High Performance Graphics 2012 Call For Participation
We are pleased to announce High-Performance Graphics 2012. High Performance
Graphics is the leading international forum for performance-oriented
graphics systems research including innovative algorithms, efficient
implementations, and hardware architecture. The conference brings together
researchers, engineers, and architects to discuss the complex interactions
of massively parallel hardware, novel programming models, efficient graphics
algorithms, and novel applications. High Performance Graphics was founded in
2009 to synthesize and broaden on two important and well-respected
conferences in computer graphics: Graphics Hardware and Interactive Ray
Co-sponsored by Eurographics and ACM SIGGRAPH (pending)
The program features three days of paper and industry presentations, with
ample time for discussions during breaks, lunches, and the conference
The conference, which will take place on June 25-27, is co-located with the
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering in Paris, France.
The conference website is
We invite original and innovative performance-oriented contributions from
all areas of graphics, including hardware architectures, rendering, physics,
animation, simulation, and data structures, with topics including (but not
limited to):
- Interactive rendering pipelines (hardware or software)
+ Shading architectures
+ Spatial acceleration data structures
+ Surface representations and tessellation algorithms
+ Reconfigurable rendering pipelines
+ Texturing and compression/decompression algorithms
- Interactive rendering algorithms (hardware or software)
+ Visibility algorithms (ray tracing, rasterization,
transparency, anti-aliasing, ...)
+ Illumination algorithms (global illumination, shadows, ...)
+ Image sampling strategies and filtering techniques
- Graphics hardware and systems
+ Novel fixed-function hardware design
+ Graphics hardware simulation, optimization, and
performance measurement
+ Novel display technologies
- Languages and compilation
+ Programming models and APIs for graphics
+ Shading language design and implementation
+ Compiling for massively parallel graphics architectures
- Parallel computing for graphics
+ Scalable algorithms for parallel rendering and
large data visualization
+ Physics and animation
+ Computer vision
+ GPU computing
- Mobile graphics
+ Hardware design for mobile, embedded, integrated,
and low-power devices
+ Algorithms, rendering engines, and applications
for mobile graphics
+ Innovative visual computing applications for mobile devices
Instructions about the submission procedure, keynote speakers and the
complete International Program Committee will be available on the conference
website in due time.
We invite vendors in the graphics industry to present their latest and
greatest 3D chips, high-performance software, and system designs.
Presentations should be 20 minutes long, technical rather than
marketing-oriented, and with a focus on real products. Hot 3D presentations
are not considered archival publications for the purposes of future
submission to peer-reviewed venues.
We also invite the submission of posters describing on-going or
late-breaking work. In addition to traditional posters, this session will
be enhanced to provide opportunities for paper authors to present
implementation details or hands-on demonstrations.
Tuesday, April 3, Deadline for paper abstract submissions (strongly
Friday, April 6, Deadline for paper submissions
Monday, May 14, Notification of paper acceptance
Tuesday, May 22, Revised papers due
Monday, May 7, Deadline for poster and Hot 3D submissions
Monday, May 14, Notification of poster and Hot 3D acceptance
All deadlines are at 11:59 pm GMT.
An award of $500 will be given to the authors of the most outstanding paper
presented at the event. The award is based on the accuracy, originality, and
importance of the technical concept, the quality and readability of the
manuscript, as well as the content and delivery of the verbal presentation.
The winner will be chosen based on audience feedback and will be announced
at the end of the conference.
Presenters and participants are invited to bring prototypes and products for
demonstration at the event. Demonstrations will be held during breaks and
before and after the sessions. We highly encourage paper authors and
industry presenters to demonstrate their systems.
General Chairs:
Michael Doggett (Lund University)
David McAllister (NVIDIA)
Program Chairs:
Warren Hunt (Intel)
Jens Krüger (IVDA Saarland University)
Papers Chairs:
Carsten Dachsbacher (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Jacob Munkberg (Intel)
Jacopo Pantaleoni (NVIDIA)
Poster Chairs:
Manfred Ernst (Intel)
Justin Hensley (AMD)
Local Arrangements Chair:
Elmar Eisemann (Telecom ParisTech)
Tamy Boubekeur (Telecom ParisTech)
Publicity Chair:
Josh Steinhurst (Bucknell University, USA)
Anselmo Lastra (University of North Carolina, USA)
Steve Molnar (NVIDIA, USA)