Extended CFP - Apologies for multiple copies
Due to many requests from authors, the submission deadline of the call for
papers for CGI'16 has been extended to February 21, 2016, 23h59 CET
Computer Graphics International 2016: CGI'16
28th June - 1st July 2016
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Computer Graphics International is one of the oldest, international annual
conferences in Computer Graphics and one of the most important ones
worldwide. It is an essential yearly meeting where academics present their
latest models and technologies, and explore new trends and ideas. Since 1983
it has been held in numerous different places worldwide - Geneva, Tokyo,
Sydney, and many countries in Europe, Asia, and The Americas.
CGI'16: Computer Graphics International 2016, the 33rd annual conference
will take place on June 28th - July 1st 2016 in Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Crete is the 5th biggest Mediterranean Island, lies in the southern frontier
of Europe and is one of the most popular European tourism destinations. The
conference is organized by the Institute of Computer Science of the
Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (ICS-CVRL/FORTH) in
cooperation with ACM-SIGGRAPH and The Eurographics Association.
Accepted full-length papers will be published in The Visual Computer Journal
by Springer. Authors of the highest ranked accepted short papers will be
invited to submit an extended version of their work to the Visual Computer
Journal; these papers will follow a fast track review process. The rest of
the accepted short papers will be published by the ACM Digital Library
within its International Conference Proceedings Series.
We invite original contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in topics
related, but not limited to:
* Graphics Systems Architectures
* Human Computer Interaction
* Rendering Techniques
* Virtual and Augmented Reality
* Shape and Surface Modeling
* Physically Based Modeling and Simulation
* Scientific Visualization
* Data Compression for Graphics
* Medical Imaging
* Computational and Discreet Geometry
* Multimedia and Web Graphics
* Mobile Graphics Toolkits
* Virtual Heritage applications
* Geometric Algebra Computing
* Geometric/Clifford Algebras for Graphics
* Computational Photography
* Visual Analytics
* Shape and Image Retrieval
* Sketch Based Modeling
* 3D Printing
* Surface and Volume Deformation
* Shape Analysis
* Parallel Systems and GPU
* Augmented cognition and Mixed Reality
* Realistic and Perceptual Rendering
* HDR Image and Video Techniques
* Augmented Cognition in Mixed Reality
* Virtual Heritage
* Computer graphics techniques in serious games
Several important Co-Located Events (GACSE'16 workshop, Summer Schools and
Tutorials) are also supporting the main CGI'16 conference this year:
(all deadlines are 23:59 CET)
* Full Paper submission: Feb. 21st 2016
* Full Paper notification: Mar. 25th 2016
* Camera ready full papers due: Apr. 8th 2016
* Short Paper/Poster submission: Apr. 24th 2016
* Short Paper/Poster notification: May 13th 2016
* Camera ready short papers due: May 22th 2016
* Conference Chair: George Papagiannakis - University of Crete & FORTH,
* Program Co-Chairs:
* Panos Trahanias - University of Crete & FORTH, Greece,
* Daniel Thalmann - EPFL, Switzerland & Nanyang Technological University,
For more details please visit: <http://www.ics.forth.gr/CGI2016>