The Graphics & Imaging Lab (University of Zaragoza, Spain), is looking for candidates
for one PhD position within our project VIRTUALIGHT: Virtual optics for transient imaging.
The successful candidate will be working towards a PhD degree along a four-year contract.
The project comes up from a generalization of our recent Nature paper in which we derive a
new formulation called phasor fields which allowed to model the non-line-of-sight problem
(to look through corners, or specifically to reconstruct the geometry of an occluded scene
through its reflection on an opaque, diffuse wall), as a line-of-sight (direct vision)
problem with a virtual optical system, computationally modeled. This allows to solve it by
means of typical wave propagation operators, with significantly improved results in
occluded scenes with much more complexity. This paper is a milestone which sets the path
to solving more complex and/or badly conditioned image and vision problems by their
(virtual) computational transformation into more simple problems, which is the basis of
this project.
The project research field is threefold:
* Computer graphics and computational imaging.
* Computer vision and deep learning.
* Optics and light transport.
Specific research tasks within the project will be shaped to the candidate’s profile. The
deadline for submitting applications is 13-27 October through Spain’s Ministry of Science
and Innovation site. For further details and assistance with the application procedure,
please contact the project Principal Investigators: Diego Gutiérrez [diegog AT unizar DOT
es] and Adolfo Muñoz [adolfo AT unizar DOT es]. Details in