Fraunhofer IGD - ESR 3 year PhD position in image processing and 3D
Job Vacancy to be found under Ref. No. 33936585 under
For enquiries: pedro.santos(a)
Full Time Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher Positions in the fields of
Computer Science to work on image processing and 3D reconstruction of
cultural heritage artifacts
Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary
qualifications in order to fill one (1) full time Marie Curie Early Stage
Researcher (ESR) Fellow Position within the Competence Center for Cultural
Heritage Digitization at Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research
in Darmstadt, Germany. The selected Marie Curie ESR will work for 36 months
within the ITN-Digital Cultural Heritage (ITN-DCH: Marie
Curie ITN Programme which, is the only EU funded programme bringing together
fourteen (14) leading European Institutions as full partners and nine (9)
other as associated partners in a transnational network, aiming at
implementing a multidisciplinary and intersectorial research and training
programme between the academic and the industrial partners.
Cultural Heritage (CH) is an integral element of Europe and vital for the
creation of a common European identity and one of the greatest assets for
steering Europe's social, economic development and job creation. However,
the current research training activities in Cultural Heritage are fragmented
and mostly design to be of a single-discipline, failing to cover the whole
lifecycle of Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) research, which is by nature a
multi- disciplinary and intersectorial research agenda. ITN-DCH aims for the
first time worldwide that top universities, research centers, industries and
CH stakeholders, end-users and standardized bodies will collaborate to train
the next generation of researchers in DCH. The project aims to analyze,
design, research, develop and validate an innovative multi-disciplinary and
intersectorial research training framework that covers the whole lifecycle
of digital CH research for a cost-effective preservation, documentation,
protection and presentation of CH. ITN-DCH targets innovations that covers
all aspects of CH ranging from tangible (books, newspapers, images,
drawings, manuscripts, uniforms, maps, artifacts, archaeological sites,
monuments) to intangible content (e.g., music, performing arts, folklore,
theatrical performances) and their inter-relationships. The project aims to
boost the added value of CH assets by re-using them in real application
environments (protection of CH, education, tourism industry, advertising,
fashion, films, music, publishing, video games and TV) through research on
(i) new personalized, interactive, mixed and augmented reality enabled
e-services, (ii) new recommendations in data acquisition, (iii) new forms of
representations (3D/4D) of both tangible /intangible assets and (iv)
interoperable metadata forms that allow easy data exchange and archiving.
One ESR will be recruited by the host organization at the Competence Center
for Cultural Heritage Digitization at Fraunhofer Institute for Computer
Graphics Research in Darmstadt, Germany
Position ESR7:
One ESR to be recruited by the host organization of the Competence Center
for Cultural Heritage Digitization at Fraunhofer Institute for Computer
Graphics Research in Darmstadt, Germany for the duration of 36 months under
full employment contract. The selected candidate's contract can be extended
up to 60 months when desired and if performing well.
The fellow will perform research along the following lines:
We are looking for a motivated early stage researcher to join our group and
help us achieve fast and economic mass digitization of 3D cultural heritage
artifacts by automation and parallel processing technologies from images or
videos. This objective implies the sub-goals of optimizing performance and
parallelism, accuracy, robustness and scalability of 3D reconstruction
algorithms. The position will be tightly linked with research challenges in
the computer vision domain, especially optical flow and feature recognition
techniques, as well as development of parallel, multi-core and GPU-based
technologies to speed up 3D photogrammetric reconstruction techniques.
Drawing from a data pool of highly unstructured videos and still images, one
of the challenges will be making the algorithms robust to changes in
background, various lighting situations and optical degradation of input
data, thus experience in automated data selection and filtering
methodologies is vital.
The required competence and experience is as follows:
Knowledge in the field of computer vision and image processing is
recommended, including the tasks of background extraction, robust separation
of dynamic and static content, drawing from methods of optical flow and 2D
features, as well as feature- and marker-based tracking.
3D reconstruction will be based on photogrammetric approaches, and thus,
knowledge and experience in 3D/4D-reconstruction techniques based on videos
and images, using Photometric Stereo and Multi-view Stereo, e.g., and other
photogrammetric methods is recommended.
