Web3D 2008 :: Infrastructure Evolution
13th International Symposium on 3D Web Technology
August 9, 10 2008
The Early registration ends July 4!!!
Sign up now!
--> SIGGRAPH 2008 --> Co-Located Events
Come to Papers, Tutorials, Panels, and Showcases covering the latest
developments in interactive, web-delivered virtual
environments... come and immerse yourself! Topics include: content and
software engineering, COLLADA, X3D, X3D Earth, Ajax3D,
Industry insight, and more!
The Preliminary Program is available online:
Registration Cost Includes:
morning and afternoon refreshments
Sunday's banquet dinner and Web3D Showcase!
We look forward to seeing you in LA for Web3D 2008!
VAST2008 | Braga, Portugal, 2-6 December 2008
The 9th VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and
Cultural Heritage
Towards Sustainability | Integrated Technological Practices for Human
Heritage and Cultural Memory
Call for Participation
VAST2008 continues the tradition of excellence in the VAST symposia for
technologies in service of cultural heritage. This year's symposium
emphasizes the ephemeral nature of the subject of our disciplines, namely
the tangible/intangible cultural heritage artifacts - archaeological
remains, buildings, finds, manuscripts, myths, life histories, songs,
stories - and the new virtual heritage artifacts we are producing in order
to document, analyze, visualize and share our pasts through digital means.
Our community is acutely aware of the concerns and risks as well as the
opportunities and innovations for managing cultural and digital heritage.
The challenge we propose is to bring to bear the knowledge and expertise of
the VAST network of researchers and professionals that will lead to
sustainable practices of stewardship for the long term, for tangible,
intangible and virtual heritage alike.
We are at a unique point in history, where cultural heritage professionals
must work to care for the physical past while assuring that there will be a
digital record for the future. Peter Brantley, Executive Director of the
Digital Library Foundation, thinks, "the problem of digital preservation is
not one for future librarians, but for future archaeologists." If one
imagines that the well-intentioned efforts of researchers and scholars in
the modern era could be unreadable only fifty years from now, there is
tremendous responsibility on individual cultural heritage professionals to
insure a future for their digital work.
We see this symposium as a dialogue on the present and future of archaeology
in the 21st century. The sessions, papers, tutorials and workshops will
explore the wealth of opinions and expertise on this vast topic, ranging
from nuts-and-bolts practical information on geographical information
systems to producing non-linear narratives and multi-vocal visualizations of
the past.
We are seeking contributions that advance the state of the art in the
technologies available to support sustainability of human heritage. The
following topics are particularly encouraged:
· 2/3/4D Data Capture and Processing in CH
· Augmentation of physical collections with digital presentations
· Data Acquisition Technologies
· Digital capture and annotation of intangible heritage (performance,
audio, dance, oral)
· Interactive Environments and Applications for CH
· Long term preservation of digital artefacts
· Metadata, classification schema, ontologies and semantic processing
· Multilingual applications, tools and systems for CH
· Multimedia Data Acquisition, Management and Archiving
· On-site and remotely sensed data collection
· Professional and Ethical Guidelines
· Standards and Documentation
· Storytelling and Design of Heritage Communications
· Tools for Education and Training in CH
· Usability, Effectiveness and Interface Design for CH Applications
· Visualization
Paper, tutorial and workshop submission
We are soliciting four types of contributions:
a.. Full research papers presenting new innovative results. These
papers will be published by Eurographics in a high-quality proceedings
b.. Project papers focusing on the description of project organization,
use of technology, and lesson learned -- not innovative technical content.
These papers will have a full-length oral presentation and will be included
in a "Projects & Short Papers" proceedings volume.
c.. Short papers presenting preliminary ideas and works-in-progress.
These papers will have a short oral presentation or will be available as
posters in conference breaks. They will be published in the "Projects &
Short Papers" proceedings volume.
d.. Tutorials and Workshops. Half-day and full-day workings sessions
that provide an opportunity to educate and share on key topics of interest
face-to-face. Tutorial submissions will be published along with the full
research papers. Workshops that provide supplemental materials in time for
the CD-ROM printing will be included. All materials will be available on the
VAST 2008 website.
See detailed information on the VAST 2008 website under Submissions.
All types of submissions will be reviewed and feedback given to the authors.
