Dear colleagues,
The Rendering and Modeling group at TU Wien is accepting applications for a
*PhD candidate* in the research project
*Instant Visualization and Interaction for Large Point Clouds (IVILPC)*:
to explore rendering, interaction, and learning solutions for massive
point-based data sets in the context of this exciting project. If you are
interested in topics like software rasterization on the GPU, virtual reality,
levels of detail, and/or ML for rendering, please apply via the link above!
The deadline for applications is May 20th, 2023, 23:59 CET), but please
contact me if you miss the deadline and still would like to apply.
Would you be so kind to distribute this job offer amongst your scientific
colleagues and potential candidates?
Michael Wimmer
-- Dr. Michael Wimmer--------------------------------------------------------
Institut fuer Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology
Technische Universitaet Wien tel: +43 (1) 58801 18687
Favoritenstr. 9-11/5/E193-02
A-1040 Wien, Oesterreich
The Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2023 will be held in Genova, Italy on 3-5 July, 2023. The SGP graduate school will offer tutorials taught by leading experts on 1-2 July.
SGP is the premier venue for disseminating research ideas and cutting-edge results in geometry processing. In this research area, concepts from mathematics, computer science, and engineering are developed and applied to offer insights into and to design efficient algorithms for acquisition, modeling, analysis, manipulation, simulation, and other types of processing of 3D models and shape collections.
We invite submissions related to, but not limited to, the following topics:
* Acquisition and reconstruction
* Analysis and fabrication for 3D printing
* Architectural geometry
* Computational geometry
* Differentiable rendering
* Discrete differential geometry
* Exploration of shape collections
* Geometry and topology data structures and representations
* Geometry compression
* Geometric deep learning
* Geometric representations for machine learning
* Geometry processing applications
* Interactive techniques
* Meshing and remeshing
* Multiresolution modeling
* Multimodal shape processing
* Neural shape representations
* Point cloud acquisition and processing
* Processing of massive geometric datasets
* Shape analysis and synthesis
* Simulation and animation
* Smoothing, filtering, and denoising
* Surface and volume parameterization and deformation
Dataset Papers
SGP encourages submission of dataset papers to the technical papers program. Geometric datasets play a critical role in evaluating the behavior of geometric algorithms, and in recent years they have provided challenging examples that have driven the field forward. We seek papers that build on this success by providing, documenting, and discussing datasets with larger, more challenging examples than those seen before—or datasets that capture new challenges in geometry processing.
The SGP proceedings will appear as a regular electronic issue of Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal of the EUROGRAPHICS Association. The journal status of the proceedings requires a two-stage review process with conditional acceptance after the first round and final acceptance based on the revised submissions.
Conference website:
Paper submission via the Submission and Review Management (SRMv2) system:
(Recommended) Abstract submission
April 7, 2023, 23:59 UTC
Paper submission
April 12, 2023, 23:59 UTC
Notification of acceptance
May 31, 2023
Revised version due
June 9, 2023, 23:59 UTC
Camera ready due
June 20, 2023, 23:59 UTC
Graduate School
July 1-2, 2023
July 3–5, 2023
All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC/GMT.
Awards and Recognitions
Following its traditions, SGP 2023 will attribute three best paper awards, a software award recognising the authors of an open-source software that has greatly influenced the field, and a data set award designed to acknowledge the suppliers of high quality datasets used in geometry processing. In addition, SGP may provide papers with the reproducibility stamp to recognise the effort of researchers who, in addition to publishing their paper at SGP 2023, provide a complete open-source implementation of their algorithm.
Technical Program co‑Chairs
* Justin Solomon, (MIT)
* Pooran Memari, (CNRS-LIX, Ecole Polytechnique)
Graduate School co‑Chairs
* Rana Hanocka, (University of Chicago)
* Nico Pietroni, (University of Technology Sydney)
Software & Dataset Awards Chair
* Marc Alexa, Technische Universität Berlin
Call for Technical Papers
The 31th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific
Graphics) 2023 is an annual flagship conference of the Asia Graphics
Association. As a highly successful conference series, Pacific Graphics
provides a premium forum for researchers, developers, practitioners in the
Pacific Rim and around the world to present and discuss new problems,
solutions, and technologies in computer graphics and related areas.
