The European Network of Excellence
is organizing a
Summer School on Interactive Shape Modeling
taking place July 8th-12th in Darmstadt, Germany.
Speakers include researchers from within the network (Alexis Angelidis,
Marie-Paule Cani, Stefanie Hahmann, Jean-Claude Leon) as well as the
following set of outstanding shape creators:
- Sarah Frisken, Tufts, Inventor of Kizamu
- Takeo Igarashi, Tokyo, Inventor of Teddy
- Steven Schkolne, Calarts, drawing in free space with his hands
- Karan Singh, Toronto, Creator of Ryan (Academy Award, Best Animated
Short 2004)
- Denis Zorin, NYU, Subdivision and Multiresolution Techniques
Together they will present the state-of-the-art in digital modeling
techniques, both in commercial software and academic research to Phd
students or practioners in graphics. The goal is to impart the audience
with an understanding of the big open questions as well as the skills
to engineer recent research in interactive shape modeling applications.
For more information please see
If appropriate, please forward this information to other interested
Marc Alexa, DGM, TU Darmstadt
Call for Papers
Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena
Dublin, Ireland
Aims and Scope
Synthesizing realistic natural scenes is a challenging and important problem
in computer
graphics. The challenge stems not only from the complexity and diversity of
objects and
natural phenomena interacting together, but also from the huge amount of
small details that
should be modeled to obtain realistic models and physically plausible
simulations. Therefore,
there is still a need for interactive modeling and simulation techniques
capable for handling
complex synthetic sceneries.
The purpose of this workshop is to explore novel techniques for modeling,
animating, simulating
and rendering complex natural phenomena. The workshop will build on work
done in recent
years including simulating aging and weathering of synthetic objects, plant
modeling, ecosystem
simulation, gaseous phenomena and liquid flows. It will focus on
non-concious or inanimate nature
like rock, trees, oceans, wind, meadows (animals and humans as part of
nature should be excluded).
Work in this area, promising as it is, is still far from complete.
Authors are invited to submit technical papers in these or related areas.
Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to:
- Plant structure modeling
- Ecosystem simulation
- Gaseous phenomena (clouds, fog .)
- Simulating liquid flows
- Modeling fire and smoke
- Aging and weathering
- Terrain modeling
Submission Procedure (all submissions are electronic)
Authors are requested to submit papers, no longer than 10 pages, with the
main body set in
Eurographics Conference Paper Format. You can download a set of LaTeX style
files from Each paper should contain title, authors' names
and affiliations, abstract,
keywords, text, illustrations and references. Detailed guidelines are
available through the Workshop
Site. We will accept papers in PDF format only. Please contact the
conference organizers should
you experience any problems with electronic submission.
Post-workshop proceedings will be available on-line through the Eurographics
Digital Library
and in paper book form in the Eurographics Book Series. Selection will be
based upon technical
and scientific content and relevance to the workshop.
Workshop Format
The workshop will take place just before the Eurographics'05 Conference
(August 30, Dublin, Ireland)
to encourage a broad range of participants. As such, it will provide a very
interesting opportunity for
researchers that want to attend or present communications at both events.
The workshop will be held
in one day, including paper presentation and invited sessions. Participation
is open to everyone, not
requiring submission of a paper.
Important Dates
May 2, 2005 Submission deadline
June 15, 2005 Notification of acceptance
July 8, 2005 Deadline for camera-ready copies
August 30, 2005 Workshop (one full day)
Workshop Chair
Eric Galin, France
Program Chair
Pierre Poulin, Canada
International Program Committee
M.-P. Cani, F
N. Chiba, J
O. Deussen, D
J. Dorsey, USA
D. Ebert, USA
R. Fedkiw, USA
E. Galin, F
J. O'Brien, USA
P. Poulin, CA
P. Prunsinkiewicz, CA
J. Stam, USA
F. Neyret, F
J.-M. Dischler, F
B. Wyvill, CA
For more information, please contact eric.galin(a)
Eurographics 2005, Dublin, Ireland
The evolution of graphics: where to next?
Call for Short Papers
Email: eg2005-short(a)
Authors are invited to submit short presentations of recent
results, work in progress, and new ideas. Short papers will be
distributed to conference participants both in printed and
CD-ROM formats.
Authors of accepted papers will be expected to present their work
as a short oral presentation as well as a poster during a special
session of the conference.
This year, there will be a special PRIZE of EUR 500 sponsored by
Science Foundation Ireland for the best student short paper,
written and presented at the conference by a full-time student.
