  • 1 participants
  • 2450 discussions

Web3D 2008 :: Infrastructure Evolution
by Stefanie Behnke
16 years, 8 months

9th VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
by Stefanie Behnke
16 years, 9 months

Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine (EG VCBM) 2008: CFP
by Stefanie Behnke
16 years, 9 months

6th Eurographics Italian Chapter (EG_It) Conference: Call for Participation
by Stefanie Behnke
16 years, 9 months

Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2008: Call for Participation
by Stefanie Behnke
16 years, 9 months

Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2008: Call for Participation
by Stefanie Behnke
16 years, 9 months

SBIM 2008: Call for participation
by Stefanie Behnke
16 years, 9 months

Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation VRIPHYS 08
by Stefanie Behnke
16 years, 9 months

First Call for Papers to the GCR'09 Track in SAC'09
by Stefanie Behnke
16 years, 9 months

Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (TPCG) 2008 - Eurographics UK
by John Collomosse
16 years, 9 months
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