The ICAT-EGVE 2025 conference will be held between December 3rd and December
5th at Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden. The ICAT-EGVE
is the merger of the 35th International Conference on Artificial Reality and
Telexistence (ICAT 2025) and the 30th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual
Environments (EGVE 2025). Together, these are two of the oldest
international conferences in the world on Artificial Reality and Virtual
We invite the submission of Papers, Posters and Demonstrations describing
novel research ideas, work in progress, recently completed work, preliminary
results, or unusual systems and applications. ICAT-EGVE 2025 seeks inspiring
submissions describing research, applications or systems in all areas of
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Telexistence, and 3D User
Interfaces, e.g., the following non-exhaustive list of more specific areas:
* 3D interaction for VR/AR/MR
* VR/AR/MR systems and toolkits
* User studies and evaluation for VR/AR/MR
* Telexistence, Telepresence and Teleimmersion
* Haptics, audio, and other non-visual modalities
* Serious games and edutainment using VR/AR/MR
* Presence, cognition, perception, and embodiment in VR/AR/MR
* Novel devices (both input and output) for VR/AR/MR, and haptics
* Multi-user and distributed VR/AR/MR, Tele-immersion and Telepresence
* Immersive projection technologies and other advanced display
Submissions in other related areas are welcome too.
Submission Guidelines: Papers
The following are the guidelines for the submission of full and short
* Full papers must not exceed eight (8) pages in length (excluding
* Short papers must not exceed four (4) pages in length (excluding
* Both full and short papers must be in English and should be
formatted using the
* Eurographics format. A sample LaTeX document for ICAT-EGVE 2025 can
be found here:
* ICAT-EGVE uses a double-blind review process. Therefore, submissions
should not contain information (including citations and optional videos)
that unnecessarily identifies the authors or their institutions or places of
work. All papers must be submitted electronically as PDF. Authors are
encouraged to submit videos to aid the program committee in the review of
their submissions.
* The conference uses the EG submission tool. All submissions should
be made through the online submission system:
* Note: On SRMv2, for your full paper submission, please select "-" as
the category. If you have any questions regarding how to modify your
submission, please see the following help link:
* Submissions should be original, unpublished work and should not be
in submission to other venues concurrently. Any dual submission will be
rejected outright without review.
* For a policy regarding arXiv the following guidelines will be
followed: <>
Submission of Posters and Demos
Please note there is a separate submisison portal for our Posters and Demos
programme, for which we are now also accepting submissions: For details,
please see the Call for Posters and Demos.
Review and Publication
* All accepted Papers/Posters/Demos will be published in the
Eurographics Digital Library and presented interactively at the conference.
* All Papers/Posters/Demos submissions will undergo a double-blind
review process and be selected by the responsible chairs for presentation at
the conference based on the reviews.
* Upon acceptance, the camera-ready version of the submission will be
included in the electronic proceedings, provided potential reviewer comments
are appropriately addressed.
* A selection of the best papers at ICAT-EGVE 2025 will be invited to
submit an extended version (for peer-review) in a Special Section to the
Computers & Graphics journal after the conference.
Program Chairs
* Joaquim Jorge (University of Lisboa, Portugal)
* Nobuchika Sakata (Ryukoku University, Japan)
Posters/Demo Chairs
* Valeria Garro - Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
* Gareth Young - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
* Majed Elwardy - Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Conference Chairs
* Veronica Sundstedt (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
* Michael Manzke (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Contact Details: <>
Important Dates (All times: AoE)
Paper (Short and Full):
* Paper Submission Deadline: 15 August, 2025 - Title and abstract
deadline (please submit a draft of the paper if possible)
* Paper Submission Deadline: 29 August 2025 - Full submission deadline
* Paper Submission Notification: 17 October, 2025
* Paper Camera Ready Deadline: 27 October, 2025 (TBC)
* Conference: 3-5 December, 2025
* Posters/Demos Submission Deadline: 3 October, 2025
* Posters/Demos Submission Notification: 24 October, 2025
* Posters/Demos Camera Ready Deadline: 8 November, 2025
* Conference: 3-5 December, 2025
Apologies for cross posting.
CASA 2025 Call for Papers (Hybrid conference)
The 38th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2025) will be held on June 4-6, 2025, in Strasbourg, France. The conference is organized by the University of Strasbourg<> and the ICube laboratory<>. Founded in Geneva in 1988 under the name of Computer Animation (CA) by the Computer Graphics Society (CGS), CASA is the oldest international conference in computer animation and social agents in the world.
In the past few years, CASA has been held in Europe, Asia, North America, and Australia. CASA 2025 will provide a great opportunity to interact with leading experts, share your own work, and educate yourself through exposure to the research of your peers from around the world.
This year, the conference will be in HYBRID format. Authors will have the option to present their paper either in person or online.
* Submission deadline: March 8, 2025
* Preliminary Notification to Authors: April 15, 2025
* Revised papers submission deadline for CAVW journal: May 5, 2025
* Final Notification of CAVW Journal: May 15, 2025
* Author Registration: May 18 (final deadline)
We invite submissions of research papers on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to Computer Animation, Embodied Agents, Social Agents, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Visualization (see below for a detailed list). This year, we particularly welcome papers in the following domains: AI image generation, AI video generation, AI music generation, AI storytelling, and AI applications in VR.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by the program committee and papers of high quality will be referred for publication in the Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW, Impact Factor: 0.9) journal published by Wiley. The papers accepted as is or with minor revisions will be in a special issue. Those requiring major revision will be given a chance to resubmit and reviewed again by the conference PC for acceptance in a subsequent issue of CAVW. The rest will be either rejected or recommended for publication in conference proceedings. Authors will have to register and present the papers at the conference either onsite or online.
CASA invites submissions on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:
Computer Animation
* Motion Control
* Motion Capture & Retargeting
* Path Planning
* Physics-based Animation
* Vision-based Techniques for Animation
* Behavioral Animation
* Deformation
* Facial Animation
* Image-based Animation
* AI Storytelling
* AI Visual Generator
* Group and Crowd Simulation
* Modeling Natural Phenomena
* Deep Learning based Animation
* Fluid Animation
* Multi-scale Models
* Animation Compression & Transmission
* Machine Learning for Animation
* Advanced Multimodal Models
* Game-based Learning
Virtual Worlds
* Virtual Heritage
* Humanoid and Social Robots
* User Studies on AI or Robots Acceptance
* Machine Learning for VR and AR
* Artificial Agents in Virtual Reality
* Mixed and Augmented Reality
* Population Generation for Virtual Worlds
* Virtual Cities
* Virtual Humans and Avatars
* Anthropometric Virtual Human Models
* Digital Clones
* VR Health Applications
* Shared Virtual Environments
* Semantics & Ontologies for Animation in VR
* AI applications in VR and AR experiences
* Anthropometric Virtual Human Models
* Metaverse
* 3D Telepresence
* Haptics
* Locomotion and Navigation
* Presence and Immersion
* Cultural Heritage Applications
* Social Agents
* Frederic Cordier (University of Haute-Alsace, France)
* Kun Zhou (Zhejiang University, China)
* Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (MIRALab--University of Geneva, Switzerland)
* Christos Mousas (Purdue University, United States)
* Hyewon Seo (CNRS--University of Strasbourg, France)
* Daniel Thalmann (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
* Bin Sheng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
* Xiaosong Yang (Bournemouth University, UK)
* Hadrien Courtecuisse (CNRS--University of Strasbourg, France)
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Dear colleagues,
We are calling for (self-)nomination to serve on the Technical Papers
Committee (TPC) for SIGGRAPH Asia 2025. If you're interested in joining the SA
2025 TPC member pool, please read this e-mail carefully.
** Eligibility **
SIGGRAPH TPC members typically hold PhD degrees and have published multiple
papers at SIGGRAPH and/or graphics-related top venues such as Eurographics,
CVPR, and CHI.
If you have served on the TPC for SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 and 2024 or if you are
currently on the SIGGRAPH 2025 TPC, please do not apply this year.
** Duties **
We expect each TPC member to be a primary reviewer for approximately 10 papers
and a secondary reviewer for another 10.
Primary Reviewer. This role is similar to that of a journal associate editor.
