Athens (GREECE), May 30 - 31, 2007
Christian BOHN, Wedel University (Germany)
Veronique GAILDRAT, University of Toulouse (France)
The 3rd speaker in not yet known
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| NEW DEADLINE: February 11, 2007 |
The 3IA International Conference on Computer Graphics and
Artificial Intelligence takes place every year in Limoges
(FRANCE). The aim of this Conference is to present the current
state of researches of Computer Graphics researchers who
use Artificial Intelligence techniques.
The tenth 3IA International Conference (3IA'2007) will take place
in May 2007, in Athens (GREECE).
Under the title "Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence", several
themes could be covered by the authors of papers. The following list gives
an idea of possible themes :
- Artificial intelligence techniques in scene modeling.
- Declarative techniques in scene modeling.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in rendering.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in construction of geometric figures.
- Animation and artificial intelligence.
- Behavioural animation.
- Design of intelligent graphic interfaces.
- Scene properties description techniques.
- Intelligent methods of exploring virtual worlds.
- Computer graphics and learning.
- Combination of classical and AI techniques.
- Application of AI techniques in CAD and GIS.
- Intelligent visualisation.
- Intelligent collaborative design.
- Semantics-based approaches in design.
- Decision support systems in design.
- Intelligent computational aesthetics.
- Intelligent CG applications in bioinformatics and medical informatics.
- ...
The 3IA'2007 International Conference will be held in the hotel
Athens Imperial.
Athens Imperial Hotel
Karaiskaki Square
104 37, Athens, Greece
Tel: +30 210 5201600
Fax: +30 210 5225521
Email: ai(a)
CONFERENCE E-mail : 3ia(a)
Dimitri PLEMENOS, Professor
Universite de Limoges
Faculte des Sciences
MSI Laboratory
83, rue d'Isle
phone : (+ 33) 5 55 43 69 74, (+33) 5 55 43 69 76
fax : (+33) 5 55 43 69 77
E-mail : plemenos(a)
Yury BAYAKOVSKY (Russia)
Christian BOHN (Germany)
Rene CAUBET (France),
Giovanni DE PAOLI (Canada)
Jean-Francois DUFOURD (France),
Yves DUTHEN (France)
Eugene FIUME (Canada),
Marina GAVRILOVA (Canada)
Djamchid GHAZANFARPOUR (France),
Gerard HEGRON (France),
Andres IGLESIAS (Spain),
Andrey IONES (USA)
Prem KALRA (India),
Stanislav KLIMENKO (Russia),
Ivana KOLINGEROVA (Czech Republic),
Jean-Claude LAFON (France),
Nadia MAGNENAT-THALMANN (Switzerland),
Michel MERIAUX (France),
Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Zhigeng PAN (China),
Bernard PEROCHE (France),
Pascal LIENHARDT (France),
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France),
Xavier PUEYO (Spain),
Mateu SBERT (Spain),
Vaclav SKALA (Czech Republic),
Daniel THALMANN (Switzerland),
Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece),
e-mail: gmiaoul(a)
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France), Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece), Jean DRAGONAS (Greece),
Giola DIONYSSOPOULOU (Greece), Georges BARDIS (Greece),
Vassilios GOLFINOPOULOS (Greece), Dimitrios MAKRIS (Greece),
Jean XYDAS (Greece), Suzanne SIMONET (France).
Return of the intention form: today.
Paper submission deadline: February 4, 2007.
Paper acceptance notification: March 20, 2007.
Short paper submission deadline: March 27, 2007.
Short paper acceptance notification: April 7, 2007
Final papers due : April 15, 2007.
Papers should be sent as attached PDF files by e-mail to the general
Chair of the Conference. It is also possible to submit a paper
in PDF format by ftp. In this case, please use the following
username: 3ia2007
password: dep0t (the "o" of "depot" is a "0")
IMPORTANT: In any case send an e-mail to the general Chair of the
Conference (plemenos(a) to inform him that you have submitted
a paper.
Maximal length: 12 pages
Font to use: times
Characters size: 12 pt for text, 18 pt bold for title, 14 pt bold
for section titles and 12 pt bold for sub-section titles.
Paper format: two-column A4 format
190 Euros (Students: 120 Euros)
- the proceedings of the conference,
- two lunches,
- a dinner in a restaurant Wednesday night.