Anonymous submissions should be made electronically through the
Eurographics online submission system at:
Short papers should be formatted according to the EG
publication guidelines detailed in:
(refer to EGauthorGuidelines-short-sub.pdf and
EGauthorGuidelines-short-sub.tex in the zip archive).
For submission purposes, you should only submit a paper of up to 4
pages in length according to the submission guidelines. Formatting
guidelines for the poster session will be provided to the authors
of accepted short papers at a later date.
Deadline for Submissions: FRIDAY, 22ND OF APRIL, 2005
Notification Date: FRIDAY, 20TH OF MAY, 2005
Final paper due: WEDNESDAY, 15TH OF JUNE, 2005
Fabio Ganovelli
John Dingliana
For further information, please contact the short paper co-chairs at
More information on the full EG2005 conference is available at
__ __ __ __ __
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Third Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing
in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH
Vienna, Austria, July 4-6 2005
Program Co-Chairs:
Helmut Pottmann, Vienna University of Technology
Mathieu Desbrun, California Institute of Technology
Organizing Chair:
Werner Purgathofer, Vienna University of Technology
Now in its third year, the Symposium on Geometry Processing is the
premier venue for disseminating new research ideas and
cutting-edge results in Geometry Processing. In this emerging
area, concepts from applied mathematics, computer science, and
engineering are used to design efficient algorithms for the
acquisition, reconstruction, manipulation, simulation and
transmission of complex 3D models. Applications of geometry
processing algorithms cover a wide range of areas from multimedia,
entertainment, and classical computer-aided design, to bio-medical
computing, reverse engineering, and scientific computing.
We are now inviting submissions related to, but not limited to, the
following topics in geometry processing:
- geometry and topology representations
- compression of static or animated geometry
- surface and volume parameterization
- approximation and meshing
- reverse engineering
- simplification and level of detail
- smoothing and denoising
- computational geometry
- multiresolution shape analysis and synthesis
- geometric aspects of rendering and other fields
- interactive techniques
- animation and simulation
The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the
Eurographics Proceedings Series, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH.
Note also that there will be three prestigious invited speakers:
* Herbert Edelsbrunner, Duke University
* Luis Velho, Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada
* Marc Alexa, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Important Dates:
Electronic abstract submission deadline: April 20, 2005
Electronic paper submission deadline: April 27, 2005
Author notification of acceptance: May 23, 2005
Camera-ready copy deadline: May 31, 2005
Symposium: July 4-6, 2005
Submission procedure:
Details of this all-electronic submission procedure are available on
the official SGP website:
Authors are requested to submit an abstract for their paper (in
plain text format) by April 20, 2005. The abstract submission
should contain the names and institutions of all authors, contact
information of one contact author (name, e-mail, postal address,
phone and fax numbers), and the working title and abstract of the
Submitted manuscripts should be prepared for double-blind review,
and should be original work, not concurrently submitted to any other
venue. The length of a submitted papers should typically not exceed
10 pages, formatted in the proper publication style (LaTeX files
available online). A submission can also be accompanied by
electronic supplementary material (e.g, video).
Submitted papers will be carefully reviewed by members of the
Program Committee (see list online and on attached flier) and
selected external reviewers.
Papers with obvious potential but that did not make the cut may be
invited to present a poster during the symposium: these posters
will also be advertised through two-page descriptions, all
gathered in a separate proceedings document given to the symposium
For information on location, registration, and other details, please
Computer Graphics International is pleased to announce its poster
program and is soliciting high quality poster proposals. The CGI
posters program offers an opportunity to present innovative techniques
in commercial products, work in progress, student projects, or
non-traditional research. Posters on any subject related to computer
graphics (see a topic list below) will be considered. An informal
poster session will be held which should allow plenty of opportunities
for one-on-one dialogue and small group discussion in a casual
setting. Although extended abstracts describing each poster will be
distributed at the conference, posters will NOT be included in regular
proceedings and are NOT considered publications. The same work can
therefore be submitted to journals and conferences later.
Poster proposals should present at least partial results achieved with
a new technique. Submissions describing unsubstantiated ideas for
future research will not be accepted. Based on the results of paper
review process, CGI 05 committee has decided to offer several authors
to present their work as invited posters and we expect to build a high
quality poster program based on these core contributions. Proposals
will be evaluated by members of CGI 05 committee based on level of
contribution to the field of computer graphics, validity of the
results, originality, and clarity of presentation.