Responsibilities include:
- Inviting two tertiary reviewers per paper
- Leading post-rebuttal discussions
- Writing reviews as needed
- Summarizing decisions
- Shepherding revisions of conditionally accepted papers.
Secondary Reviewer. Responsibilities include:
- Inviting one tertiary reviewer per paper
- Writing full reviews
- Participating in post-rebuttal discussion.
TPC members are expected to attend a 2-day TPC meeting, which will take place
just before SIGGRAPH 2025 and will be in person in Vancouver.
To get an idea about the time frame of the above tasks, please refer to the
timeline of SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Technical Papers program:
The exact timeline for SIGGRAPH Asia 2025 will be included in the formal SA
2025 TPC invitation.
** Disclaimer **
Every nomination will be considered. However, due to various constraints in
forming the TPC, it is not possible to invite everyone to the committee, often
for reasons unrelated to an individual's qualifications.
If you're interested in joining the SIGGRAPH Asia 2025 TPC member pool, please
fill in the following nomination form by 15 March 2025:…
Michael Wimmer, SIGGRAPH Asia 2025 Technical Papers Chair
Hongbo Fu, SIGGRAPH Asia 2025 Technical Papers Assistant Chair
To: general(a)
*>> DEADLINE EXTENDED to March 17, 2025 <<
>> ALL inquiries to WSCGconf(a) subject: Paper ID e.g. Paper
T91 <<*
>> *33. International Conference WSCG 2025 - Prague/Pilsen, Czech
Republic* <<
>> We are *celebrating 50 years of Computer Graphics *<<
>> at the University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic << <<
>> Please, resend to your colleagues <<
Dear colleague,
I would like to invite you to the annual WSCG conference
* *WSCG 2025
33. International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and
Computer Vision 2025* OR - WEB pages updated
to be held in Prague/Pilsen, Czech Republic (as usual for 32 years)
in *May 26-29, 2025
*prof. Vaclav Skala, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic
prof. Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, University of Geneva/MIRALab, Geneva,
Dr. Hon. Causa, U. of Ottawa, and U. of Hannover
Keynote speakers*
Gianmarco Cherchi, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
- Robust Hexahedral Meshing with Grid-based Approaches - Abstract
Other agreements pending
*Submission dates*:
Abstract and Full/Short/Poster paper:*March 17, 2025 EXTENDED*
submission open already
Conference will be held in the *HYBRID *mode, however *physical
presence is preferred*.
(i.e. with presentation online option)
*ALL sessions will be broadcasted via video-conference (Zoom, Teams, ..)
*Recent papers* are available in the Digital Repository
* *Accepted papers* are published in the *Computer Science Research
Notes [CSRN], ISSN 2464-4617*
and the best selected papers are published in the *Journal of WSCG,
ISSN 1213-6972*
Each paper has an *individual DOI *registered with
*Indexed by Scopus etc. and with individual DOI for each paper.
* *Recent Keynote speakers* can be found in
* *Register your contact at the submission server*
to be kept updated (there will be no CfP sent)
Feel free to contact me at:
* WSCGconf(a) - WSCG related questions
prof. Vaclav Skala
WSCG organizer since 1992
*annually held* Czech Republic
c/o University of West Bohemia
Pilsen, Czech Republic
Prof.Vaclav Skala
tel. 37-763-2473
ID verification:
c/o University of West Bohemia
Computer Graphics and Visualization
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dept.of Computer Science & Engineering
Univerzitni 8
CZ 306 14 Plzen
Czech Republic
ORCID: 0000-0001-8886-4281
Scopus Author ID:
Research Gate:
Jakákoli ujednání vzešlá z této e-mailové/elektronické komunikace se do jejich písemného
potvrzení podepsaného oprávněnými osobami nepovažují za platná, účinná a vůči ZČU závazná.
Any arrangements arising from this e-mail / electronic communication shall not be considered
valid, effective and binding upon the UWB until their written confirmation signed by
the authorized persons.
Prof.Vaclav Skala
tel. 37-763-2473
ID verification:
c/o University of West Bohemia
Computer Graphics and Visualization
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dept.of Computer Science & Engineering
Univerzitni 8
CZ 306 14 Plzen
Czech Republic
ORCID: 0000-0001-8886-4281
Scopus Author ID:
Research Gate:
Jakákoli ujednání vzešlá z této e-mailové/elektronické komunikace se do jejich písemného
potvrzení podepsaného oprávněnými osobami nepovažují za platná, účinná a vůči ZČU závazná.
