[Apologies for multiple postings]
Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP)
Telecom ParisTech, Paris
7–11 July, 2018
Registration is now open!
The Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2018 will be held at Telecom
ParisTech in Paris, France on 9–11 July, 2018. Following the success of previous editions,
a Graduate School will offer tutorials taught by leading experts on the weekend of 7–8
Invited Speakers
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat (Inria),
Vladlen Koltun (Intel Labs),
Mark Meyer (Pixar Animations),
Olga Sorkine-Hornung (ETH Zurich)
Early bird (Until June 6th):
Students: €320
Academic: €410
Industry: €460
The registration fee includes participation in the Graduate School, the main conference,
access to catered lunches, which will be provided during the three days of the conference,
coffee breaks during both the Graduate School and the conference, a welcome reception and
the conference dinner. The conference dinner will take place at the 58 Eiffel Tower
SGP is the premier venue for disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in
geometry processing. In this research area, concepts from mathematics, computer science,
and engineering are studied and applied to offer new insights and to design efficient
algorithms for acquisition, modeling, analysis, manipulation, simulation and other types
of processing of 3D models and shape collections. You can find more details, including
information about the Graduate School, on the conference website:
Program Chairs
- Tao Ju (Washington University in St. Louis)
- Amir Vaxman (Utrecht University)
Graduate School Chairs
- Alec Jacobson (University of Toronto)
- Jean-Marc Thiery (Telecom ParisTech)
General Chairs
- Maks Ovsjanikov (École Polytechnique)
- Pooran Memari (CNRS, École Polytechnique)
- Tamy Boubekeur (Telecom ParisTech)
SGP Steering Committee
- Leif Kobbelt (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
- Marc Alexa (TU Berlin, Germany)
- Pierre Alliez (INRIA, France)
- Niloy Mitra (UCL, UK)
- Daniele Panozzo (NYU, USA)