Participation Form to the 3IA'2007 conference
(to be retourned to the general chair of the conference)
Professional address:
Phone number:
I intend to participate to the 3IA'2007 conference in Athens (Greece).
--- ---
I intend to submit a paper : yes I I no I I
--- ---
Title of the paper:
Do not send money for the moment. You will be informed later on the mode
of payment.
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire XLIM I E-MAIL: plemenos(a) I
I 83,rue d'Isle I I
Point-Based Graphics 2007 - Call for Papers
Co-sponsored by Eurographics and the
IEEE-CS Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (VGTC)
The drive for increasingly complex 3D geometric models, especially those
scanned from the real-world, has brought about a growing interest in methods
that build on point primitives. Following the highly successful 2004, 2005,
and 2006 Symposia on Point-Based Graphics, the 4th symposium of its series,
PBG07, aims to further demonstrate the applicability of point-based methods
in modeling, rendering, and simulation, and in a wide range of application
domains. The PBG07 will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, September 2-3,
2007, and will be co-located with Eurographics and the International
Workshop on Volume Graphics. The best papers of PBG07 will additionally be
published in a special issue of Computers & Graphics. We invite your
original contributions in areas including, but not limited to, the
- Data acquisition and surface reconstruction
- Geometric modeling using point primitives
- Sampling, approximation, and interpolation
- Rendering algorithms for point primitives
- Geometry processing of point models
- Topological properties of point clouds
- Hardware architectures for point primitives
- Animation and morphing of point-sampled models
- Hybrid representations and algorithms
- Use of point-based methods in real-world applications
- Transmission and compression of point-sampled geometry
Important Dates:
25 May 2007 Electronic paper submission
29 June 2007 Author notification
13 July 2007 Camera-ready copy
Conference Chairs:
Baoquan Chen, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
Matthias Zwicker, University of California at San Diego
Papers Chairs:
Mario Botsch, ETH Zurich
Renato Pajarola, University of Zurich
Papers Committee:
Bart Adams
Marc Alexa
Daniel Aliaga
Nina Amenta
Kavita Bala
Loic Barthe
Carsten Dachsbacher
Tamal Dey
Philip Dutre
Joachim Giesen
Enrico Gobbetti
Markus Gross
Gael Gunnebaud
Arie Kaufman
Leif Kobbelt
Piyush Kumar
Nelson Max
Gopi Meenakshisundaram
Torsten Moeller
Klaus Mueller
Hanspeter Pfister
Voicu Popescu
Miguel Sainz
Dietmar Saupe
Marc Stamminger
Alexandru Telea
Matthias Teschner
Amitabh Varshney
Luiz Velho
Michael Wand
Ruediger Westermann
Tim Weyrich
Michael Wimmer
Yanci Zhang
Afra Zomorodian
International Symposium on Volume Graphics
September 2-3, 2007
The Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Web Page:
Volume graphics deals with the analysis, synthesis and presentation of
volumetric objects, both static and time-varying. Specifically, it
includes topics related to the acquisition, reconstruction and
transformation of volume data as well as feature analysis, information
extraction and rendering. Research papers are solicited that present
original and unpublished results concerning all aspects of volume
graphics. We especially invite research contributions that report
computational techniques derived from existing knowledge in numerical
analysis, signal processing and statistical modeling. Furthermore,
papers are solicited which demonstrate the efficacy of the methods of
volume graphics towards enhanced practices or understanding of
specific applications in engineering, medicine and physical and
biological sciences.
This 6th occurrence of Volume Graphics has been changed from a
Workshop to a Symposium and is again co-located with the Symposium on
Point-Based Graphics 2007 as well as with the Eurographics 2007
The accepted papers will be published in IEEE/EG sponsored
proceedings, and archived in electronic form in the Eurographics and
IEEE online digital libraries. A selected number of submissions will
be further considered for publication in a major journal in computer
graphics and visualization.
Please refer to for detailed
paper preparation guidelines.
Important Dates
May 11, 2007 Electronic abstract submission deadline (23:59 PDT)
May 18, 2007 Electronic paper submission deadline (23:59 PDT)
June 22, 2007 Author notification
July 06, 2007 Receipt of camera-ready paper (detailed VGTC guidelines)
Primary Symposium Topics
+Representation of Volume Information
+Acquisition and Reconstruction of Volume Data
+Volume Rendering
+Modeling, Transformation and Analysis of Volumetric Objects
+Volume Graphics in Applications
Symposium Chairs
Torsten Moller, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Milos Sramek, OAW Visualisierung, Vienna, Austria
Papers Chairs
Hans-Christian Hege, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
Raghu Machiraju, The Ohio State University, USA
Steering Committee
Min Chen, University of Wales, Swansea, UK
Tom Ertl, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Issei Fujishiro, Tohoku University, Japan
Arie Kaufman, Stony Brook University, USA
Klaus Mueller, Stony Brook University, USA
Honorary Symposium Chair
Arie Kaufman, Stony Brook University, USA
Raghu Machiraju, Associate Professor,
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210
Currently on Sabbatical @ Imaging Technology Lab, GE-Global Research,
Call for Papers
Co-Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics
4-5 August 2007, San Diego, California
Paper deadline: Monday, 9 April 2007
Please see the CFP below for full details.
Graphics Hardware is a highly visible, established international
forum for exchanging experience and knowledge related to computer
graphics hardware. The event, held annually since 1986, offers a
unique perspective on graphics hardware by combining discussions and
constructive critique of innovative concepts as well as product-level
designs. It is an inclusive forum for the entire graphics hardware
community and brings together researchers, engineers, and architects.
The program features two days of paper and industry presentations,
with ample time for discussion during breaks, lunches, and the
workshop banquet. This year's event will be held in San Diego,
California, jointly with Siggraph.
Our website is located at
Monday, April 9
Deadline for paper submissions (11:59 pm Pacific Daylight Time)
Thursday, May 10
Notification of acceptance
Friday, May 18
Camera-ready papers due
Saturday-Sunday, August 4-5
Papers Track
We invite high-quality, original papers on all aspects of computer
graphics hardware describing either proven and tested solutions or novel
ideas and concepts. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Graphics accelerator architectures
* Performance measurement, modelling, and optimization
* Exploitation of new memory technologies for 3D graphics
* Graphics for mobile devices
* Integrated graphics chipsets
* Hardware support for image-based rendering
* Volume rendering architectures
* Hardware support of new surface representations
* Multi-processor architectures for graphics
* Load balancing in graphics systems
* Space, screen, and model partitioning
* Software-hardware interfaces
* Hardware accelerated rendering
* Programmable graphics processors
* Shading language implementation
* Vertex, geometry, and pixel programming techniques
* GPU-related compression/decompression techniques
* Programming techniques for data-parallel problems
* Hardware support for video processing
* Novel display technologies
* General Purpose GPU papers which meet all of:
- Graphics hardware is essential to the method
- New and non-obvious algorithmic changes are required to run on
graphics hardware
- The algorithm is likely to influence GPU designs or have lasting
value as GPUs change
Paper length:
There is no fixed maximum length for a paper. However, the magnitude of
the contribution must be proportional to the length of the paper, and
papers longer than eight typeset pages in the final Eurographics format
must make a very significant contribution to get accepted. Papers of
four or fewer pages will be held to a less strict standard of citation
and description of related work (comparison to the strongest alternative
techniques is still important, but an exhaustive review is not
necessary). All accepted papers are treated equally, i.e., printed in
the proceedings and presented at the conference.
Submission info:
Authors are invited to upload papers electronically in Adobe PDF format
by visiting
Submissions should follow the formatting guidelines on We encourage anonymous
submissions (in which the paper contains no information identifying the
authors) whenever possible.
Video sequences in QuickTime, MPEG or AVI format may be submitted using
the electronic submission system.