Any arrangements arising from this e-mail / electronic communication shall not be considered
valid, effective and binding upon the UWB until their written confirmation signed by
the authorized persons.
EUROGRAPHICS 2025 - Education Papers
Call for papers
Deadline: Feb 21, 2025
The scope of the track includes topics in education concerned with computer
graphics and related areas, relevant teaching/classroom experience, as well
as assignments for use in these subject areas. We invite authors to submit
papers, panels and outstanding student projects specifically related but not
limited to the following topics:
- Teaching Computer Graphics courses to diverse audiences and levels.
- Teaching related areas such as Visualisation, Animation, VR/AR/XR, 3D
printing, and Game Development.
- Designing and teaching face-to-face, online and hybrid courses in the
above mentioned areas.
- Enabling and exploiting visual tools and techniques to teach in other
- Promoting undergraduate research in Computer Graphics.
All following deadlines are at 23:59 UTC.
(Fri) Feb 24 (EXTENDED), 2025: Submission deadline
(Fri) Mar 21, 2025: Notification to authors
(Fri) April 11, 2025: Camera-ready
(Mon-Fri) May 12-16, 2025: Conference in London
**Submission Format**
We invite authors to submit their contributions that fall into one of the
following categories:
1. Regular papers [max. 8 pages]
Describe the experience of educators in the fields listed above, bringing
ideas on how to make the education process more engaging, efficient, and
interesting, attracting students to further research work, discussing
innovative opportunities, etc. Whenever possible, we encourage authors to
provide evidence of their effectiveness.
2. (Catching) assignments [max. 4 pages]
Explain real assignments, providing examples of handouts and starter codes
and examples of student works. Explanations and descriptions of when and how
to implement and facilitate the assignments in a semester (e.g.,
orchestration details) are highly recommended. Describing the assessment
method is also suggested. Authors may provide all relevant artifacts as
supplementary materials during submission and agree to provide access to
them online upon acceptance.
3. Outstanding student projects (individual or group) [max. 2 pages]
Describe the learning context for the project and show how the student(s)
brought creativity to their work. Upon acceptance, authors are expected to
demonstrate the project during their presentation. All papers and
supplementary material will be published in the Eurographics Digital
**Submission Details**
Anonymous submissions must be formatted according to the Eurographics
Author's guidelines:
Submissions will be made electronically through the Eurographics Submission
and Review Management (SRMv2) system and are subject to a review process:
Karina Rodriguez Echavarria, University of Brighton, United Kingdom
Rafael Kuffner dos Anjos, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Email: chairs-eg2025edu(a) <>
You are cordially invited to contribute to the
23rd EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH)
as part of the
4th DigitalHeritage World Congress and Expo (DH2025)
organised in
Siena (Italy), from September 8 to 13, 2025
DH2025 ( welcomes
presentations of new research, projects, demonstrations and applications
that demonstrate how computer graphics and other digital technologies are
impacting cultural heritage research, preservation and dissemination and
promoting sustainable cultural tourism. Specific sessions will be organised
to seek new challenges and projects involving different stakeholders of the
Heritage ecosystem. Hence, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary
approaches are particularly welcome to the event. A groundbreaking public
exhibition of cutting-edge digital heritage projects will also be set up.
Following the successful format of the previous editions, the conference
will have a single call for papers and a coordinated scientific review
In 2025 the Congress is organised in Siena (Italy), one of the most
important cities in mediaeval Europe. The whole city, with its iconic Piazza
del Campo, was devised as a work of art that blends into the surrounding
We are seeking original, innovative and previously unpublished contributions
in theoretical or applied Digital Heritage domains. All papers will have a
blind peer review by the International Programme Committee (IPC). The IPC
seeks for every submission at least one "digital" and one
"heritage" reviewer to ensure a rich diversity of accepted works spanning
both technology and humanities. All submissions will be reviewed for
originality, significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. Each submission
shall indicate the specific Digital Heritage 2025 Track that is relevant to
the submission (see below "Tracks and Special Sessions"). You can submit
full or short papers, special sessions (tutorials, workshops and panels),
and exhibitions (follow dedicated "call for exhibits").
Types of Contributions
The event seeks different types of contributions, that will be published in
the EG DL, including:
Scientific Results
Full Research papers: original and innovative research (max. 10 pages incl.
Short Papers: research activities, applications or projects (max. 4 pages
inc. refs.)
Posters / Demo: overview of activities or national/international
Interdisciplinary projects (2 pages)
Special Scientific and Policy Sessions
Workshop (2-pages incl. bibliography) forum for researchers and
practitioners to discuss and exchange positions on current and emergent
Tutorial (2-pages incl. bibliography) presentation of technological
solutions and methods for students and professionals;
Panel (2-pages incl. bibliography) high level discussion session with
experts on key challenges.
EXPO* (template is provided):
Exhibition description (up to 2-pages incl. bibliography)
* a separate "call4expo" is launched including all specific details.
Contributions are solicited within the following topics (but not limited
1. Documentation, Preservation, Monitoring and Restoration track:
Heritage impact assessment Inventory for heritage management
Cultural heritage and archives
Heritage management planning
Endangered heritage
Natural risk management
Climate change mitigation
Long term archiving/storage
Intangible heritage
Rehabilitation of historical buildings
Digital publishing and Philology
Digital Technologies for Restoration&Monitoring
2. Policy, Standards, Ethics and Education:
Ethical use of AI technologies
Requirements and policies SDG for heritage
Cultural tourism
Education and training
Sociology and User studies
Neuroscience and cognitive psychology in DH
Archives accessibility and reproduction rights
Public use of History digital society
Heritage & tourism sustainability
Citizen science for heritage
Cultural heritage and local identity
3. Infrastructures, Dataspace and international projects track
Collaborative cloud for Cultural Heritage
Connecting infrastructures
Best practices
Digital transformation
Digital Archives and Digital Libraries
Digital accessibility Heritage cybersecurity Blockchain and NFT
4. Acquisition and Digitization track
Photogrammetry and Computer Vision
Laser scanning and active sensors
AI-based methods
Multimodal data
Remote sensing
Historical data processing
Materials and colours
Reflectance modelling
Neural Rendering Techniques (NeRF)
Generative AI for Cultural Heritage and Design
Massive digitization
5. Analysis and Interpretation track
Data fusion
Multi-temporal data analysis
Multi-modal analysis
Semantic enrichment
Point cloud segmentation and classification
Object detection finite element modelling
Scan2BIM GIS and spatial analyses
BIM and Digital Twin for Cultural Heritage
Ontologies Diagnostic analysis
6. Visualisation and Interaction track
Web-based interactive solutions
Virtual, Augmented, Mixed, Extended Reality Hybrid Experiences,
Hybrid Museums Interfaces Serious Games,
Applied Games and Gamification
Virtual technologies for museums,
Virtual Museums
Advanced image-based rendering techniques
Design UX / UI Haptic and HCI for heritage
Simulations Digital born art Cultural creativity
Submission dates
Notification Camera Ready
Abstract** (400 words) 15.03.2025
Workshops/Panels/Round Tables 15.03.2025 15.04.2025
Tutorials 15.03.2025
15.04.2025 /
Exhibits 01.04.2025
15.05.2025 01.06.2025
Full Papers (10p) 15.04.2025
15.06.2025 01.07.2025
Short Papers (4p) 15.05.2025
15.06.2025 01.07.2025
Poster (2p) 15.05.2025
15.06.2025 01.07.2025
* a separate call is launched by web3D
** Abstracts are not going to be reviewed but are required to organize the
reviewing process.
Journal Publications
Works with a high innovation potential will receive a proposal to prepare an
extended manuscript of their contribution (or extended version in case of
Full Papers) to be submitted to a scientific journal.
Following last years' events, DH25 aims at establishing dedicated agreements
with leading journals, e.g. ACM JOCCH Journal
<> , Elsevier DAACH
nd-cultural-heritage> , MDPI Heritage
<> or Elsevier JCH
<> . More
information will be published as soon as the agreements are in place.