Submission procedure: Please e-mail a pdf file with an extended
abstract (maximum 2 pages formatted according to IEEE guidelines
available at to
cgi_pstr(a) File name should start with primary author's
full last name followed by an underscore and arbitrary poster name,
for example samaras_cool_faces.pdf IMPORTANT: Please do NOT use paper
submission system for anything related to posters. Even if the CGI 05
committee offered you to present an invited poster based on your
earlier paper submission, please send the new 2 page version to the
address above by the deadline specified below. This will serve as an
indication that you accept our invitation and are willing to present
your poster at the conference.
Poster presentation: Authors of accepted posters will prepare, print,
and bring their own 60 x 40 portrait or landscape posters to the
conference. Mounting materials will be provided. Posters will be on
display during the conference. A special poster session will be
scheduled during which at least one registered author is required to
stand by his/her poster.
Important dates for poster submissions:
March 28th, 2005: Poster submission deadline.
April 11th, 2005: Notification of acceptance.
Note that this email list is used for the conference-calls for the
IEEE Visualization conference, and similar events.
For removal or duplicates, please reply to this email address with your
respective email address and the subject keyword "remove" and add
"duplicate", if it is just for the removal of an unused email address.
(The relevant email address is in the TO-field of the email header.)
If your email is a question about the conference, the submission, or
related topics, please contact the respective conference co-chairs:
Arie E. Kaufman
Distinguished Professor & Chair
Computer Science Department
Stony Brook University (SUNY)
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400
631 632-8428/ -8441/ -8471
Fax: 631 632-8445/ -8334
23-25 November 2005, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore.
organized by:
School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
in cooperation with: EUROGRAPHICS, ACM, ACM SIGGRAPH, SIGWEB, SIGecom,
Paper submission: 23 May 2005
Cyberworlds are information worlds created on cyberspaces either
intentionally or spontaneously, with or without visual design. Cyberworlds
are closely related to the real world and have a serious impact on it. The
conference will have four parallel tracks including but not limited to the
following topics:
A1: Shared Virtual Worlds
A2: Distributed Virtual Environments
A3: Collaborative Design and Manufacturing
B1: Information Retrieval and Information Security
B2: Data Mining and Warehousing in Cyberworlds
B3: HCI and Humanised Interfaces in Cyberworlds
C1: Philosophy, Evolution, and Ethics of Cyberworlds
C2: Business Models in Cyberworlds
D1: Cyberlearning
D2: Cyberculture and Cyberarts
CW2005 will provide an opportunity for scientists and engineers from around
the world to share the latest research, ideas, and developments in these
fields. The conference will consist of full paper sessions, short
presentations, panels, tutorials, cyber art exhibition, industrial seminars,
and hands-on demonstrations where research groups, vendors, and artists will
show the state-of-the-art in the field.
There will be also 3 workshops organised in parallel with the main
conference program:
- 1st International Workshop on Cultural Heritage and Edutainment in Virtual
Environments (CHEVE 2005)
- 2nd International Workshop on Web Computing in Cyberworlds (WCCW 2005)…
- 2nd International Workshop on Language Understanding and Agents for Real
World Interaction (LUAR 2005)
The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society.
We will accept papers up to 8 pages in length, including figures. To be
included in the conference proceedings, at least one author of the accepted
paper must register and present the paper at the conference. The best papers
will contribute to the special issue of "The Visual Computer". Other special
issues of journal are being discussed. Previous Conferences: CW2002, CW2003,
CW2004 (the proceedings are published by IEEE CS)
Paper submission: 23 May 2005
Notice of Acceptance: 1 Aug 2005
Camera-ready paper: 5 Sep 2005
Author's registration: 5 Sep 2005
The details of the submission procedure will be available soon. Contact the
Cyber Art Exhibition Chair Russell Pensyl wrpensyl(a)
Contact the Tutorial Chair Wolfgang Müeller-Wittig askwmwittig(a) if
you have a tutorial proposal.
Key industrialists are invited to share their experience in creating and
applying cyberworlds to solve practical problems. Major research labs,
industrial companies and other institutions are invited to set up an
exhibition to present their group, the work and projects to the conference
Please email your proposals and requests to cyberworlds(a) or call
+65 6790-4292.
Best Regards,
Alexei Sourin
Program Chair CW2005
Dear Eurographics Member,
We are happy to announce the opening of the Eurographics'05 Animation
on-line submission site.
Maybe your entry will be nominated and win the 1000 Euro prize, sponsored by
Pixar !
