SIACG 2014 Ibero-American Symposium in Computer Graphics
October 20 - 22 2014
Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Dear Colleague,
The purpose of SIACG is to promote the international cooperation between
researchers and professionals in Computer Graphics from the different
communities of the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America. This symposium is
the fifth of similar events organized every other year and alternating
between Europe and South America.
Organized by the Universidad Nacional del Sur, the Eurographics Portuguese
Chapter and the Eurographics Spanish Chapter in Cooperation.
Authors are invited to submit papers from all areas related to computer
graphics, multimedia and hardware, for review by the international Program
Committee. Both research and applications papers are of interest to
Those papers which are accepted and presented orally at the symposium by one
of the authors will appear in the SIACG'2014 proceedings, which will be
published as a special issue of Springer Communications in Computer and
Information Science. Also, the best papers will be invited to submit
extended versions of their work to a short-track evaluation for Computer
Graphics Forum.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Computer Graphics Systems and Hardware
Computer Animation
Rendering Techniques and Global Illumination
Real-Time Rendering
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
Computer Human Interface
Computational Geometry
Geometric Computing and Solid Modeling
Game Design and Engine Development
Virtual Humans and Artificial Life
3D Reconstruction
Procedural Modeling
GPU Programming
Graphics and Multimedia
Computer Graphics in Arts, Education, Engineering,
Entertainment, Medicine and Science
Computer Graphics for Mobile Applications
Image Processing
Interactive Environments
Software and Web accessibility
Multimedia Design
Digital and Interactive Art
Educational Strategies in Computer Graphics
Digital Interfaces and Emotional Expressivity in Multimedia
Graphics & Perception
Computational Photography
Paper Submission: July 31, 2014 === DEADLINE EXTENSION ===
Notification of acceptance: September 19, 2014
Final version: September 30, 2014
Symposium: October 20-22, 2014
International Program Committee Co-Chairs:
Luis Paulo Santos (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
Gustavo Patow (Universidad de Girona, Spain)
Organizing Committee Chair
Claudio Delrieux, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina (
<mailto:cad@uns.edu.ar> cad(a)uns.edu.ar)
Local Organizing Committee
Alejandro Vitale
Marina Cipolletti
Natalia Revollo
Andrea Silvetti
Andrés Repetto
Jonathan Vainstein
José Francisco Manera
Diego Marcovecchio
Juan Bajo
Felix Thomsen
Leonardo Molas
International Program Committee
Joaquim Madeira, Universidade de Aveiro
Holly Rushmeier, yale
Omaira Rodriguez, UCV
Alexandra La Cruz La Cruz, Universidad Simon Bolivar
Rhadamés Carmona, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Luis Matey, CEIT
A. Augusto Sousa, FEUP / INESC Porto
Francisco Seron, Universidad de Zaragoza
Abel Gomes, Univeristy of Beira Interior, Department of Computer
Science and Engineering
Luciano Soares, Tecgraf/Puc-Rio
Ernesto Coto, Centro de Computación Gráfica. Universidad Central de
Antonio Coelho, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Gonzalo Besuievsky, Universitat de Girona
Aderito Marcos, Portuguese Open University
Teresa Chambel, LaSIGE, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
Antonio Ramires Fernandes, Universidade do Minho
Carles Bosch, Barcelona Media
Belen Masia, Universidad de Zaragoza
Adolfo Muñoz, Universidad de Zaragoza
Robert Joan-Arinyo, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Rui Rodrigues, FEUP
Pedro A Linares H, Universidad de Carabobo
Joao Madeiras Pereira, IST/INESC-ID
Pere Brunet, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Miguel Chover, Universitat Jaume I
Frutuoso Silva, University of Beira Interior
Helder Araujo, University of Coimbra
Diego Gutierrez, Universidad de Zaragoza
Rafael Bidarra, Delft University of Technology
Miguel Otaduy, URJC Madrid
Alex J. Cuadros-Vargas, San Pablo Catholic University
Álvaro Pardo, Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Eduardo Fernández, Universidad de la República
Jorge Lopez-Moreno, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Joaquim Jorge, IST/UTL/INESC-ID
Juan Carlos Torres, University of Granada
Alejandro Clausse,
Marcelo Venere,
Nestor Calvo,
Juliana Gambini,
Fran Gonzalez Garcia, Next Limit Technologies
Luis Magalhaes, UTAD
Maximino Bessa, INESC TEC, ECT UTAD
Miguel Sales Dias, Microsoft
Veronica Orvalho, FCUP
Authors are invited to submit papers from all areas related to computer
graphics, multimedia and hardware, for review by the international Program
Committee. Both research and applications
papers are of interest to SIACG2014.
All the accepted and presented papers will be published as a special issue
of Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science. (
Submissions must be written in English, and can either be full papers (10-15
pages) or short papers (6-8 pages), following the authors instructions:
and should be uploaded through the specific EasyChair track:
Electronic versions of the proceedings will be available at a minimum cost,
and participants will have temporary free access to the online version of
the proceedings.
Authors of the best presentations will be invited to submit extended
versions of their work to a short-track evaluation for Computer Graphics