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics SCA ‘25
The 24th annual Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) will take place in
Vancouver, Canada from August 8-10 2025.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline (Papers): April 3, 2025
Notification of Conditional Acceptance: May 12, 2025
Revision Deadline (2nd review cycle): June 12, 2025
Journal Notification: June 30, 2025
Camera-ready due: July 10, 2025
Conference: August 8 to 10, 2025
All submission deadlines are 23:59 AoE timezone (Anywhere on Earth).
Submission website:
About the Conference
SCA is the premier forum for presenting innovations on the theory,
software, and technology of computer animation. The conference is a focused
and intimate gathering of researchers and practitioners working on all
aspects of time-based phenomena. Its single track program features paper
sessions, poster presentations, panel discussions, and keynote talks. Plus
its emphasis on community interaction makes SCA the best venue to exchange
research results, get inspired, and initiate collaborations.
We invite submissions of original, high-quality papers on computer
animation, broadly defined as computation dealing with time-varying
phenomena. Papers will be submitted to the Proceedings of the ACM in
Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
<> (PACMCGIT) journal and undergo two
rounds of review. Accepted papers will appear in the PACMCGIT issue on SCA
2025, and authors of accepted papers will present their work at the
Topics of Interest
We invite original work on a broad range of topics, including but not
limited to:
2D, 3D, and N-D animation systems
Autonomous agents
Clothing animation and simulation
Computational design of animated systems
Expressive motion / communication
Generative and morphable models
3D and 4D motion modeling
Learned character control
Facial animation
Feature learning of motions, faces, body shapes and hand gestures
Foundation models for animation
Group and crowd behavior
Interactive computer graphics
Intuitive interfaces for creating and editing animations
Mathematical foundations of animation
Methods of control and artistic direction of simulations
Machine learning techniques for animation
Multimodal techniques for animation
Modeling and simulation of natural phenomena
Nature in motion (natural phenomena, plants, clouds, etc.)
New time-based art forms on the computer
Novel time-varying phenomena
Perceptual metrics of animation
Physical realism / measuring the real world for animation
Physical simulation
Fluid animation and simulation
Planning / learning / optimization for animation
Real-time and interactive methods
Camera control methods for computer animation
Sound and speech for animation
... as well as related problems in robotics game development,
human-computer interaction, simulation visualization, and computer vision.
SCA welcomes all kinds of contributions that advance the field of computer
animation. This includes new and improved algorithms, but also:
New datasets, or carefully and thoughtfully designed (collections of)
datasets based on previously available data
Advanced practices in data collection and curation
Benchmarks and benchmarking tools
Perceptual studies
Experimental studies
Material measurements
Theoretical foundations
New promising approaches that do not yet achieve state-of-the-art
Technical Papers
We invite you to submit high-quality work on animation and simulation
broadly defined as computation dealing with time-varying phenomena. Each
submission will be reviewed by an international program committee for
technical quality, novelty, significance, and clarity.
Papers should be written and presented in English. There is no strict
maximum length for submitted papers. However, we recommend that research
papers be up to 16 pages (excluding references), and longer papers should
make a very significant contribution. Authors are encouraged to use
supplementary documents to provide extra content. A paper submission should
describe an original work of the authors. Authors must not use ideas or
content originating from others without properly crediting their original
sources. Optional supplemental material does not count towards this
suggested limit.
Supplementary material such as videos may also be submitted electronically
and will be made available to reviewers (size up to 500MB). Videos are
required for techniques involving motion or animation.
Submitted articles will receive two rounds of reviewing by at least three
(3) expert reviewers. Technical papers conditionally accepted in the first
round will undergo a second round of revision and review and, conditional
on final acceptance, will be published in the PACMCGIT
<> issue on SCA 2025. There is no
rebuttal process.
Papers can be submitted via the EasyChair
<> website.
Paper Format
Research papers should be in ACM article format
<> using
the ACM small trim journal size (“acmsmall”). For the review version,
please use the command:
\documentclass[acmsmall, screen, review, anonymous]{acmart}
Anonymous Submissions
Paper submissions must be anonymous and include the unique paper ID that
will be assigned upon creating a submission using the online system. The
review process is double-anonymous
<>, so please remove
all personal data, such as author names and affiliation from all your
submission files.
