Our apologies if you received multiple copies of this.
The 2nd International Conference of E-Learning and Games - Edutainment 2007
June 11-13, 2007
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Due of Submission December 10, 2006
Due of Review February 15, 2007
Due of Acceptance March 1, 2007
Due of Camera-ready March 15, 2007
Conference June 11 - 13, 2007
VR Committee, China Society of Image and Graphics
The International Journal of Virtual Reality
Microsoft-CUHK Joint Laboratory for Human-centric Computing and Interface Technologies
KC Wong Education Foundation
Digital Entertainment Society of China Simulation Association
IFIP SG 16 on Entertainment Computing (pending)
Conference Co-Chairs
Honorary chairs
José L. Encarnação (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)
Yeung Yam (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
Ruth Aylett (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
Conference chairs
Kin-chuen Hui (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
Zhigeng Pan (Zhejiang University, China)
L. Miguel Encarnação (The IMEDIA Academy, USA)
Program chairs (E-Learning Track)
Ronald Chi-kit Chung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
Stefan Goebel (ZGDV, Germany)
Program chairs (Game and animation Track)
Charlie C.L. Wang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
Xiaogang Jin (Zhejiang University, China)
Edutainment 2007 is the 2nd International Conference on E-learning and Games, which is an
international forum for researchers to share their latest research output on the
development and application of e-learning and digital entertainment systems. The
conference will cover a range of topics including:
. E-Learning Platforms and Tools;
. Learning Resource Management;
. Practice and Experience Sharing;
. E-Learning Standards;
. Mobile learning;
. Education and remote classrooms;
. Effectiveness of VR for education;
. Life Long Learning;
. Collaborative Environments;
. Remote Group Simulations;
. Collaborative Learning;
. Virtual Reality in Education;
. Game Design and Development;
. Game Engine Development and Customization;
. Game AI and Artificial Life;
. Game Physics;
. Game Rendering/Animations;
. Virtual Characters/Agents;
. Online/Mobile Game/Video Game;
. Storytelling and Game Narrative;
. Affective Interaction in Games;
. Digital Museum;
. Digital Heritage;
. Animation techniques;
. Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality;
. Vision and Imaging Technology in Games;
. Synergies between Digital TV and Edutainment;
and any other researches dealing with a pioneered or signicant development in animation, virtual reality and multimedia.
Papers accepted in the conference will be published as a volume in Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (SCI Expanded), Springer. Selected papers of high quality will be
published as special issues by international journals include "Simulation &
Gaming" and "Computing in Science & Engineering" (pending). All the
submitted papers should be written in English, and will be reviewed by at least two
international reviewers.
Submit your paper via our website at:
All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) or MS Word (.doc) in the format of
Springer LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). For detailed format templates, please
access Information for LNCS Authors on Springer LNCS website.
For more information, or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact:
Ms.Pat Chan
Edutainment 2007 Secretary
Phone: +852 2609 8056
Fax: +852 2603 6002
Email: edutainment2007(a)gmail.com
Web Site: