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Fourth Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing
in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, June 26-28 2006
Program Co-Chairs:
* Alla Sheffer, University of British Columbia
* Konrad Polthier, Zuse Institute Berlin
Organizing Co-Chairs:
* Riccardo Scateni, Università di Cagliari
* Roberto Scopigno, ISTI-CNR Pisa
The Symposium on Geometry Processing is the premier venue for
disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in
computerized processing of geometric models. In this emerging
area, concepts from applied mathematics, computer science,
and engineering are used to design efficient algorithms for
acquisition, reconstruction, manipulation, simulation and
transmission of complex 3D models. Applications of geometry
processing algorithms cover a wide range of areas from multimedia,
entertainment, and classical computer-aided design, to bio-medical
computing, reverse engineering, and scientific computing.
We are now inviting submissions related to, but not limited to,
the following topics in geometry processing:
- geometry and topology representations
- compression of static or animated geometry
- surface and volume parameterization
- approximation and meshing
- reverse engineering
- simplification and level of detail
- smoothing and denoising
- computational geometry
- multiresolution shape analysis and synthesis
- geometric aspects of rendering and other fields
- interactive techniques
- animation and simulation
The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the
Eurographics Proceedings Series, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH.
NEW: proceedings will be full-color throughout (to be confirmed).
In addition to the technical paper presentations the conference
will have two distinguished invited speakers:
* Markus Gross, ETH Zurich
* Ron Kimmel, Technion.
NEW: the industry panel will be a new conference feature where
representatives of major companies actively involved in geometry
processing and its application will present and discuss the most
challenging research problems in the work of their companies.
This year's panelists are:
* Richard Huddy (ATI)
* David Bonner (Dassault Systems)
* Rasmus Tamstorf (Disney)
* Olivier Paugam (Mental Images)
A posters session will provide an additional informative look into
ongoing research. Papers with obvious potential but which missed
the threshold may be invited to be presented as posters during the
symposium. Two page abstracts of the posters will be published in
a separate volume distributed to the symposium participants.
* Electronic abstract submission deadline: April 19, 2006
* Electronic paper submission deadline: April 26, 2006 PMT
* Author notification: May 17, 2006
* Camera ready copy deadline: May 24, 2006
* Symposium: June 26-28, 2006
Details of the all-electronic submission procedure are available
on the official SGP website:
Authors are requested to submit an abstract of their paper (in
plain text format) by April 19, 2006. The abstract submission
should contain the names and institutions of all the authors,
contact information of one contact author (name, e-mail, postal
address, phone and fax numbers), and the working title and
abstract of the submission.
Submitted manuscripts should be prepared for double-blind review,
and should be original work, not concurrently submitted to any
other venue. The length of a submitted paper should typically not
exceed 10 pages, formatted in the proper publication style (LaTeX
files available online). A submission can also be accompanied by
electronic supplementary material (e.g. video).
Submitted papers will be carefully reviewed by members of the
Program Committee (see list online and on attached flier) and
selected external reviewers.