Dear colleagues,
-- The paper submission deadline has been extended to April, 7th.
Call for Papers:
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Hot topics
a.. Interactive graphics
b.. Serious Games
c.. Visualization and Realistic Rendering
d.. Non photorealistic rendering
e.. Image based modeling and image based rendering
f.. Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Reality
g.. Shape modeling
h.. Physics based modeling
i.. Cultural Heritage
j.. 3D GIS
k.. Semantic web & Graphics
l.. Visual Analytics
The papers of about 4-8 pages should be written in English and should be
sent in a printable pdf format. Papers must be formatted according to
instructions in the Eurographics paper kit (available on the web site).
Important deadlines:
April 7th, 2008 - Full paper submission (Extended deadline)
May 2th, 2008 - Notification of acceptance
May 12th, 2008 - Camera Ready Copy
July 2nd - 4th, 2008 - Conference
Authors whose papers will be accepted are required to attend the Conference.
The electronic version of the proceedings will be available from the
Eurographics Digital Library at
Local Committee:
a.. Vittorio Scarano (Università di Salerno)
b.. Ugo Erra (Università della Basilicata)
c.. Rosario De Chiara (Università di Salerno)
d.. Gennaro Cordasco (Università di Salerno)
e.. Riccardo Prinzi (Università di Salerno)