State-of-the-Art Reports (STARs) that provide an up-to-date and
comprehensive overview of a special topic of current interest related to
Computer Graphics will be included in the EUROGRAPHICS 2014 conference
program. We welcome submissions on all topics relevant to EUROGRAPHICS. This
year we would like to encourage submissions in the following areas:
Rendering from large data (point clouds, compression, large environments),
machine learning for shape analysis and synthesis, fabrication technologies,
sketching and hand drawing, sampling and filtering for rendering. A STAR can
also address the use of Computer Graphics techniques in a different
scientific discipline or in industrial practice. For examples of suitable
STAR topics, please refer to the EUROGRAPHICS digital library (
<> ).
At EUROGRAPHICS 2014, the authors of a STAR will be given 90 minutes to
present the report at a level that also allows non-experts in the particular
domain to follow this presentation. The conference registration fee will be
waived for one author per accepted STAR. After the conference a selection of
the best STARs will be referred to Computer Graphics Forum. Acceptance of
the revised, enhanced version of the original STAR will depend on the
outcome of a second review cycle.
For any question concerning STAR submissions please contact the STARs
co-chairs by e-mail (see below).
*Submission Details*
A STAR proposal should be, in essence, a short version of the planned STAR.
The proposal will start by outlining the topic, its relevance to
EUROGRAPHICS as well as the target audience and its expected background. The
proposal has to include the planned table of contents of the final STAR with
brief summaries of each section, as well as the complete set of literature
references. We encourage submitters to include results of experiments or
comparisons. Brief biographies of the authors should be included,
demonstrating their qualification to produce the proposed STAR. Such a
proposal should be at most 6 pages in length (not counting references). Each
proposal will be reviewed by two experts in the field selected by the STAR
STAR proposals (in PDF) should be submitted via email to the STARs
co-chairs. Authors should expect to receive a confirmation of receipt of
their proposal and should request confirmation if one is not received within
a day or two. Some problems may arise with large e-mailed attachments (over
3MB in size). Therefore we advise to e-mail a link to a location from which
the larger document can be downloaded.
The deadline for the submission of STAR proposals is October 6, 2013, with
notification of acceptance on December 4, 2013. The full length version of
accepted STARs will have to be submitted at a later date for a second short
review (due date to be announced shortly).
If the authors have already prepared a longer version of their intended
STAR, they may contact the STARs co-chairs ahead of the submission deadline
to check for the opportunity of submitting a longer STAR proposal (in
principle, this is appreciated).
*STARs Co-Chairs*
Michela Spagnuolo - <>
Sylvain Lefebvre - <>