The Symposium on Geometry Processing ( is
the premier venue for disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge
results in computerized processing of geometric models. In this emerging
area, concepts from applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering
are used to design efficient algorithms for acquisition, reconstruction,
manipulation, simulation and transmission of complex 3D models.
We invite submissions related to, but not limited to, the following topics
in geometry processing:
* geometry and topology representations
* compression of static or animated geometry
* surface and volume parameterization
* approximation and meshing
* reverse engineering
* robust geometric computing
* simplification and level of detail
* smoothing and denoising
* multiresolution shape analysis and synthesis
* geometric aspects of rendering and other fields
* interactive techniques
* animation and simulation
Applications of geometry processing algorithms cover a wide range of areas
from multimedia, entertainment, and classical computer-aided design, to
bio-medical computing, reverse engineering, architectural design, and
scientific computing. We welcome papers related to applications of geometry
processing such as the above.
Electronic abstract submission deadline: April 20, 2008
Electronic paper submission deadline: April 27, 2008 (23:59 PDT)
Author notification: May 26, 2008
Camera ready copy deadline: June 1st, 2008
Symposium: July 2-4, 2008
Authors are required to submit an abstract of their paper (in plain-text
format) by April 20, 2008, using an online form available at the above
website. Submitted manuscripts must be prepared for double-blind review,
and must be original work, not concurrently submitted to any other venue.
Submitted papers should describe their contributions concisely (we suggest
that papers not exceed 8 pages), and should adhere strictly to the EG
publication style (LaTeX files available online: A submission
can also be accompanied by electronic supplementary material (e.g. image,
video, demo). Submitted papers will be reviewed by members of the Program
Committee and selected external reviewers.
This year the SGP proceedings will appear for the first time as an issue of
the Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal of the EUROGRAPHICS
Association. The journal status of the proceedings requires a two-stage
review process with conditional acceptance after the first round and final
acceptance based on the revised submissions.
Pierre Alliez, INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Mediterranee
Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Princeton University
Bart Adams
Marc Alexa
François Anton
Dominique Attali
Andreas Bærentzen
Alexander Belyaev
Ioana Boier-Martin
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat
Mario Botsch
Pere Brunet
Frederic Cazals
Siu-Wing Cheng
Daniel Cohen-Or
David Cohen-Steiner
Leila De Floriani
Tony DeRose
Mathieu Desbrun
Neil Dogson
Herbert Edelsbrunner
Michael Floater
Thomas Funkhouser
Michael Garland
Natasha Gelfand
Steven Gortler
Craig Gotsman
Cindy Grimm
Eitan Grinspun
Xianfeng Gu
Leonidas Guibas
Stefan Gumhold
Igor Guskov
John Hart
Hugues Hoppe
Kai Hormann
Shi-Min Hu
Martin Isenburg
Misha Kazhdan
Ron Kimmel
Leif Kobbelt
Seungyong Lee
Bruno Lévy
Thomas Lewiner
Dinesh Manocha
Ralph Martin
Niloy Mitra
Heinrich Mueller
Steve Oudot
Mark Pauly
Gabriel Peyré
Konrad Polthier
Helmut Pottmann
Emil Praun
Jarek Rossignac
Scott Schaefer
Peter Schröder
Hans-Peter Seidel
Ariel Shamir
Alla Sheffer
Jonathan Shewchuk
Claudio Silva
Olga Sorkine
Michela Spagnuolo
Gabriel Taubin
Alper Ungor
Amitabh Varshney
Luiz Velho
Johannes Wallner
Michael Wand
Wenping Wang
Joe Warren
Mariette Yvinec
Eugene Zhang
Kun Zhou
Afra Zomorodian
Denis Zorin
J. Andreas Bærentzen and Francois Anton
Technical University of Denmark