Important Dates:
Abstract for all papers (full/project/short/workshops/tutorials) 7 July 2008
Paper submission for full papers 21 July 2008
Paper submission for project and short papers 28 July 2008
Notification for refereeing feedback 15 September 2008
Camera-ready FULL papers and TUTORIALS to printer 6 October 2008
Camera-ready SHORT and PROJECT papers and WORKSHOP descriptions to printer
13 October 2008
Early registration - 29 September
Symposium Dates:
· Workshops, Meetings, Tutorials 2 December
· Symposium 3-5 December
· Excursion to Coa Valley (10th Anniversary UNESCO World Heritage) 5-6
Program Committee:
Michael Ashley
University of California at Berkeley (USA)
Karina Rodriguez-Echavarria
University of Brighton (UK)
Alberto Proença
Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
Sorin Hermon
The Cyprus Institute (Cyprus)
Any enquiries, please forward to the Symposium Program Committee email
address, at prog_committee(a)vast2008.org
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine (EG VCBM) 2008
October 6-7, 2008
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Aims and Scope:
Visual Computing for Biomedicine addresses the integration of
state-of-the-art visualization and image analysis for application to
biomedical research. Integrating visualization and image analysis
brings with it particular challenges, but also yields new
possibilities, especially when extended for application to the wide
gamut of biomedical research topics, such as molecular imaging,
quantitative longitudinal studies, pre- and intra-operative surgical
guidance, and computer-aided diagnosis.
VCBM is unique in that it will bring together researchers and
practitioners from visualization, image processing and (bio-)medicine.
We expect to attract a number of attendees with (bio-)medical
backgrounds, as well as from the surrounding academic medical centers.
This will pose a unique opportunity to showcase the latest ideas from
engineering and science, to get feedback from medical practitioners,
and to explore new possibilities for cooperative research. VCBM
solicits the submission of original application-oriented research
papers that advance the fusion of visualization and image analysis
with imaging-based medicine and biomedical science. All papers should
focus on a well-defined biomedical context, and should demonstrate a
significant innovation or improvement in visual computing that
addresses ongoing problems in that context.
Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
* Interactive segmentation and registration
* Computer-aided diagnosis and detection
* Facilitating medical research with visual computing
* Intervention and therapy planning (e.g. pre-operative surgical
planning and radiation therapy planning)
* Intra-operative guidance for surgery
* Ultra-sound based planning and intra-operative guidance
* Visualization and Simulation for Surgical Training
* Coupled simulation and visualization
* Multi-field medical visualization and processing (multi-modality,
structural + functional)
* Processing and visualization of advanced modalities
* Molecular imaging
* Perception-based studies for medical visualization
* Anatomical reconstruction from microscopy data
* Creation and visualization of biological atlases
* Ontology-based visualization
* Visualization methods for neurobiology, plant biology and
developmental biology
Invited Speakers:
* Prof. dr. Heinz-Otto Peitgen, president of MeVis research, and
* Prof. dr. Nicolas Ayache, research director at INRIA.
Conference Location:
VCBM 2008 will be held in Delft, The Netherlands. Picturesque Delft is
ideally located in the Dutch "Randstad" (conurbation or megacity),
close to the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam and well-connected to the
train network. The city is home to the Delft University of Technology,
a world-famous technical research institute and also host to the VCBM
workshop. In addition, there are three academic medical centers
(Leiden, Rotterdam and Amsterdam) close by.
Important Dates:
Paper submission: June 22, 2008
Author notification: August 8, 2008
Camera-ready papers: August 22, 2008
Conference: October 6 - 7, 2008
Workshop Co-chairs:
Charl Botha - Delft University of Technology
Gordon Kindlmann - Harvard Medical School
Wiro Niessen - Erasmus Medical Centre
Bernhard Preim - University of Magdeburg
International Program Committee:
Dirk Bartz, Univ. Leipzig
Katja Bühler, VRVis Wien
Min Chen, University of Wales, Swansea
Herve Delingette, INRIA
Thomas Deserno (Lehmann), RWTH Aachen
James Duncan, Yale University
Thomas Ertl, University of Stuttgart
Bernd Fischer, University of Lübeck
Alejandro Frangi, Pompeu Fabra University
James Gee, University of Pennsylvania
Guido Gerig, University of Utah
Polina Golland, MIT
Eduard Gröller, Techn. Univ. Wien
Horst Hahn, MeVis Research, Bremen
Heinz Handels, University of Hamburg
Peter Hastreiter, Univ. Erlangen
Joachim Hornegger, University of Erlangen
Arie Kaufmann, Stony Brook University, New York
David Laidlaw, Brown University
Boudewijn Lelieveldt, Leiden University
Patric Ljung, Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton
Lars Linsen, Jacobs-Univ. Bremen
Bill Lorensen
Torsten Möller, Simon Fraser University Vancouver
Klaus Müller, Stony Brook University, New York
Nassir Navab, Technical University of Munich
Josien Pluim, University of Utrecht
Felix Ritter, MeVis Research, Bremen
Bart ter Haar Romeny TU Eindhoven
Timo Ropinski, Univ. Münster
Daniel Rueckert, Imperial College
Paul Suetens, KU Leuven
Gabor Székely, ETH Zürich
Ulf Tiede, University Hamburg
Ragini Verma, University of Pennsylvania
Anna Vilanova, TU Eindhoven
Frans Vos, TU Delft
Carl-Fredrik Westin, Harvard Medical School
Ross Whitaker, University of Utah
Ivo Wolf, DKFZ Heidelberg
Anders Ynnermann, Norrköping
Terry Yoo, NIH/NLM
Stefan Zachow, Zuse-Institut Berlin
Publication Information:
Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and will appear in
the EG-published conference proceedings. A small number of excellent
papers will be recommended for publication in the EG Journal Computer
Graphics Forum.
