourina, Fraunhofer Singapore, Singapore
Matthias Woelfel, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Christophe Rosenberger, Normandy University, France
Conference flyer for downloading:
cw2021(a) <>
CONFIDENTIALITY: This email is intended solely for the person(s) named and
may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended
recipient, please delete it, notify us and do not copy, use, or disclose its
Towards a sustainable earth: Print only when necessary. Thank you.
14th Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval 2021 (3DOR'21)
In Cooperation with Eurographics (pending) and Elsevier
September 2-3nd, 2021
Cardiff University, UK
3DOR is the dedicated workshop series for methods, applications and
evaluation of 3D object retrieval, classification, and similarity-based
object processing. The
workshop also includes the 2021 edition of the 3D Shape Retrieval Contest,
keynotes, project
presentations, and a social and networking event. Short papers will follow a
one-stage review
process and will appear in the Eurographics Digital Library (pending).
Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Thomas Funkhouser, Princeton University, USA
Prof. Alex M. Bronstein, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Important Dates: Full Paper Submissions for Computers & Graphics
15 March: Full paper submission, including SHREC papers
15 April: First decision
15 May: First revision
15 June: Second decision
30 June: Final version submission
5 June: Final decision
01 September 2021: Online publication
Important Dates: Short Paper Submission for EG Digital Library
10 July: Short paper submission
25 July: Short paper notification
18 August: Short Paper final version submission
01 September 2021: Online publication
3D Object Retrieval Workshop Series
From the very beginning, the aim of the 3DOR Workshop series is to stimulate
researchers to present state-of-the-art work, learn about or discuss topics
in the field 3D object retrieval, search and exploration in a
multi-disciplinary context of expertise such as Computer Vision, Computer
Graphics, Machine Learning, Cognitive Science and Human-Computer
Interaction. 3DOR provides a cross-fertilization that will stimulate
discussions on the next steps in this important research area. 3DOR 2021
will be the 14th workshop in this series.
Search engines are now the default way in which most people engage with
information, as the vast majority of information is born digital. 3D digital
content is today pervasive: low-cost 3D scanners, 3D printers, and powerful
modelling software have made 3D models appeal to an increasing audience.
Repositories of 3D objects are rapidly growing in both number and size.
Time-dependant acquisition, animation and simulation give rise to 3D objects
as a function of time, yielding 4D objects. Yet, the task of exploring such
large 3D/4D object repositories and retrieving the models of interest
remains a challenging problem. It is crucial to develop algorithms for
content-based searching of 3D object collections; creating compact and
accurate descriptors for 3D objects; creating efficient storage structures
for databases of 3D objects; investigating theoretical aspects of practical
importance, such as the definition of the similarity concept; interfaces for
content-based 3D object search; visualization techniques for 3D search
results; real time aspects of techniques and algorithms; new challenges such
as faceted 3D browsing, social search and navigation of hybrid datasets. The
complex yet concrete problems above are drawing increasing attention from
the research community, which is becoming more and more varied in terms of
disciplines needed to solve various facets of the challenges.
The 3DOR Workshop series has been characterized since the beginning by a
specific attention to benchmarking with the organization of the session on
the 3D Shape Retrieval Contest (SHREC). The general objective of the 3D
Shape Retrieval Contest is to evaluate the effectiveness of 3D-shape
retrieval methods and algorithms. SHREC 2021 is the 16th edition of the
contest. As in previous years, it is organized in conjunction with the
Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval. Results papers from SHREC
tracks will be reviewed in a two stage-review process, like regular full
papers (see below).
Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research and
application papers addressing all areas
of 3D/4D Object Retrieval. State of the art papers on specific topics of
interest are particularly welcome.
Submissions are invited in the form of full papers, which will be
peer-reviewed by a two-stage review
process, and published as a special section of Computers and Graphics
Journal (Elsevier). Also, short
papers are invited, which will follow a one-stage review process and will
appear in the Eurographics Digital
Library (pending).
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- 3D/4D shape analysis
- 3D/4D shape similarity and matching
- 3D/4D mesh sequence retrieval
- 3D/4D mobile media retrieval
- 3D/4D search in large scale data
- 3D/4D object classification, indexing, and mining
- Similarity of non-rigid shapes
- Shape correspondence
- 3D/4D shape decomposition, and segmentation
- Partial, part-in-whole, and many-to-many matching
- Matching under uncertainty and noise
- Semantics-driven 3D/4D object retrieval and classification
- Sketch-based retrieval
- Query interfaces and search modalities
- Benchmarking issues
- Deep learning for 3D/4D shape retrieval
- Generative/discriminative approaches in 3D object categorization
- Visual Analytics for 3D similarity assessment
- Applications in all areas relevant to 3D/4D objects, including multimedia
and information systems,
CAD, architecture, games, biometrics, e-science, e-learning, medicine,
biology, and cultural
heritage, among others.
Submission Information
Full papers
Authors must submit full track and full workshop papers to the Editorial
Manager for Computers & Graphics:
Please select VSI: 3DOR 2021 when you reach the "Article Type" step in the
submission process.
For further information and the appropriate template files please see the
C&G guide for authors:
For up-to-date submission information, please refer to the workshop webpage