For the first time, an Animation Theatre will be screened during the
Eurographics conference in Dublin. In addition to the Pixar prize, awards
will be made to the best entries in the three submission categories (3D, 2D,
Mixed media) and for the best Student Entry. Depending on the number of
submissions, the jury may decide to award best entries in specialized areas
such as: Scientific Demo, Independent Short Film, Commercials, Real-Time
Animation, Feature Film, Making-of. The results will be announced at the
EG05 Awards session.
Submission deadline: Friday April 22nd
On-line submission at :
<>Best regards
Ronan Boulic
Eurographics'05 Animations Chair
Eurographics 2005, Dublin, Ireland
The evolution of graphics: where to next?
Call for Education Papers
Email: eg2005-education(a)
As a special stream of the Eurographics 2005 annual conference,
we are seeking papers and participants who will share their ideas
on developments in computer graphics education.
We invite people to submit papers in two major areas:
- the teaching of computer graphics
- the use of computer graphics to teach other disciplines
Participation will be based on conditional acceptance of
full papers or extended abstracts (4-10 pages long) addressing
the focus areas above. Accepted papers will be published in an
Education Papers Proceedings, and at least one author must attend
to present at an oral session in the conference.
After the conference, two best education papers will be selected
for publication in the Computer Graphics Forum journal.
- Friday April 22nd
- Jean-Jacques Bourdin and Hugh McCabe
Call for Papers
Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena
Dublin, Ireland
Aims and Scope
Synthesizing realistic natural scenes is a challenging and important problem
in computer
graphics. The challenge stems not only from the complexity and diversity of
objects and
natural phenomena interacting together, but also from the huge amount of
small details that
should be modeled to obtain realistic models and physically plausible
simulations. Therefore,
there is still a need for interactive modeling and simulation techniques
capable for handling
complex synthetic sceneries.
The purpose of this workshop is to explore novel techniques for modeling,
animating, simulating
and rendering complex natural phenomena. The workshop will build on work
done in recent
years including simulating aging and weathering of synthetic objects, plant
modeling, ecosystem
simulation, gaseous phenomena and liquid flows. It will focus on
non-concious or inanimate nature
like rock, trees, oceans, wind, meadows (animals and humans as part of
nature should be excluded).
Work in this area, promising as it is, is still far from complete.
Authors are invited to submit technical papers in these or related areas.
Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to:
- Plant structure modeling
- Ecosystem simulation
- Gaseous phenomena (clouds, fog .)
- Simulating liquid flows
- Modeling fire and smoke
- Aging and weathering
- Terrain modeling
Submission Procedure (all submissions are electronic)
Authors are requested to submit papers, no longer than 10 pages, with the
main body set in
Eurographics Conference Paper Format. You can download a set of LaTeX style
files from Each paper should contain title, authors' names
and affiliations, abstract,
keywords, text, illustrations and references. Detailed guidelines are
available through the Workshop
Site. We will accept papers in PDF format only. Please contact the
conference organizers should
you experience any problems with electronic submission.
Post-workshop proceedings will be available on-line through the Eurographics
Digital Library
and in paper book form in the Eurographics Book Series. Selection will be
based upon technical
and scientific content and relevance to the workshop.
Workshop Format
The workshop will take place just before the Eurographics'05 Conference
(August 30, Dublin, Ireland)
to encourage a broad range of participants. As such, it will provide a very
interesting opportunity for
researchers that want to attend or present communications at both events.
The workshop will be held
in one day, including paper presentation and invited sessions. Participation
is open to everyone, not
requiring submission of a paper.
Important Dates
May 2, 2005 Submission deadline
June 15, 2005 Notification of acceptance
July 8, 2005 Deadline for camera-ready copies
August 30, 2005 Workshop (one full day)
Workshop Chair
Eric Galin, France
Program Chair
Pierre Poulin, Canada
International Program Committee
M.-P. Cani, F
N. Chiba, J
O. Deussen, D
J. Dorsey, USA
D. Ebert, USA
R. Fedkiw, USA
E. Galin, F
J. O'Brien, USA
P. Poulin, CA
P. Prunsinkiewicz, CA
J. Stam, USA
F. Neyret, F
J.-M. Dischler, F
B. Wyvill, CA
For more information, please contact eric.galin(a)
Edinburgh, UK, 7-8 July 2005
Due to popular demand, the deadline for submitting papers to
VVG'05 has been extended by one week to *** Friday 11 March ***.
Details and submission instructions at the conference website,
Manuel Trucco
VVG'05 General Chair