Papers Chairs:
Timo Aila (NVIDIA)
Mark Segal (AMD)
Papers Committee:
Kurt Akeley (Microsoft Research)
Tomas Akenine-Moeller (Lund University)
Remi Arnaud (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Avi Bleiweiss (AMD)
Frank Crow (NVIDIA)
Mike Doggett (AMD)
Gordon Elder (AMD)
Thomas Ertl (University of Stuttgart)
Naga Govindaraju (Microsoft)
Stefan Guthe (NVIDIA)
Mark Harris (NVIDIA)
John Hart (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Justin Hensley (AMD)
Greg Humphreys (University of Virginia)
Bill Mark (UT Austin)
Jason Mitchell (Valve Software)
Steve Molnar (NVIDIA)
John Montrym (NVIDIA)
Henry Moreton (NVIDIA)
Petri Nordlund (AMD)
Marc Olano (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Timour Paltashev (S3 Graphics)
Matt Pharr (Neoptica)
Tim Purcell (NVIDIA)
Bengt-Olaf Schneider (NVIDIA)
Peter-Pike Sloan (Microsoft)
Marc Stamminger (University of Erlangen)
Robert Strzodka (Stanford)
Michael Wimmer (TU Wien)
Craig Wittrenbrink (NVIDIA)
Questions? Please contact papers2007(a)
To facilitate sending announcements to those interested in Graphics
Hardware, we have moved our mailing list onto a listserv. We hope this
will be more convenient for attendees, organizers, and all others who
are interested in graphics hardware alike. We promise this will be an
low-volume mailing list, limited to the call for papers, the
announcement of the GH program, and the wrapup email. To subscribe or
unsubscribe, visit
International Symposium on Volume Graphics
02 - 03 September, 2007
The Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
The 6th International Symposium on Volume Graphics, VG07, will take
place in Prague in September 2007. It follows five successful
workshops in former years. This 6th occurrence of Volume Graphics has
been changed from a Workshop to a Symposium. VG07 aims to bring
together researchers from both the academic and industry who are
working, or wish to work, on volume graphics. Volume Graphics is
concerned with modeling, processing, and rendering of data which is
typically acquired through tomography, 3D microscopy, computational
simulations, statistical measurements or analytical methods. It is
capable of representing solid and soft objects, interiors as well as
surfaces, and synthesizing graphical images in a true 3D manner. The
symposium will continue to explore the potential of volume-based
techniques beyond the scope of volume visualization as it is currently
VG07 will be held in conjunction with the Point-Based Graphics
Symposium 2007, both under the auspices of EUROGRAPHICS 2007
Important Dates
May 11, 2007 Electronic abstract submission deadline (23:59 PDT)
May 18, 2007Electronic paper submission deadline (23:59 PDT)
June 22, 2007
Author notification
July 06, 2007
Receipt of camera-ready paper (detailed VGTC guidelines)
September 03 - 04, 2007
Volume graphics deals with the analysis, synthesis and presentation of
volumetric objects, both static and time-varying. Specifically, it
includes topics related to the acquisition, reconstruction and
transformation of volume data as well as feature analysis, information
extraction and rendering. Research papers are solicited that present
original and unpublished results concerning all aspects of volume
graphics. We especially invite research contributions that report
computational techniques derived from existing knowledge in numerical
analysis, signal processing and statistical modeling. Furthermore,
papers are solicited which demonstrate the efficacy of the methods of
volume graphics towards enhanced practices or understanding of
specific applications in engineering, medicine and physical and
biological sciences.
The accepted papers will be published in IEEE/EG sponsored
proceedings, and archived in electronic form in the Eurographics and
IEEE online digital libraries. A selected number of submissions will
be further considered for publication in a major journal in computer
graphics and visualization. Please refer to for detailed paper preparation
The Program Committee is seeking papers on original and unpublished
research work concerning all aspects of volume graphics. Symposium
Topics include (but not limited to):
+ Representation of Volume Information
- Stationary and time-varying data
- Single and multi-valued data (i.e. scalar, vector, tensor volumes)
- Multi-dimensional data
- Hierarchical and multiresolution data
- Uniform vs. non-uniform and flat vs. hierarchical grids
- Mesh-based, mesh-less and hybrid representations
- Interpolation schemes
- Volume-based surface representations, e.g. distance and label fields
+ Acquisition and Reconstruction of Volume Data
- Uniform vs. non-uniform sampling schemes
- Tomographic techniques, new imaging modalities
- Procedural synthesis techniques
- Interactive techniques
