SG05: 5th International Symposium on SMART GRAPHICS
22-24 August 2005
Frauenwoerth Cloister, near Munich, Germany
Smart Graphics is grounded in a deep understanding of human abilities,
activities, and desires. This understanding arises through the integration
of fields such as art, design, and the social, cognitive, and perceptual
sciences. Insights are realised in the form of novel methods for producing
and interacting with rich graphical displays often utilising established
techniques from computer graphics, artificial intelligence, and computer
science in general.
Such interfaces present content that: (1) engages the user and is
esthetically satisfying; (2) participates in human cognition as external or
distributed representations; (3) is sensitive to the real-time demands of
the interaction in the context of the available computational resources; and
(4) adapts the form of the output according to a wider set of constraints
such as an individual's perceptual, attentive, and motor abilities and the
nature of the presentation media and available interaction devices.
The 5th International Symposium on Smart Graphics will bring together
researchers from computer graphics, vizualisation, graphics design,
cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence, all working on different
aspects of computer-generated graphics. This year's meeting will be held in
the beautiful Frauenwörth Cloister near Munich, Germany.
This year SG05 particularly encourages submission in the area of visual
analytics -- the art and science of analytical reasoning facilitated by
interactive visual interfaces. Visual analytic interfaces are based on
cognitive and perceptual principles to support human information discourse
using innovative interactive techniques and visual representations. These
are augmented by the art of graphical design and interaction design and the
use of Artificial Intelligence in partnership with biological intelligence.
Testing these applications will require new methodologies that move beyond
usability to quantify the impact of interactive visualization applications
on perceptual, distributed, and embodied cognition.
For a full description of the scope and details of previous events see the
Andreas Butz (butz(a)
Full papers
System demonstrations and artwork
April 24, 2005 Submission deadline
May 23, 2005 Notification of review results
May 31, 2005 Camera ready copy due
Aug 22-24, 2005 Smart Graphics Symposium
Andreas Butz (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany)
Brian Fisher (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Antonio Krueger (Saarland University, Germany)
Patrick Olivier (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK)
Elisabeth Andre (University of Augsburg)
Marc Cavazza (Teeside University)
Sarah Diamond (Banff Centre)
Steven Feiner (Columbia University)
Sid Fels (University of British Columbia)
Knut Hartmann (University of Magdeburg)
Rainer Malaka (European Media Lab)
Shigeru Owada (University of Tokyo)
W. Bradford Paley (Digital Image Design)
Bernhard Preim (University of Magdeburg)
Thomas Rist (University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg))
Stefan Schlechtweg (University of Magdeburg)
Thomas Strothotte (University of Magdeburg)
Sha Xinwei (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Massimo Zancanaro (ITC-irst Trento)
Michelle Zhou (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)