Technical Papers Program will showcase innovative research in Computer
Graphics and related areas. We invite submissions of new ideas and encourage
all forms of research creativity and originality. We are interested in the
practice, experience, novel applications, technological, system, or
theoretical papers, with the ambition of setting the standard in the field
and stimulating future trends.
The Technical Papers Program of Pacific Graphics 2023 consists of two
tracks: Full Papers and Short Papers. First, accepted full papers will be
presented at Pacific Graphics 2023 and published in a special issue of the
Eurographics journal <>
Computer Graphics Forum. The full papers submissions will undergo a
double-blind two-step review process. Second, accepted short papers will be
published in the Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2023 in the EG Digital
Library, with an oral presentation at the conference. There is a single
stage review cycle for short papers submissions. Full and short papers will
be reviewed by the same international program committee for technical
quality, novelty, significance, and clarity. Pacific Graphics Technical
Papers will all be presented in the EG Digital Library.
We encourage submissions from all areas related to computer graphics,
including but not limited to rendering, modeling, animation, simulation,
visualization, virtual and augmented reality, display technology, image
processing, computational imaging, computational fabrication, human-computer
interaction, and deep learning techniques applied to graphics problems.
Pacific Graphics 2023 will be hosted at Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon,
South Korea on October 10th13th, 2023. Daejeon is located in the center of
South Korea and there are high-tech industries, national research centers,
and a renowned science and technology university of Korea, Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). The conference convention
center is also located in the science park, a popular destination for locals
and tourists alike, with a variety of exhibits, recreational activities.
Other popular attractions include the National Science Museum, which
features interactive exhibits on science and technology, and the Daejeon
Museum of Art, which accommodates a collection of modern and contemporary
art, and the Daejeon Arts Center, which hosts a wide variety of
performances, including concerts, musicals, operas, and dance performances.
These attract many visitors to the city, making it a variant and youthful
place to live. Overall, Deajeon is a modern and dynamic city with a rich
cultural heritage and many attractions to explore. Coming to PG 2023 will
also be an opportunity for the international community to discover Korea and
its prestigious laboratories at KAIST, especially for their research in
computer science and vision.
Participants of Pacific Graphics 2023 will be able to attend presentations
of the latest advances in computer graphics and imaging from research and
industry experts. It is also going to be a great opportunity to meet with
international researchers in the domain and socialize around the conference
social events.
More information on Pacific Graphics 2023 is available at
Timeline for full/short papers
June 1, 2023 Preliminary abstract due (required for any
further submission)
June 6, 2023 Full/short papers due
July 21, 2023 Reviews available, rebuttal start
July 28, 2023 Rebuttal due
August 12, 2023 Notification to Authors
September 1, 2023 Revised version due
September 8, 2023 Final notification
September 15, 2023 Camera-ready version due
October 10, 2023 Conference in Daejeon, South Korea
* All deadlines are at 23:59 AoE
Submission dates
A preliminary abstract is due by 23:59 AoE, June 1, 2023, and the full/short
papers deadline is 23:59 AoE, June 8, 2023. Note that a full/short paper can
only be submitted if its abstract has been submitted by the abstract
Submission details
Electronic submissions of all full and short papers are mandatory and will
be conducted using the <>
Submission and Review Management (SRMv2) system. Paper submissions must be
written in English, must be anonymized, and must be formatted according to
the Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum guidelines. The publication
guidelines and LaTeX templates are available on
<> SRMv2. Accepted
papers must be presented orally in English at Pacific Graphics 2023. Review
of full/short papers is based on a double-blind reviewing approach, so
please be sure to remove all personal data (such as authors, affiliations,
acknowledgements, etc.) from the submissions. References to the authors own
work should be made in the third person to maintain anonymity. Reviewers are
asked to keep confidential all materials sent to them for evaluation.
Full papers track: there is no maximum length imposed on full paper
submissions. However, full paper submissions should only be as long as they
need to be, but not longer. Reviewers might rank submissions perceived as
being either repetitive or unnecessarily long lower than they would score
concisely written papers.
Short papers track: short paper submissions cannot be longer than 7 pages
(excluding references). There is no limit on the length of the reference
section. Short paper submissions will be declined without review if they
exceed the above page limit.
Authors of the accepted technical papers will present a short summary or a
teaser during a fast-forward session. This presentation will be around 25
seconds and can be augmented by slides. To ensure a smooth organization,
they will be asked to prepare a short video of the slides for this purpose,
in two versions: one with the spoken text and one without. Details will be
sent to the authors of the accepted papers.
A submission to the Pacific Graphics 2023 Technical program should describe
the original work of the authors. Authors must not use ideas or content
originating from others without properly crediting their original sources.
Note that such sources are not limited to peer-reviewed publications but
also include patents, textbooks, technical reports, theses, unpublished work
posted on arXiv, and other posts on the World Wide Web. Failure to comply
with this requirement will be considered plagiarism and result in rejection.
Prior Art
Authors are expected to cite, discuss differences and novelty, and compare
results, if applicable, with respect to relevant existing publications,
provided they have been published in a peer-reviewed venue. This also
applies to patents, which also undergo a professional reviewing process. But
what about technical reports, and other non-peer-reviewed publications, such
as technical reports or papers posted on arXiv, which we henceforth refer to
as pre-publications? With the rapid progress of search engines and the
increased perusal of arXiv papers by the scientific community, asking
authors to thoroughly compare their work to these pre-publications imposes
an unreasonable burden a seemingly relevant report that is incomplete in
its disclosure or validation might appear online shortly before the
deadline. Although peer-reviewed publications are certainly not immune to
these shortcomings, they have, at least, been judged sufficiently complete
and valid by a group of peers. Consequently, authors are not required to
discuss and compare their work with recent prepublications (arXiv, technical
reports, theses, etc.), although they must properly cite those that inspired
them (see Plagiarism above). Nevertheless, we encourage authors to mention
all related works they are aware of as good academic practice dictates. Note
that with new works posted on arXiv on a daily basis, it is increasingly
likely that reviewers might point out similarities between the submitted
work and online reports that have been missed by the authors. In this case,
authors of conditionally accepted papers should be prepared to cite these
pre-publications in their final revision as concurrent work, without the
burden of having to detail how their work compares to or differs from these
pre-publications. When authors cite previous work that they have authored,
the citation should be in the third person to preserve anonymity. There are,
however, situations where such prior work should not be cited. This is the
case if these prior works correspond to prepublications of the submission
(arXiv), with largely similar content. In this case, it must be ensured that
no publicity related to the publication is available on the web.
arXiv policy
As authors, putting a submission on a repository like arXiv is allowed,
either before submission or during the review cycle. There is no penalty for
publishing a submission as a prepublication. However, if there are largely
overlapping prepublications of the same authors that are available online at
the time of submission (arXiv), earlier or largely similar versions of the
submission should not be cited in the submission because this would identify
the authors. This is consistent with the submission guidelines at SIGGRAPH
and CVPR/ECCV/ICCV. If an author is applying for jobs during the review
cycle, it is allowed, as an exception, to list a submission as under review
at Pacific Graphics in the authors CV.
After submission, the authors should try to preserve the anonymity of the
submission. Authors must not discuss the submitted research with social or
regular media that includes blogs and news articles, as well as publicize
via media segments of universities and/or research institutes. Please do not
advertise the work on social media or list it on web pages as under review
at Pacific Graphics.
Double Submission Policy
By submitting a manuscript to the Pacific Graphics Technical Papers program,
authors acknowledge that the technical contributions they claim have not
been previously published or accepted for publication in another
peer-reviewed venue and that no manuscript substantially similar in content
is currently under review. Also, double submissions for both tracks
simultaneously are not allowed. Violations constitute grounds for rejection.
