EuroVis 2014, Call for Short Papers, Posters, and Co-Located Workshop
We invite you to contribute to EuroVis 2014 to one of the following
co-located events:
- EuroVis Short Papers
- EuroVis Posters
- EuroVis Co-located events:
- EuroVA
- The 2nd Workshop on Visualization in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)
- Workshop: Towards Visualization Literacy
- Workshop: Toward Visualization-Specific Heuristic Evaluation
- Outreach Event: Introduction to Data Visualisation Training Event
- Outreach Event: Workshop on Open Source in Visualization (OSVIS)
*** EuroVis 2014 Short Papers and Posters **
For the third time, EuroVis 2014 features a short paper track. As EuroVis
2014 is re-introducing a poster track, the two tracks will be managed in an
integrated manner by the same co-chair team and the International Program
Committee (IPC).
The purpose of these tracks is to present late-breaking results, work in
progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods.
Short papers will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage double-blind process by
an international program committee. They will be electronically archived
and are fully citable publications. Submissions for the short paper track
should be at most 4 pages, with an additional page allowed for references.
Accepted short papers will be presented orally at the conference.
Submissions to the short paper track that are not accepted for short
paper publication and presentation but are deemed suitable for poster
presentation by the IPC will be offered an opportunity to present in the
poster track. In this case, the poster will be published on the conference
USB sticks.
Note:The topics of some short papers will fit well with those of the
co-located events, such as EuroVA and EGPGV. We strongly encourage authors
submit such papers to the respective co-located events.
Because of the tight submission schedule, we re-introduced an abstract
deadline. Therefore, for all short paper submissions it is mandatory to
submit an abstract by March 2, 2014.
Important Dates for Short Papers
*Short Paper Abstracts*: 2 March 2014.
*Short Papers deadline*: 9 March 2014.
Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2014.
Camera ready deadline: 25 April 2014.
Important Dates for Posters
*Poster deadline*: 8 April 2014.
Notification of acceptance: 16 April 2014.
Camera ready deadline: 28 April 2014.
Please visit the Short Paper and Posters CFP on the EuroVis web page for
more details.
Short Paper Co-Chairs
Niklas Elmqvist, Mario Hlawitschka, Jessie Kennedy
*** Co-Located Workshops and Outreach Events **
EuroVis 2014 features a selection of engaging co-located workshop and
events. A brief summary is provided here. For more information and
details on all co-located events, please visit the URL above.
Workshop: The 2nd Workshop on Visualization in Environmental Sciences
The EnvirVis-Workshop aims to bring together researchers in the area of
visualization of geo-scientific, environmental or climate data to
present and discuss recent developments in the field. The workshop
"Visualization in Environmental Sciences" invites both contributions
in the fields of scientific visualization and visual data integration
with a broad application area in environmental research.
Important Deadline:
09 March 2014: Submission of Workshop Contribution
Karsten Rink, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, UFZ, Leipzig,
Olaf Kolditz, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, UFZ, Leipzig,
Gerik Scheuermann, Leipzig University, Germany
Workshop: Towards Visualization Literacy
In recent years, visualization has reached almost every walk of life.
While the value of visualization has been appreciated by most people,
the widely-used visual representations remain fundamentally similar to
those invented some 300 years ago. When visualization research is leaping
ahead with innovative visual designs, we need to find effective means for
improving the visualization literacy within the larger population that
produces and consumes visual data analysis content as an integral part
of the agenda for visualization science and technology. The workshop aims
to engage visualization educators, practitioners, and researchers in a
discussion where we define and promote a new research agenda focused on
understanding and enriching popular visualization literacy.
Important Deadline:
Mario Romero, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
Maria Velez, CA Technologies, USA.
Greg McInerny, Oxford, UK.
Deborah Silver, Rutgers University, US.
Min Chen, Oxford University, UK.
Workshop: Toward Visualization-Specific Heuristic Evaluation
This workshop is meant to be a community-wide collaborative effort to
further develop visualization-specific heuristics for use with
visualizations and visualization research. We will begin with a
short overview of heuristic evaluation as an evaluation technique -
both inside and outside the visualization community - then begin our
work of further developing a set of heuristics most appropriate for use
with visualizations. We intend to use ThinkTank - a group support software
tool - to help capture community input and to facilitate that effort.
With community-wide participation and engagement, we expect to emerge
from this workshop with a more fully-developed set of visualization-specific
heuristics for further application and research within the visualization
Alvin Tarrell, College of Information Science & Technology, University of
Nebraska-Omaha, USA.
Ann Fruhling, School of Interdisciplinary Informatics; University of
Nebraska-Omaha, USA.
Rita Borgo, Swansea University, UK.
Outreach Event: Introduction to Data Visualisation Training Event
This event will provide delegates with a comprehensive introduction to
the art and science of data visualisation. Delivered through an energetic
blend of teaching, interactive exercises and discussions, delegates will
learn about the most effective techniques for visually analysing and
communicating data. The emphasis of the training is critical thinking,
helping you to most astutely rationalise all the decisions you are faced
with in any context. You will leave with an enhanced appreciation of the
many different practical and creative choices, broadening your visual
vocabulary and inspiring you to feel more confident when faced with future
Organizer: Andy Kirk, Visualising Data Ltd
Outreach Event: Workshop on Open Source in Visualization (OSVIS)
The goal of this workshop is to present, discuss and assess the development
and use of Open-Source Software (OSS) for scientific visualization. This
one-day workshop will bring together developers and users of well-known OSS
for visualization and will focus on user's experience in specific scientific
and industrial contexts. Attendees are encouraged to submit a short abstract
Important Deadline:
1 March 2014: Talk title and Short Abstract due (speakers only)
Julien Jomier, Kitware, France.
Joachim Pouderoux, Kitware, France.
EuroVis 2014 Co-Chairs
Min Chen
Robert S Laramee