Call for Papers
The goal of the special issue is to collect a broad range of papers on
perspective applications of 3D content, a rapidly emerging new form of
media in
the semantic multimedia panorama and an extremely challenging context of
application of semantic multimedia. The issue is promoted by the FP7 EC
K3D project, and it is expected to provide an up-to-date view of the open
issues in knowledge intensive 3D media, and trace future research and
technological directions.
The special issue addresses scientists not only in Computer Graphics but
in all the disciplines that make strong use of 3D modelling and simulation;
professional developers of tools for 3D content creation and management;
publishers/dealers of online 3D repositories; creators of digital 3D
We call for contribution on topics related to semantic 3D media and
applications, including but not limited to:
* semantics-based 3D modelling and processing
* semantics-driven 3D shape segmentation
* content-based 3D retrieval and classification
* semantics-driven 3D visualization
* 3D media ontologies
* formalization of shape semantics
* smart objects and virtual characters
* automatic creation of imaginary worlds
* semantics-driven interaction in D worlds
Contributions should be formatted according to the Elsevier style guide and
submitted online ( Detailed instructions
will be
made available on the web site of the FOCUS K3D project
All submissions will undergo a two-stages review cycle according to the
standard of the Computers & Graphics Journal.
Guest Editors Bianca Falcidieno (IMATI-CNR, Italy) and Ivan Herman (CWI, NL)
Papers due: 30th May 2010
Revisions 1st cycle: 15th July 2010
Revised papers due: 30th August 2010
Revisions 2nd cycle: 30th September 2010
Camera-ready: 15th October
The production and processing of digital 3D content was and still is a
traditional field of expertise of Computer Graphics, but only recently 3D
entered the multimedia world. In the near future 3D data will represent
a huge
amount of traffic and data stored and transmitted using Internet
3D media, as a term which encompasses all forms of digital content about 3D
objects used and managed in networked environments, are not only
graphics used in entertainment applications : 3D media are endowed with
a high
knowledge value carried either by the expertise needed to design them or
by the
information content itself. 3D media are key in many applied sectors
such as
Medicine and Bioinformatics, Gaming and Simulation, CAD/CAE and Virtual
Modelling, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. In these applied sectors,
representing a complex shape in its complete life-cycle stages is known
to be
highly non trivial, due to the sheer mass of information involved and the
complexity of the knowledge that a shape can reveal as the result of a
modelling process. 3D media introduced therefore a new kind of content
in the
multimedia scenario. At the same time, research on semantic multimedia,
as the
deep integration of semantic web techniques with multimedia analysis
tools, has
shown how to use and share content of multiple forms, endowed with some
kind of
intelligence, accessible in digital form and in distributed or networked
environments. The success of semantic multimedia largely depends on the
at which we will be able to use them in systems that provide efficient and
effective search capabilties, analysis mechanisms, and intuitive re-use and
creation facilities, at the level of content, semantics and context.
Instructions for Submissions at