Re-submitted Material
For papers that have previously been reviewed by other venues and have been
rejected or withdrawn, the authors are encouraged to provide a cover letter
to describe the history of the paper (however, this does not imply reviewer
continuity). This cover letter can also answer the comments made in the
previous reviews, by either listing the changes that were made to comply
with them or discussing/rebutting/clarifying some elements if need be.
Though not mandatory, this procedure is strongly encouraged. The cover
letter has to be submitted through SRM as an Additional Attachment (see
the last section of the SRM upload form for details).
Rebuttal, Notification, Publication, and Prizes
* The reviews will be made available to the authors on July 21, 2023.
During a rebuttal period from July 21 to July 28, 2023, authors will be able
to submit a brief document to address any factual errors or clarify any
issues raised by reviews.
* The date for notification of the results of the first round of the review
process is August 12, 2023.
* Revised versions of paper submissions conditionally accepted in the first
round must be submitted by September 1, 2023.
* The final notification of the outcome of the second reviewing round will
be made on September 8, 2023.
* The camera-ready version of accepted papers will be due on September 15,
* At the issue of all the presentations, an international jury will select
the best full paper. The best paper will receive the Best Paper Award,
presented at Pacific Graphics 2023.
Pacific Graphics 2023 Full Papers Co-Chairs
Raphaëlle Chaine, LIRIS, Université Lyon 1, CNRS, France
Zhigang Deng, University of Houston, United States
Min H. Kim, KAIST, South Korea
For any questions concerning full paper submissions, please do not hesitate
to contact the papers program co-chairs via
<> chairs-pg2023full(a)
New Post-Doctoral Position Opening
The Interactive Graphics and Simulation (IGS) Group, at University
of Innsbruck, Austria, invites applications for the position of a
full-time post-doctoral researcher.
We are seeking a highly-qualified individual with interest and skill
in fields related to the research themes of the IGS group. This could
include, but is not limited to: medical training systems, virtual/
augmented reality, physically-based simulation, computer haptics.
Candidates should have earned a doctoral degree in a relevant field
(Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Mechatronics, or other related
areas), possess a publication record commensurate with experience,
and have demonstrated strengths in some of the interest domains of
the IGS group, as outlined above. Knowledge and experience in
programming in C/C++ is sought, as well as a good level in English,
both written and spoken. Experience in teaching and project management
is a benefit.
The search is open immediately (application deadline May 2nd, 2023);
with a possible start earliest from July 1st, 2023. The position
is offered for a duration of up to three years, on the level of
non-permanent university research staff. Applications can be
submitted online:
Applications comprise a motivation letter, research statement,
curriculum vitae with a publication list, URLs to 2-3 selected
publications (online only), contact information of at least three
references, and scans of relevant degree documents.
Please feel free to get in contact in case of questions:
Prof. Dr. Matthias Harders
Computer Science
University of Innsbruck
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
The Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering at Graz
University of Technology, Austria invites applications for the position of a
** Full Professor (tenured) in Visual Computing **
We are looking for a candidate with proven scientific expertise who will
represent the field of Visual Computing in research and teaching. The
following areas are of particular interest: Computer graphics, image
processing, visualization, computer vision, virtual, mixed and augmented
reality, and machine learning for visual computing.
The professorship will be part of the Institute of Computer Graphics and
Vision which is an internationally visible research environment with more
than 70 researchers. The successful candidate will complement the existing
strengths in the department, will build an internationally visible group,
will be an engaged teacher in the Computer Science programs at the
Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD level, and will actively participate in
academic self-administration.
Application deadline: June 1st, 2023.
For details, please see:
For further questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Thomas Pock (
<> thomas.pock(a)
Prof. Dr. Tobias Schreck
Graz University of Technology
Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization
Inffeldgasse 16c II, Room 134
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 316 873 5403, Fax: +43 316 873 105403
Mail: <> tobias.schreck(a)
Dear colleagues,
the Johannes Kepler University in Linz (Austria) has an immediate job
opening for a University Assistant (must hold a Doctorate/Ph.D. degree) for
a full-time, six-year position at the Institute for Anatomy and Cell
Biology, Department of Virtual Morphology.