- Modeling, Transformation and Analysis of Volumetric Objects
- Resampling, denoising
- Data and noise models
- Multi-resolution techniques
- Statistical and machine learning methods (supervised and
- Extraction of geometrical and topological features from volumetric
data sources, e.g. iso-surfaces, shapes, skeletons, Morse-Smale
- Extraction of application-specific features from volumetric data
sources, e.g. flow features, anatomical structures,
- Feature analysis - segmentation, tracking and correspondence
- Interactive and procedural modeling of volumetric objects
- Warping and morphing
- Compression, simplification
+ Volume Rendering
- Local & global illumination models
- Transfer functions
- Feature emphasis and suppression
- Technical aspects of non-photorealistic and illustrative techniques
- High dynamic range volume rendering
- Acceleration techniques (multi-resolution, specialized data
structures, hardware)
- Volume graphics architectures, APIs
- GPU-based techniques that exploit underlying data representations
+ Volume Graphics in Applications
- Novel domain-specific techniques, evaluation of volume graphics
methods, judgment of efficacy and demonstration of utility in
application fields (as mentioned below)
- Engineering: fluid flow, structural mechanics, geo-physics, material
science and nano sciences
- Medical imaging: MR, CT, PET, DTI, molecular imaging -
computational anatomy - Biological imaging:
microscopy - microstructure characterization
Important Dates
May 11, 2007
Electronic abstract submission deadline (23:59 PDT)
May 18, 2007
Electronic paper submission deadline (23:59 PDT)
June 22, 2007
Author notification
July 06, 2007
Receipt of camera-ready paper (detailed VGTC
September 03 - 04, 2007
Raghu Machiraju, Associate Professor,
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210
Currently on Sabbatical @ Imaging Technology Lab, GE-Global Research,
> From: Bernd Froehlich <bernd.froehlich(a)>
> Subject: CfP: IPT-EGVE 2007 - Call for Papers, Short Papers and
> Posters
> ===================================================================
> 13th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
> 10th Workshop on Immersive Projection Technology
> (IPT-EGVE 2007)
> July 15-18, 2007, Weimar, Germany
> ===================================================================
> ------------------------------------------------
> Call for Papers, Short Papers, and Posters
> ------------------------------------------------
> Aims and Scope
> We invite you to participate in the joint IPT-EGVE 2007 symposium,
> to be held in Weimar, Germany, July 15-18, 2007. IPT-EGVE 2007 is
> the tenth annual Immersive Projection Technology workshop and the
> 13th Eurographics Virtual Environments symposium. This
> international event is a forum for the exchange of experience and
> knowledge among researchers, developers and users concerned with
> virtual reality, as well as augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D
> user interfaces. We invite you to submit your work, show your
> products, and join us for four exciting days of presentations,
> panels, exhibits, and special events.
> Suggested topics for research papers, short papers, and posters
> include, but are not limited to:
> 3D input devices and interaction techniques
> Display technology for VR, AR and MR systems
> Usability and human factors in virtual environments
> Haptics, sound and multimodal interfaces in VEs.
> VR systems architectures and development
> Collaborative and distributed VEs
> Real-time graphics techniques
> Mixed and Augmented Reality
> Standards for virtual environments
> VR, AR and MR applications
> Submission
> Submission is electronic only. Full details, including formatting
> instructions and the submission procedure are provided at the
> symposium web site:
> Accepted papers, short papers and posters will be presented at the
> symposium. Full papers will appear in the proceedings, which will
> be published in the Eurographics Workshop Series. The three best
> papers will be considered for a journal publication. Each short
> paper / poster will be allowed a 4 page / 2 page publication in a
> separate booklet distributed to the symposium attendees. Students
> are especially encouraged to submit posters. See the submission
> site for full details.
> Location
> IPT-EGVE 2007 will be held in Weimar, Germany. Weimar is a great
> yet small historictown of culture with its beautiful old centre,
> impressive museums and picturesque parks and gardens Located
> between Frankfurt and Berlin It is easily accessible by air and
> surface transportation. The conference will be held at the Bauhaus
> university campus area located next to the centre. Hotels,
> restaurants and many fascinating sights will be in walking distance
> of the lecture hall.
> Symposium Co-Chairs
> Bernd Fröhlich, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
> Roland Blach, Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart, Germany
> Robert van Liere, CWI, Netherlands
> Important Dates
> Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2007, 23:59h GMT
> Notification of acceptance: 01 May 2007
> Camera-ready copy due: 15 May 2007
> Symposium dates: 15-18 July 2007
> Contact
> For more information please visit
> egve,
> or contact:
> Bernd Froehlich
> email: bernd.froehlich(a)
> Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
> Fakultät Medien
> Bauhausstr. 11
> 99423 Weimar, Germany
> Phone: +49 3643 583732
> Fax: +49 3643 583709
Doug Bowman (540) 231-2058 (voice)
Associate Professor bowman(a) (email)
Computer Science
Virginia Tech
IPT - EGVE 2007
13th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
10th Immersive Projection Technology Workshop
July 15-18 in Weimar, Germany
Aims and Scope
We invite you to participate in the joint IPT-EGVE 2007 symposium, to be held in Weimar, Germany, July 15-18, 2007. IPT-EGVE 2007 is the tenth annual Immersive Projection Technology workshop and the 13th Eurographics Virtual Environments symposium. This international event is a forum for the exchange of experience and knowledge among researchers, developers and users concerned with virtual reality, as well as augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D user interfaces. We invite you to submit your work, show your products, and join us for four exciting days of presentations, panels, exhibits, and special events.
Suggested topics for research papers, short papers, and posters include, but are not limited to:
- 3D input devices and interaction techniques
- Display technology for VR, AR and MR systems
- Usability and human factors in virtual environments
- Haptics, sound and multimodal interfaces in VEs.
- VR systems architectures and development
- Collaborative and distributed VEs
- Real-time graphics techniques
- Mixed and Augmented Reality
- Standards for virtual environments
- VR, AR and MR applications
Submission information
Submission is electronic only. Full details, including formatting instructions and the submission procedure are provided at the symposium web site:
Accepted papers, short papers and posters will be presented at the symposium. Full papers will appear in the proceedings, which will be published in the Eurographics Workshop Series. The three best papers will be considered for a journal publication. See the submission site for full details.
Conference Location
IPT-EGVE 2007 will be held in Weimar, Germany. Weimar is a great yet small historic town of culture with its beautiful old centre, impressive museums and picturesque parks and gardens Located between Frankfurt and Berlin It is easily accessible by air and surface transportation. The conference will be held at the Bauhaus university campus area located next to the centre. Hotels, restaurants and many fascinating sights will be in walking distance of the lecture hall.
Symposium Co-Chairs
Bernd Fröhlich, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
Roland Blach, Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart, Germany
Robert van Liere, CWI, Netherlands
Important Dates
Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2007, 23:59h GMT
Notification of acceptance: 01 May 2007
Camera-ready copy due: 15 May 2007
Symposium dates: 15-18 July 2007
Contact information
For more information please visit,
or contact:
Bernd Fröhlich
email: bernd.froehlich(a)
Bauhaus-Universität WeimarFakultät Medien
Bauhausstr. 11
99423 Weimar, Germany
Phone: +49 3643 583732
Fax: +49 3643 583709
Call for Papers for CYBERWORLDS 2007
October 24-27, 2007 - Leibnizhaus Hannover, Germany Conference
Web Page:
In-cooperation with Eurographics Association.
Cyberworlds are information worlds being formed on the Internet, either
intentionally or spontaneously, with or without design. As information
worlds, they are either virtual or real and can be both. In terms of
information modeling, the theoretical ground for Cyberworlds is far above
the level of integrating spatial and temporal database models. This
conference will deal with large distributed information worlds on the
Internet as well as methods and tools used for creating such worlds.
A new feature of the conference this year will be topics dealing with the
relation between Cyberworlds and Computational Engineering (CE). This means,
we encourage submissions showing how contributions from CE will help
improving the physical accuracy of Cyberworlds and Virtual Reality (VR).
Vice versa, we also ask for submissions showing how concepts from
Cyberworlds (and VR) help to improve environments and systems used for CE
applications, e.g. medical science.
The conference proceedings will be printed by IEEE. The best papers will be
published in a special issue of "The Visual Computer".
Conference Topics
- Philosophy, evolution, and ethics of Cyberworlds
- Cyberworlds and their impact on the real world
- Cyber ethics and cyber laws
- Cyber security
- Visual Cyberworlds
- Virtual humans in Cyberworlds
- Virtual reality in Cyberworlds
- Computer vision and augmented reality for Cyberworlds
- Intelligent agents in Cyberworlds
- Communication in Cyberworlds
- Distributed virtual environments
- Shared virtual worlds
- Data mining and warehousing in Cyberworlds
- Virtual production engineering in Cyberworlds
- Cyber engineering - engineering methods enhancing VR worlds and
vice versa
- Bioinformatics for cyber life and medicine
- Health care in Cyberworlds
- Cyber medicine - medical visualization in combination with VR
- Cyberworlds and visualization for bioengineering
- Cyber information systems
- E-business in Cyberworlds
- Cyberworlds for education
- Collaborative work using Cyberworlds
- Cyber fairs and cyber museums
- Multi-user web games
CW 2007 will provide an opportunity for scientists and engineers from around
the world to share the latest research, ideas, and developments in these
fields. The conference will consist of full and short paper sessions as well
as hands-on demonstrations, where research groups, artists, and vendors will
show the state-of-the-art in the field.
To find out more about the CW 2007 submission details, see…
There will be two associated workshops on the conference:
VR Workshop On Haptic and Tactile Perception of Deformable Objects
New Advances in Shape Analysis and Geometric Modeling
Find out more on our conference web page:
Important Dates:
Paper Due 1 May 2007
Notice of Acceptance 4 June 2007
Registration 15 July 2007
Camera Ready 2 August 2007
Cyberworlds Conference 24-27 October 2007
Organized by
Leibniz Universität Hannover - Welfenlab. In-cooperation with Eurographics.
ACM in-cooperation is pending.
Conference Chair
Prof. Franz-Erich Wolter
Athens (GREECE), May 30 - 31, 2007
The 3IA International Conference on Computer Graphics and
Artificial Intelligence takes place every year in Limoges
(FRANCE). The aim of this Conference is to present the current
state of researches of Computer Graphics researchers who
use Artificial Intelligence techniques.
The tenth 3IA International Conference (3IA'2007) will take place
in May 2007, in Athens (GREECE).
Under the title "Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence", several
themes could be covered by the authors of papers. The following list gives
an idea of possible themes :
- Artificial intelligence techniques in scene modeling.
- Declarative techniques in scene modeling.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in rendering.
- Artificial intelligence techniques in construction of geometric figures.
- Animation and artificial intelligence.
- Behavioural animation.
- Design of intelligent graphic interfaces.
- Scene properties description techniques.
- Intelligent methods of exploring virtual worlds.
- Computer graphics and learning.
- Combination of classical and AI techniques.
- Application of AI techniques in CAD and GIS.
- Intelligent visualisation.
- Intelligent collaborative design.
- Semantics-based approaches in design.
- Decision support systems in design.
- Intelligent computational aesthetics.
- Intelligent CG applications in bioinformatics and medical informatics.
- ...
The 3IA'2007 International Conference will be held in the hotel
Athens Imperial.
Athens Imperial Hotel
Karaiskaki Square
104 37, Athens, Greece
Tel: +30 210 5201600
Fax: +30 210 5225521
Email: ai(a)
CONFERENCE E-mail : 3ia(a)
Dimitri PLEMENOS, Professor
Universite de Limoges
Faculte des Sciences
MSI Laboratory
83, rue d'Isle
phone : (+ 33) 5 55 43 69 74, (+33) 5 55 43 69 76
fax : (+33) 5 55 43 69 77
E-mail : plemenos(a)
Yury BAYAKOVSKY (Russia)
Christian BOHN (Germany)
Rene CAUBET (France),
Giovanni DE PAOLI (Canada)
Jean-Francois DUFOURD (France),
Yves DUTHEN (France)
Eugene FIUME (Canada),
Marina GAVRILOVA (Canada)
Djamchid GHAZANFARPOUR (France),
Gerard HEGRON (France),
Andres IGLESIAS (Spain),
Andrey IONES (USA)
Prem KALRA (India),
Stanislav KLIMENKO (Russia),
Ivana KOLINGEROVA (Czech Republic),
Jean-Claude LAFON (France),
Nadia MAGNENAT-THALMANN (Switzerland),
Michel MERIAUX (France),
Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Zhigeng PAN (China),
Bernard PEROCHE (France),
Pascal LIENHARDT (France),
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France),
Xavier PUEYO (Spain),
Mateu SBERT (Spain),
Vaclav SKALA (Czech Republic),
Daniel THALMANN (Switzerland),
Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece),
e-mail: gmiaoul(a)
Dimitri PLEMENOS (France), Georges MIAOULIS (Greece),
Nikolaos VASSILAS (Greece), Jean DRAGONAS (Greece),
Giola DIONYSSOPOULOU (Greece), Georges BARDIS (Greece),
Vassilios GOLFINOPOULOS (Greece), Dimitrios MAKRIS (Greece),
Jean XYDAS (Greece), Suzanne SIMONET (France).
Return of the intention form: today.
Paper submission deadline: February 4, 2007.
Paper acceptance notification: March 20, 2007.
Short paper submission deadline: March 27, 2007.
Short paper acceptance notification: April 7, 2007
Final papers due : April 15, 2006.
Papers should be sent as attached PDF files by e-mail to the general
Chair of the Conference. It is also possible to submit a paper
in PDF format by ftp. In this case, please use the following
username: 3ia2007
password: dep0t (the "o" of "depot" is a "0")
Maximal length: 12 pages
Font to use: times
Characters size: 12 pt for text, 18 pt bold for title, 14 pt bold
for section titles and 12 pt bold for sub-section titles.
Paper format: two-column A4 format
190 Euros (Students: 120 Euros)
- the proceedings of the conference,
- two lunches,
- a dinner in a restaurant Wednesday night.
Participation Form to the 3IA'2007 conference
(to be retourned to the general chair of the conference)
Professional address:
Phone number:
I intend to participate to the 3IA'2007 conference in Athens (Greece).
--- ---
I intend to submit a paper : yes I I no I I
--- ---
Title of the paper:
Do not send money for the moment. You will be informed later on the mode
of payment.
I Dimitri PLEMENOS I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74 I
I Universite de LIMOGES I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77 I
I Laboratoire XLIM I E-MAIL: plemenos(a) I
I 83,rue d'Isle I I
Please forward this info to interested colleagues, and please excuse
multiple postings. Thank you!
EUROGRAPHICS '2007, Prague, Czechia (Czech Rep.)
September 3 - 7, 2007
2nd C A L L F O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S
Conference Website:
e-mail: secretary(a)
>From Monday, September 3rd to Friday, September 7th, 2007,
the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia, will host
the annual conference of the European Association for Computer
Graphics - Eurographics '2007.
Conference Co-Chairs:
Jiri Zara (CZ), Dieter Fellner (DE)
Program Co-Chairs:
Daniel Cohen-Or (IL), Pavel Slavík (CZ)
Full papers * Febr. 8, 2007
State of The Art Reports * Febr. 22, 2007
Tutorials * Febr. 22, 2007
Short papers * April 27, 2007
Education papers * April 27, 2007
Cultural Heritage papers [!NEW track!] * April 27, 2007
Medical Prize submissions * April 27, 2007
Animation Theatre submissions * May 25, 2007
Interactive Digital Art submissions * May 25, 2007
Game papers and presentations * May 25, 2007
The following co-located Eurographics events will also take place
in Prague:
* Symposium on Point-Based Graphics (2-3 September)
* Workshop on Volume Graphics (3-4 September)
* Workshop on Natural Phenomena (4 September)
For further details about EG '07 in Prague see
Invited Speakers
Three internationally reputable speakers were invited.
They will present the following attractive talks:
Henrik Wann Jensen, University of California, San Diego, USA
Talk: "Reverse Engineering Nature"
Ben Sawyer, Digitalmill, Inc., Portland, Maine, USA
Talk: "Serious Games: Broadening Games Impact Beyond Entertainment"
Radim Sara, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Talk: "What can Computer Graphics expect from 3D Computer Vision?
Phlegmatic Dragon
We have made available a free 3D model of nicely looking "Phlegmatic
Dragon". Feel free to download the data in VRML/OBJ file format
and use it for your research work if you wish:
EG papers styles
EG styles are available for Full and Short papers. Soon
we will publish submission guidelines and other information
dealing with a use of the MCP conference management system.
Jiri Zara, Eurographics '2007 conference chair
/ Jiri Zara, Head of the Computer Graphics Group
/ Czech Technical University in Prague
/ Karlovo nam. 13, 121 35 Praha 2, Czech Republic
/ e-mail : zara(a)
/ phone : +(420) 224.357.311
/ fax : +(420) 224.923.325
/ WWW :