We also want to process image streams to do 3D reconstruction of dynamic
content, so experience in video streaming and stream decomposition into
frames is useful.
Furthermore, knowledge of parallelization techniques is welcome, such as
methodologies for multi-threading, multi-core and multi-GPU computation, as
well as out-of-core computation, as handling of large amounts of data.
The position will be tightly coupled with active research and practical
implementation within a large software framework, which is why we require
experience in scientific work and publication. From the implementation side,
excellent programming skills in C++ and optional Java, and GLSL or OpenCL,
as well as experience with cross-platform build systems such as cmake are an
absolute requirement.
Since we will be working intensely in a team, excellent proficiency in the
English language is mandatory, and knowledge of the German language is
Professional experience in the industry and/or with previous EU projects is
The ESR is expected to present his/her research results on project meetings,
international conferences and in scientific publications and to contribute
to patents applications.
Research Fields
Computer Science, Computer Vision, Photogrammetry, Computer Graphics,
Parallel CPU/GPU Computing
Career Stage
Early stage researcher or 0-4 years of experience (Post graduate) -
According to the FP7-PEOPLE (Marie Curie Actions) Regulations.
Eligibility rules for the Marie Curie fellows can be found at the FP7-PEOPLE
2013 Work programme:
Research Profile
Recognized Researcher (R2)
. Competitive salary to cover living and, mobility costs, social
and health insurance (according to the FP7-PEOPLE Marie Curie Actions
Programme regulations).
. In the context of a personal Career Development Plan,
opportunities for international collaboration and exchanges to world-class
academic and industrial partners will take place.
. Possibility for a PhD fellowship
. Training in a range of state-of-the-art scientific skills,
intellectual property and project management skills.
. Secondment placements within the network's partners (max.
duration 2 months).
For more details on salary and other benefits please refer to the FP7-PEOPLE
Marie Curie actions website at: and
the FP7-PEOPLE ITN2013 work programme:
Applicants are requested to submit the following:
1. Detailed Curriculum Vitae with all the certified copies of
their awards translated in English.
2. Motivation Letter
3. Official transcripts of grades from all academic institutions
of higher education listed in his/her application, certified copies of
degrees, or/and certifications of fulfillment of the required obligations
for entering a graduate PhD programme
4. Official certified copies of titles and documents in English
5. Names of three referees who, upon request, can provide
recommendation letters
6. Copies of any related research papers or other significant
work by the applicant
Applications must be submitted in a closed express courier envelope marked
as "Application for Marie Curie ITN-DCH Research Fellow Position" - Pedro
Santos, Head of Competence Center
Cultural Heritage Digitization, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics
Research IGD, Fraunhoferstrasse 5 - 64283 Darmstadt - Germany.
Otherwise it must be sent via regular registered post with a clearly visible
post office stamp of a date not later than 30th of June 2014, 24:00 that is
the deadline for the submission of the applications.
Applicants are also requested to send their applications electronically to
these email addresses pedro.santos(a) and
marinos.ioannides(a) before the deadline of 30th of June 2014, 24:00,
however, please note that the electronic submission alone will not be
considered as a formal application unless the printed application is
received as requested in the previous paragraph.
For enquiries: pedro.santos(a)
Start of the fellowship: 1st of August 2014
Comment/web site for additional job details
The Applicant should have:
. Master of Science Degree from a recognized university in
Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics or Physics, Optics, Archaeology,
Geography, Geodesy or any other course providing the candidate with a
background in image processing and/or 3D reconstruction
. Excellent knowledge of the English language at a proficiency
level (spoken and written) is required, Knowledge of German is encouraged.
More information:
- The ESR candidate, at the time of recruitment, must not have
resided (or carried out his/her main activity e.g. work, studies, etc.) in
Belgium (host country), for more than 12 months in the last 3 years
immediately prior to the reference recruitment date!
(See also:
- The EST must not have PhD yet.
- Required Education Level
Degree Scientific Master Degree or equivalent, as described
Degree Field Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics or Physics,
Optics, Archaeology, Geography, Geodesy, Image processing
Required Languages
Language ENGLISH
Language Level Excellent
Additional Languages (optional)
Language German, French
Language Level Good