More can be found here: <>
Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz A. Fellner
Dear colleagues,
The Visual Analytics group ( <> at the University of Rostock is
looking for two new team members. Join an exciting and stimulating research
environment, pushing the boundaries of international Visual Analytics and
Human-Data Interaction research!
The application deadline is
*** April 30, 2023. ***
Leaflet [PDF]: <>
Please feel free to contact me at <>
stefan.bruckner(a), if there are any questions.
*) Research Assistant Visual Analytics (PhD student w/ teaching obligations)
-- 3 years, option of a 3-year extension:
We are looking for a highly motivated individual with interest in data
visualization. Suitable applicants should have a background in
visualization, human-computer interaction, and/or computer graphics and very
good programming skills. The successful candidate will conduct research on
novel visualization methods with considerable freedom on the specific topic
and support teaching at the Chair of Visual Analytics, primarily in the
Master's program "Visual and Intelligent Systems" (solid German needed).
Current research projects are related to visual storytelling and immersive
analytics in medical contexts.
Main contact: <>
Online application:
*) Project Assistant Human-Data Interaction (PhD student w/o teaching
obligations) -- 3 years
We are looking for a talented individual who is passionate about interactive
visual data analysis, especially the smooth and efficient interaction with
visual representations of data. Suitable candidates should have a background
in visualization, human-computer interaction, and/or computer graphics, as
well as strong programming skills. The successful candidate will work on
Project "iVMorph - Interactive Visual Metamorphosis for Multi-view Data
Exploration", whose goal is to link multiple heterogeneous visual
representations of multi-faceted data via smooth animated transitions.
Main contact: <>
Online application:
== Further information ==
The Chair of Visual Analytics ( <> investigates methods to support
humans understand large and complex data. To maximize human-machine
synergies, we combine expressive visual representations, effective
interaction techniques, and powerful analytical approaches. As part of the
Institute for Visual & Analytic Computing ( <>, we collaborate closely with partners in
various domains to activate the full potential of Visual Analytics
approaches for gaining insight into heterogeneous and multi-faceted data.
The Hanseatic City of Rostock is a great place to study, research and live.
The economic and scientific center of the northeast is very attractive, with
all the atmosphere of a major city in the middle of one of the most
beautiful parts of Germany. The University of Rostock (
<> was founded
in 1419 and today, with approximately 14,000 students and 2,933 employees,
it offers fascinating perspectives in almost all scientific fields. The
University of Rostock has an excellent interdisciplinary research landscape
covering natural and technical sciences, medicine, life sciences, humanities
and cultural studies.
// Prof. Dr. Stefan Bruckner
// Chair of Visual Analytics
// Institute for Visual and Analytic Computing
// University of Rostock
// E-Mail: <>
// Phone: +49 381 498 7490 / +49 381 498 7481 (secr.)
<> Web3D 2023 Conference
9-11 October 2023 (In-person and Virtual)
The 28th International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology will be hosted by <> Vicomtech, San Sebastian, Spain. Sponsored by <> ACM SIGGRAPH in cooperation with the <> Web3D Consortium.
<> Call for Papers Details <> Submission Paper Submission Deadline: June 15th, 2023
This year's theme is "Towards interconnectivity of Metaverses" providing new visions on how to overcome the challenges of interoperability between metaverses. Join us as we discuss and share how Web3D innovations contribute to the Metaverse. From interactive real-time 3D to Mixed Reality and Humanoid Animation and more. The Web3D community's expertise in 3D, modeling and simulation, Geospatial, semantics, streaming, Augmented Reality will be significant to an open Metaverse.
Share your latest 3D work! Join your fellow 3D Graphics technologists and peers by contributing your scientific innovation, technical development or artistic accomplishments! We welcome all topics related to Web/mobile 3D content creation, publishing technology, tools, Virtual worlds, Metaverse and related studies.
