Dear All,
We decided to extend the abstract submission deadline to May 30 23:59 UTC
(or May 30, 16:59 PDT), because of the following reason.
We found a problem with the abstract deadline; the abstract deadline in the
submission management system was different from the one shown on the website
of PG2016. Consequently, the abstract submission system was closed earlier
several hours by mistake. We apologize for the mistake. Due to this mistake,
some authors failed to submit their abstracts. To compensate for this, we
decided to extend the abstract submission deadline to May 30
23:59 UTC (or May 30, 16:59 PDT).
If you failed to submit your abstract, please try again until the extended
deadline, May 30, 23:59 UTC (= May 30, 16:59 PDT).
Please note that the paper submission deadline is unchanged; it is June 3,
23:59 PDT.
Best regards,
PG 2016 Program Co-chairs
Eitan Grinspun, Bernd Bickel, Yoshinori Dobashi
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