Papers should not have previously appeared in, or be currently submitted
to, any other conference or journal. SCA follows the same anonymity policy
as SIGGRAPH <>. Any case of
violation will be determined by the chairs and could result in a desk
Best Paper Awards will be given to exceptional submissions on the cutting
edge of computer animation.
The author(s) of accepted papers must also attend the conference and
present their work in-person. At least one (1) author from each accepted
paper must register for the conference.
Program Chairs
Lingjie Liu, University of Pennsylvania
Sheldon Andrews, École de Technologie Supérieure
Conference Chairs
Bo Zhu, Georgia Institute of Technology
Yin Yang, University of Utah
SHREC2025 - 3D Shape Retrieval Challenge 2025
At Eurographics 2025 Symposium on 3D Object Retrieval, 4-5 September 2025
Nota bene: Full paper submissions will follow a two-stage review process and
will be published in the international journal Computes & Graphics upon
We strongly encourage to consider the graphics replicability stamp
initiative, <>, and to apply for this additional sign of
The general objective of the 3D Shape Retrieval Challenge is to evaluate the
effectiveness of 3D-shape retrieval algorithms. SHREC2025 is the twentieth
edition of the challenge. Like previous years, it is organized in
conjunction with the Eurographics Symposium on 3D Object Retrieval, where
the results will be reviewed and presented at the symposium.
Thanks to the efforts of previous track organizers, SHREC already provides
many resources to compare and evaluate 3D retrieval methods. For this year's
contest, we aim to explore new and updated tracks. Therefore, the
participants are invited to have an active role in the organization of the
event. This includes proposing track themes, building or acquiring a
training and test collection, and deciding upon the queries, relevance
assessment, and performance measures.
The participants of each track will collectively write a paper, which will
be peer reviewed, and published in Computers & Graphics upon acceptance. At
least one author per track must register for the symposium, and present the
results. The registration must be unique for the paper, multiple papers on
one registration does not count. We also cordially invite all other
participants of a track to register and attend the workshop.
The tracks organized in the past years have covered different aspects and
tasks of 3D shape retrieval, for example: rigid or non-rigid models; partial
(e.g. range scan) or complete models; sketch-based 3D retrieval; generic or
domain specific models (e.g. CAD, biometrics, architectural and molecular),
and various aspects such as metric learning, outlier detection,
correspondence, robustness, stability, registration, classification,
recognition, pose estimation, and machine learning, and change detection.
Now we solicit again proposals for tracks. You may opt for one of the above
themes, or propose new ones. Track organizers are responsible for all
aspects of organizing the track, such as: the task, the data collection
(copyright issues, etc.), the queries, the ground truth, the experimental
design, the evaluation method, the procedural aspects, writing the final
paper in collaboration with the collaborators, and submitting it. See below
for examples of previous SHREC editions. We strongly encourage to consider
the graphics replicability stamp initiative,
<>, to
apply for this additional sign of recognition, and to include this in your
track proposal.
The following list is a step-by-step description of the activities:
* Potential track organizers send their proposal to
<> shrec(a), describing the envisioned task,
collection, queries, ground truth, evaluation method, expected number of
participants, and plans to apply for the graphics replicability stamp.
* Promising tracks and their organizers will be listed at the SHREC
web page, the track organizers start working out the details and recruite
* Participants register for the tracks they want to participate in.
* Each track is performed according to its own schedule, compliant
with the worskop submission and reviewing schedule.
* The track organizers collect the results.
* The track results are combined into a joint paper. Papers are
subject to peer review, accepted journal papers are published in Computers &
* The description of the tracks and their results are presented at
Eurographics 2025 Symposium on 3D Object Retrieval, 4-5 September 2025.
SHREC Time Schedule
Important dates
* March 6, 2025: Submission deadline for track proposals.
* March 7, 2025: Notification of acceptance of track proposals.
* March 7 to April 25, 2025: Each track has its own time line.
* April 30, 2025: Submission deadline for full papers for review.
* May 23, 2025: First review done, first stage decision on acceptance
or rejection.
* June 13, 2025: First revision due.
* June 27, 2025: Second stage of reviews complete, decision on
acceptance, rejection, or acceptance as short paper.
* July 4, 2025: Final version submission.
* July 7, 2025: Final decision on acceptance or rejection.
* September 2025: Publication online in Computers & Graphics journal.
* September 4-5, 2025: Presentation at the Eurographics 2025 Symposium
on 3D Object Retrieval.
The individual tracks will have their own time schedule for registration of
participants, release of queries or submission of executables, and
submission of results, etc.
For information about the contest, the results, etc. of previous years, see
past events:
SHREC 2024
2023 <>
SHREC 2022
2021 <> SHREC 2020
<> SHREC 2019
<> SHREC 2018,
<> SHREC 2017,
<> SHREC 2016,
<> SHREC 2015, SHREC
2014 <> , SHREC 2013
For more information, please contact <>
Apologies for cross posting.
CASA 2025 Call for Papers
The 38th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents
(CASA 2025) will be held on June 4-6, 2025, in Strasbourg, France. The
conference is organized by the University of
Strasbourg<> and the ICube
laboratory<>. Founded in Geneva in 1988 under the
name of Computer Animation (CA) by the Computer Graphics Society (CGS), CASA
is the oldest international conference in computer animation and social
agents in the world.
In the past few years, CASA has been held in Europe, Asia, North America,
and Australia. CASA 2025 will provide a great opportunity to interact with
leading experts, share your own work, and educate yourself through exposure
to the research of your peers from around the world.
* Submission deadline: March 5, 2025
* Preliminary Notification to Authors: April 15, 2025
* Revised papers submission deadline for CAVW journal: May 5, 2025
* Final Notification of CAVW Journal: May 15, 2025
* Author Registration: May 18 (final deadline)
* Conference: June 2-4, 2025
We invite submissions of research papers on a broad range of topics,
including but not limited to Computer Animation, Embodied Agents, Social
Agents, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Visualization (see below for a
detailed list). This year, we particularly welcome papers in the following
domains: AI image generation, AI video generation, AI music generation, AI
storytelling, and AI applications in VR.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by the program committee and papers of
high quality will be referred for publication in the Computer Animation and
Virtual Worlds (CAVW, Impact Factor: 0.9) journal published by Wiley. The
papers accepted as is or with minor revisions will be in a special issue.
Those requiring major revision will be given a chance to resubmit and
reviewed again by the conference PC for acceptance in a subsequent issue of
CAVW. The rest will be either rejected or recommended for publication in
conference proceedings. Authors will have to register and present the papers
at the conference either onsite or online.
CASA invites submissions on a broad range of topics, including but not
limited to:
Computer Animation
* Motion Control
* Motion Capture & Retargeting
* Path Planning
* Physics-based Animation
* Vision-based Techniques for Animation
* Behavioral Animation
* Deformation
* Facial Animation
* Image-based Animation
* AI Storytelling
* AI Visual Generator
* Group and Crowd Simulation
* Modeling Natural Phenomena
* Deep Learning based Animation
* Fluid Animation
* Multi-scale Models
* Animation Compression & Transmission
* Machine Learning for Animation
* Advanced Multimodal Models
* Game-based Learning
Virtual Worlds
* Artificial Agents in Virtual Reality
* Mixed and Augmented Reality
* Population Generation for Virtual Worlds
* Virtual Cities
* Virtual Humans and Avatars
* Anthropometric Virtual Human Models
* Digital Clones
* VR Health Applications
* Shared Virtual Environments
* Semantics & Ontologies for Animation in VR
* AI applications in VR and AR experiences
* Anthropometric Virtual Human Models
* Metaverse
* 3D Telepresence
* Haptics
* Locomotion and Navigation
* Presence and Immersion
* Cultural Heritage Applications
* Social Agents
* Frederic Cordier (University of Haute-Alsace, France)
* Kun Zhou (Zhejiang University, China)
* Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (MIRALab--University of Geneva, Switzerland)
* Christos Mousas (Purdue University, United States)
* Hyewon Seo (CNRS--University of Strasbourg, France)
* Daniel Thalmann (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
* Xiaosong Yang (Bournemouth University, UK)
* Hadrien Courtecuisse (CNRS--University of Strasbourg, France)