Important Dates
Paper Submission: June 15th, 2023
Notification of acceptance: July 27th, 2023
Final paper version: August 13th, 2023
Conference dates: October 9th to 11th, 2023
Questions: program2023(a) <>
** Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message **
One month before the submission deadline
3-5 October 2023
Sousse, Tunisia
In cooperation with Eurographics Association and IEEE section of Tunisia.
Conference web page:
The conference will be held in hybrid mode with real and online attendance registrations.
== SCOPE ==
Cyberworlds are information spaces and communities that immensely augment the way we interact, participate in business and receive information throughout the world. Cyberworlds seriously impact our lives and the evolution of the world economy by taking such forms as social networking services, 3D shared virtual communities, and massively multiplayer online role-playing games.
== TOPICS ==
CW 2023 will have the following tracks with topics not limited to:
- Visual Computing:
Extended reality (XR); Computer graphics; Computer animation; Visualization; Image processing; Computer vision, Deep learning in visual computing, etc.
- Data Science for Immersive Communication:
Immersive visual analytics; Machine and deep learning in visual communication; Collaborative visual analysis, etc.
- Applications:
Digital humans; Education in cyberspace; Shared art and cultural heritage; Health care in cyberspace; Online games and living in shared virtual worlds; Shared digital fabrication, etc.
- Multimodal Interaction and Human Factors:
Man-machine interaction (haptics, olfaction, sonification); Human dynamics; Communication; Collaboration; Entertainment; Digital assistants; Enhanced living; Human augmentation, etc.
- Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) in Extended Reality (XR):
BCI applications; EEG-based neuroimaging; Mobile and adaptive BCIs; Neurofeedback systems and games; Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity; Machine-assisted cognitive enhancement, etc.
- Human Factors in Cyberspace:
Affective computing; Emotion artificial intelligence; Human factors in transportation and industry; Biosignals; Internet of bodies; Machine and deep learning for biosignal-based algorithms; Neuroergonomics; Cognitive multimodal interfaces; Human factors in XR; Cognitive human-robot interaction, etc.
- Cybercrime Prevention:
Identity and trust management; Content protection and digital rights management; Information hiding and anonymity; Privacy protocols; Security protocols; Malware detection; Attack detection, etc.
- Biometrics in Cyberspaces:
Behavioral biometrics; Biometric template protection; Emerging biometrics; Multi-biometrics; Presentation attack detection, etc.
- Internet of Things:
Security of embedded systems; Security protocols; Security in V2X and smart cities; Mobile networks security, IoT & big data, etc.
- Analysis of Digital traces in Cyberspaces:
Forensics (computer, mobile devices, network, social media); Altered content detection (multimedia, deep fake); Digital data analysis (social media, file carving), etc.
Full paper (8 pages)
Short paper (4 pages)
Poster paper (2 pages)
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS with all accepted papers will be published by Conference Publishing Services as well as submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, and reference databases of all major referencing indices including EI Compendex, Scopus, and SCI.
SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUES will consider for publications extended versions of the best accepted FULL papers.
Special Sessions/Workshops/Tutorial/PhD3M Contest*
Authors are welcome to organize and manage special sessions (each session will contain 4-6 papers in a related field), workshops, tutorial during the conference.
A PhD3M Contest will be organised in parallel to the conference
*Proposals should be submitted only by mail to : cyberworldsconference23(a) <>
Special Session proposal : April 03 (Monday)
Papers (Full/Short) Submission : April 21 (Friday)
Papers (Full/Short) Notification : May 29 (Monday)
Workshop proposal : May 30 (Tuesday)
Poster papers submission : June 12 (Monday)
Poster papers notification : June 26 (Monday)
Camera-ready submission : July 14 (Friday)
Tutorial proposal : July 17 (Monday)
PhD3M Contest : July 17 (Monday)
Author registration : July 14 (Friday)
General Co-Chairs: Najoua Essourki Ben Amara, Christophe Rosenberger
Program Co-Chairs: Alexei Sourin, Mohamed Ali Mahjoub
Contact: cw2023(a) <>
Conference web page: