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International Journal of Computer Vision
Special Issue On: 3D Object Retrieval
Guest Editors: Theoharis Theoharis, University of Athens,
( theotheo AT di.uoa.gr )
Ioannis Pratikakis, NCSR
Demokritos, ( ipratika AT iit.demokritos.gr )
Michela Spagnuolo, IMATI Genova,
( michela.spagnuolo AT ge.imati.cnr.it )
Aim and Scope: 3D object representations have become an integral part of
modern computer graphics applications, such as computer-aided design, game
development and film production. At the same time, 3D data have become very
common in domains such as computer vision, computational geometry, molecular
biology and medicine. The rapid evolution in graphics hardware and software
development, in particular the availability of low cost 3D scanners, has
greatly facilitated 3D model acquisition, creation and manipulation, giving
the opportunity to experience applications using 3D models to a large user
community. As the number of 3D models is rapidly growing, the main issue in
the field has shifted from the creation of new 3D models to the retrieval of
existing 3D models. Thereupon, the development of efficient search
mechanisms is required for the effective retrieval of 3D objects from large
repositories, both of a single class (such as human faces) and across
The aim of this special issue is to stimulate researchers from different
fields (computer vision, computer graphics, machine learning and
human-computer interaction) who work on the common goal of 3D object
retrieval, to present high caliber state-of-the-art work in the field and
thus provide a cross-fertilization ground that will stimulate discussions on
the next steps in this important research area.
A Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval has already been organized within
Eurographics 2008 (3DOR'08 -
http://www.iit.demokritos.gr/~egw3dor/ ).
While authors from 3DOR'08 are invited to submit extended versions of their
contribution, this does not guarantee acceptance to the special issue. All
submissions to this special issue will be considered on equal grounds.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to :
a.. Invariant 2D / 3D feature extraction
b.. Biologically inspired 3D representations
c.. Mesh segmentation
d.. Relevance feedback
e.. Active learning
f.. Ontology-driven search
g.. Sketch-based search
h.. Search of animated (3D+t) objects
i.. Search of 3D scenes
j.. Retrieval based on partial view of objects
k.. Generative / Discriminative approaches in 3D object categorization
l.. Indexing methodologies
m.. Applications in Multimedia industry, CAD industry, Games industry,
Biometrics, e-Science, e-Learning, Medicine, Culture.
n.. Benchmarking issues
Submission Procedure: Papers following the usual IJCV author guidelines
should be submitted to the IJCV website
http://visi.edmgr.com , choosing the
Special Issue article type 3D Object Retrieval. Regular journal articles (up
to 25 pages) are preferred, but short papers (up to 10 pages) and
well-balanced surveys (up to 30 pages) will also be considered. All
submissions will be subject to peer review. Submissions will be returned
without review if we feel that they do not fall within the scope of the
special issue. If you are unsure about this, send an abstract or a draft to
the guest editors of the special issue at least one month before the
submission deadline.
Submission deadline:
September 30, 2008.
Preliminary decision for acceptance/rejection : January