Contact Information:
For more information please visit http://vcbm.org/ or contact:
Charl Botha - c.p.botha(a)tudelft.nl
Bernhard Preim - bernhard(a)isg.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
* IRTG 1131
* MeVis
* Eurographics
6th Eurographics Italian Chapter (EG_It) Conference
Salerno, July 2nd - 4th, 2008
Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano (Salerno), Italy
Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali
Dipartimento di Informatica ed Applicazioni "R.M. Capocelli"
Via Ponte Don Melillo - Fisciano (SA), Italy
EG_IT_08 will offer a panoramic view on the state of the art of research
and its application in topics concerning computer graphics and on
systems-oriented research and novel applications of computer graphics
across domains such as medicine, industry, media and arts to name but a
few. The final goal is to strengthen and to widen the Italian community of
top practitioners, users and researchers working in the field.
EG_IT_08 aims at easing communication within the scientific community and
circulation of ideas and innovative methods, which will hopefully inspire
further collaboration between participants particularly between academia
and industry. This will be encouraged hosting international speakers, who
will present overviews about recent results in relevant application areas,
and by organizing technical tutorials.
EG_IT_08 intends to provide a stimulating arena for young researchers and
Ph.D. students. They will have the possibility to show research results, and
to get feedbacks by the scientific community, in a friendly and constructive
Giovanni Caturano, SpinVector
"Real-Life Augmented Reality"
Roberto Scopigno, CNR-ISTI
"3D Scanning: new advanced solutions and open issues"
Carsten Dachsbacher, University of Stuttgart, Germany
"GPU-Based Real-Time Global Illumination"
The program is available at http://isis.dia.unisa.it/eg_it_08
and the registration is open (VISA and Mastercard) via the EG site:
Registration will be closed on day 27 June (please, notice that it will
not be possible to register onsite, at the conference)
Università degli Studi di Salerno
Dipartimento di Informatica ed Applicazioni "R.M.Capocelli"
SpinVector New Media
Dot Mind in Motion
Call for Participation:
Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2008
July 2-4 2008 in Copenhagen, Denmark
- The program is available:
- The keynote speakers are Chris Williams, University of Bath and
Michael Floater, University of Oslo. There is also a session with
invited speakers from related industries.
- This year there is a two day course in geometry processing immediately
before the conference on June 30 and July 1.
The course is given by Leif Kobbelt, RWTH, and Mario Botsch, ETH.
- Registration is open
- The social event is in the Danish Design Center.
We invite you to participate in the sixth SYMPOSIUM on GEOMETRY PROCESSING
which will be held on July 2 to 4 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The goal of the
meeting is to present and discuss new research ideas and results in geometry
This research field is geared towards the creation of mathematical
foundations and practical algorithms for the processing of complex geometric
data sets, ranging from acquisition and editing all the way to animation,
transmission and display. As such it draws on many disciplines spanning pure
and applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering.
SGP brings together many of the best researchers in the field of geometry
processing, and there will be ample opportunity for informal discussions
during breaks and the social event.
For students and professionals interested in an advanced introduction to the
field, a two-day course in geometry processing will be offered immediately
before the conference on Monday, June 30 and Tuesday, July 1. The course is
taught by Leif Kobbelt and Mario Botsch. There will be lectures in the
morning of each day and hands-on exercises in our lab facilities during the
Up to date information about SGP will be made available via the official
homepage: www.geometryprocessing.org
All questions regarding organization, please contact the local organizers
at graphics(a)imm.dtu.dk
Looking forward to seeing you at SGP 2008
Program co-chairs
Pierre Alliez, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Princeton University
Organizing co-chairs
J. Andreas Bærentzen and Francois Anton
Technical University of Denmark
Call for Participation:
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2008
June 23-25, 2008
Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina
The conference program is available on the website:
Online registration is open:
Keynotes by
David Salesin, Adobe Systems, and
Heinrich Bülthoff, Max Planck Institute
Bosnian Magical Mystery Tour (register till June 6!):
4 day tour after the conference gives you the opportunity
to discover the beauty of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the
heart shaped land:
We invite you to participate in the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering
2008, taking place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, June 23 to June
25, 2008.
The symposium is the nineteenth annual event in the highly successful
sequence of Eurographics Workshops and Symposia on Rendering. Over the
years, this series has produced many remarkable papers that have
introduced influential new ideas and important practical techniques.
Each year, EGSR brings together the highest concentration of rendering
talent you'll find anywhere, with plenty of time for extended informal
discussion in between presentations of the latest research.
Note that this year EGSR 2008 is co-located with Graphics Hardware 2008
(20-21 June 2008), which gives you the opportunity to visit two great
conferences in one trip:
All participants interested in the four day Bosnian Magical Mystery
Tour, please contact us through email (contact(a)ssst.edu.ba) by the 6th
of June so that we can book the hotels and make the necessary
arrangements. In the case of fewer participants than planned for, we
will create an equally appealing tour as an alternative. The
participants will be informed soon after the 6th of June.
Up-to-date information about the conference is available on the EGSR
2008 web site:
For all questions regarding the organization, please contact the local
organizers, Jasminka Hasic and Selma Rizvic, at contact(a)ssst.edu.ba.
Looking forward to seeing you at EGSR 2008,
Michael Wimmer and Steve Marschner
EGSR 2008 program co-chairs
Jasminka Hasic and Selma Rizvic
EGSR 2008 local organizers
SBIM 2008
Fifth Eurographics workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling
June 11-13, Annecy, France
co-located with NPAR 2008 and the Annecy Animation Film Festival
Call for participation
Created in 2004, SBIM provides a unique venue for researchers and
students interested in sketch-based techniques to interact with one
another, share lessons learned, show new results and discuss open issues.
This year, the workshop will be held in Annecy, France, a friendly
little town surrounded by the beautiful French Alps. It will take place
during the famous Annecy Animation Film Festival and be held back to
back with NPAR'2008 (the premier conference for techniques in expressive
rendering and animation), encouraging participation in both events. The
two-days workshop will include paper presentations (single track),
coffee breaks, a social event and invited talks. All are welcome to
attend the workshop; submission of a paper is not required for
attendance. The proceedings will be published in the EG Workshop series
and made available online through the Eurographics Digital Library.
The workshop is small and provides plenty of time for interaction. The
detailled program, which includes key-note talks, research papers, and
interactive demos, is online at: http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~karan/sbim/
We are looking forwards to see you in Annecy!
General chair: Karan Singh
Paper co-chairs: Christine Alvarado & Marie-Paule Cani
EG SBIM working group chair: Joaquim Jorge
We are pleased to announce the fifth Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction
and Physical Simulation VRIPHYS 08.
The workshop is hosted by the Grenoble Universities, France. It is organized
in cooperation with Eurographics.
VRIPHYS is one of the well-established international conferences in the
field of computer animation and virtual reality.
The workshop provides an opportunity for researches in virtual reality and
computer animation to present and discuss their latest results and to share
ideas for potential directions of future research. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
- animation, e. g. physically-based, vision-based, knowledge-based and
geometric approaches
- virtual and augmented reality
- planning, learning, optimization for animation,
- interfaces for creating and editing animations
- perception in animation
- autonomous characters, group and crowd behavior
- natural phenomena
- mathematical foundations of animation
- haptics
- sound interfaces
- related techniques, e. g. collision detection and contact handling
- applications, e. g. in robotics, medicine, entertainment
Important Dates:
July 4, paper submission
Aug 22, notification
Sep 5, camera-ready version
Sep 12, early-bird registration
Nov 13-14, conference
More information on http://www.vriphys.org/workshops/vriphys08/
Geometric Constraints and Reasoning
a technical track of
The International ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
March 8-12, 2009
Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Geometric Constraints and Reasoning (GCR) is a technical track of the
International Symposium on Applied Computing (see
http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2009). For the past twenty
years the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has been a primary
forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers and
application developers to gather, interact, and present their
work. SAC is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied
Computing (SIGAPP), its proceedings are published by ACM in both
printed form and CD-ROM; they are also available on the web through
ACM's Digital Library. More information about SIGAPP and past SACs can
be found at URL: http://www.acm.org/sigapp.
As a special track of SAC, the GCR is devoted to geometric reasoning
taken in a broad sense. Initially, this track focused on geometric
constraint solving but it appears that geometric computing and
reasoning is closely related to this topic. Our aim is then to widen
the audience and to make GCR a place where the communities of
geometric constraint solving, computer aided deduction in geometry
and related disciplines can meet and have fruitful exchanges.
See http://www.lsi.upc.edu/~robert/gcr2009/gcr2009.html.
SAC 2009 is also an opportunity to attend tracks related to GCR, about
combinatorial optimization, constraint programming (non geometrical
constraints), graph algorithms, numerical methods or interval
analysis, etc.
Specific topics of interest for the GCR track include, but are not
limited to, the following:
* Resolution of geometric constraints, with computer algebra, numerical
analysis, interval analysis, logical approaches (e.g. provers), or other
* Proving geometric theorems with logical approaches, deductive databases,
Computer Algebra, etc.
* Decomposition of systems of geometric constraints.
* Mixing geometric and non geometric constraints (combinatorial or
white boxes, black boxes, geometric constraints and constraints
* Detection of dependences between constraints, debugging geometric
* Constrained curves, surfaces, blends.
* Exotic (eg non cartesian) formulations of constraints.
* Comparison of resolution methods or constraints formulations for
the same problems.
* Mathematical background: combinatorial rigidity, graph theory,
matroid theory, computer algebra (polynomial systems, dimension of
* Applications in Computer Graphics, CAD-CAM, robotics,
mechanism design, chemistry (eg molecule configurations),
virtual reality.
* Sensitivity to parameters vales and other robustness issues,
* Geometry of computations: using topological ad geometrical ideas
in provers.
* Dynamic geometry, pedagogical purposes, generating explanations,
examples, counter examples.
* Computer-human interfaces for geometric constraints.
* Geometric constraints and data exchange.
* Topological constraints, eg optimal curves or surfaces with prescribed,
topology (homology, homotopy, isotopy).
* Shape optimization.
* Integration of geometric solvers into modelers, solvers architecture.
* Geometric constraints and Human Computer interfaces.
* Persistent naming problem and geometric modeling by constraints.
Authors are invited to contribute original papers in the listed or
other realted topics in the following categories of submissions:
1) Original and unpublished research work.
2) Reports of innovative applications to the arts, sciences,
engineering, and business areas.
3) Reports of successful technology transfer to new problem domains.
4) Reports of industrial experience and demos of new innovative systems.
All submissions will be peer reviewed. Papers will be selected based on
their originality, timeliness, significance relevance and clarity of
* August 16, 2008: Paper submissions
* October 11, 2008: Author notification of acceptance/rejection
* October 25, 2008: Camera-ready copy of accepted papers
* Submissions will be in electronic format, via the website
* Submissions must follow the template that can be downloaded from
* To facilitate blind review, papers should include in the first page
just the title. Author(s) name(s) and address(es) must NOT
appear in the paper body and self-references should be in the third
* Camera ready manuscripts can have up to 5 pages. Up to three extra
pages are allowed at a cost of 80USD per extra page.
* Papers submitted to more than one track will be rejected.
* Xiao-Shan Gao: xgao(a)mmrc.iss.ac.cn
* Robert Joan-Arinyo: robert(a)lsi.upc.edu
* Dominique Michelucci: Dominique.Michelucci(a)u-bourgogne.fr
Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2008
University of Manchester, UK , 9-11th June 2008
Registration open
** Early bird registration deadline - May 26th 2008 **
The 26th Conference organised by the UK chapter of the Eurographics
Association will be the sixth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics
2008 Conference (TP.CG.08).
This conference focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of
Computer Graphics and brings together top practitioners, users and
researchers, thereby inspiring further collaboration between
participants, particularly between academia and industry.
Registration is open - the Early bird registration deadline for discounted
registration is 26th May 2008. During this period there is also a heavily
discounted 'buddy deal' package available for 1 delegate + 2 students.
Event programme and registration details are available at the
conference website:
Keynote Speakers
* Dr Martin Preston (Framestore CFC) - R&D in Film Production
* Dr Mary Whitton (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) - The
Illusion of Reality
* Dr David Hodgetts (University of Manchester) - 3D Visualisation of
Digital Outcrop Data and its Application in Earth Sciences