Apologies for cross postings
2017 International Conference on CYBERWORLDS
University of Chester, Chester, United Kingdom
20-22nd September, 2017
In cooperation with the Eurographics Association, ACM SIGGRAPH, and the
International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
Final Call for Participation
Cyberworlds are information spaces and communities that use computer
technologies to augment the way we interact, participate in business and
receive information throughout the world. Cyberworlds have ever-growing
impact on our lives and the evolution of the world economy. Examples include
social networking services, 3D shared virtual communities and massively
multiplayer online role-playing games. As the University of Chester is
hosting the 2017 conference we particularly invite submissions based on our
specialist areas of virtual and augmented reality, and cybersecurity.
However, a broad range of topics will be accepted for CW2017, including:
* Applications of augmented and mixed reality
* Applications of virtual reality
* Networked and shared virtual worlds
* Virtual collaborative spaces
* Shape modelling for cyberworlds
* Virtual humans and avatars
* Multimodal interaction and rendering
* Computer vision for augmented and mixed reality
* Cognitive informatics
* Brain-computer interfaces
* Affective computing
* Social computing
* Online communities
* E-learning in cyberworlds
* Multi-user web games
* Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums
* Cyberethics and cyberlaws
* Cybersecurity
* Welfare in cyberworlds
* Data mining and warehousing in cyberworlds
* Visual analytics in cyberworlds
SUBMISSION CATEGORIES include full papers (up to 8 pages), short papers (up
to 4 pages), and poster papers (up to 4 pages). The papers must be written
in good English, carefully proofread, and formatted to
l> IEEE Manuscript Template. Full papers and short papers will be scheduled
for oral presentation (25 min full papers, 15 min short papers).
Posters/demos will have to be displayed by the authors during the poster
session and will also require 1 min fast-forward slide presentation. All
three categories of papers will participate in the competition for the Best
Paper awards.
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS with all accepted papers will be published by
Conference Publishing Services as well as submitted to the IEEE Xplore
Digital Library, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library and reference
databases of all major referencing indices (e.g., see the proceedings listed
at SCI, Scopus, etc.).
SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUES referenced by SCI and other major indices are
currently being confirmed for selected full papers. We have agreements with
The Visual Computer (Springer), Computers & Graphics (Elsevier) and
Transactions on Computational Science (Springer, LNCS Journal Subline).
Selected papers will be subject to additional reviewing and the papers have
to be extended and improved with at least 30% of new content.
* Professor Min Chen, University of Oxford, "Myths and Promises of
Data Intelligence".
* Dr. Rafal Mantiuk, University of Cambridge, "Towards perceptually
realistic visual experience"
REGISTRATION and ORAL PRESENTATION of each paper accepted for the conference
will be required to be included in the conference proceedings.
CONFERENCE VENUE: Chester is one of the most historic cities in the UK and
many tourist attractions are nearby. CW2017 will be held in the heart of the
city at the Riverside Innovation Centre. There is a wide selection of hotels
at a range of prices available to book in Chester - for more information see
www.visitchester.com. Manchester
International Airport is 30 miles from Chester and can be reached in 40
minutes by road or 1hr 30 mins by rail. Liverpool Airport is 25 miles from
Chester and can be reached in 35 minutes by road. Chester is also well
served by the railway network and has frequent, fast rail links to London
and major cities in the UK.
Monday 15 May 23:59 UTC
Papers (Full/Short) submission
Friday 23 June
Papers (Full/Short) notification
Friday 30 June 23:59 UTC
Poster papers submission
Friday 7 July
Poster papers notification
Thursday 13 July
Author Registration
Friday 14 July
Camera-ready papers submission to IEEE CPS
Links to previous conferences in the Cyberworlds series can be found
<http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/assourin/CW/cw-conferences.htm> here.