Please accept apologies for cross posting
Due to various requests, the paper submission deadline is extended
to March 30th, 2009.
Web3D 2009 Symposium, 14th International Conference on 3D Web Technology
Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and in cooperation with Eurographics
June 16 - 17, 2009; Darmstadt, Germany
Extended Submission deadlines:
March 30, 2009: Full Paper
March 30, 2009: Short Paper
March 30, 2009: Tutorial Proposal
A new wave of interactive 3D applications rises from the World Wide
Web. New technologies are emerging and existing technologies are
evolving to enable the third dimension in web browsers. This also
leads to the appearance of a new generation of consumers and producers
of 3D content in the new Read-Write Web environment.
14th in the series, the Web3D 2009 International Symposium will
address this wide range of topics covering 3D hypermedia on the web.
The annual Web3D Symposium is a major event, which unites researchers,
developers, experimenters, and content creators in a dynamic learning
environment. Attendees share and explore methods of using, enhancing,
and creating new 3D web and multimedia technologies, such as X3D,
VRML, COLLADA, Croquet, MPEG4, Java3D, and Canvas3D. The symposium
will also address new trends such as interactive 3D graphics
applications on mobile devices.
Authors are invited to submit their work (short or full papers) for
review by the international Program Committee. Both research and
applications papers are of interest to Web3D 2009. The papers must be
innovative and contribute to the advancement of 3D multimedia
technologies on the web.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Interactive 3D graphics and immersive systems for servers, desktop
and thin clients
* High-performance 3D graphics for Virtual Worlds, MMO environments,
Mixed and Augmented Reality, and interactive on-line gaming
* Animated humanoids and complex reactive characters
* Integration and interoperation between 3D documents and web/
multimedia technologies, including the Semantic Web
* Methods for modeling and rendering complex geometry, structures and
* User-interface paradigms and interaction methods for real-time 3D
graphics and virtual environments
* Innovative 3D web applications in industry, science, medicine,
culture, cultural heritage, entertainment and education
* Novel 3D content creation technologies and tools -- including both
on-line and off-line content creation
* Interactive 3D graphics for mobile devices like Smartphones, PDAs
and UMPCs
* X3D Earth and geospatial applications, including interoperability
with Open Geospatial Consortium standards
Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 9 pages (including
figures and references) or short papers of up to 4 pages (including
figures and references) in PDF format via the Symposium Submission
Site. Papers must be formatted using the document templates for
conferences sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH. After acceptance, the final
revised paper is required also in camera-ready electronic form.
Accepted papers will appear in the Symposium Proceedings, published by
ACM Press.
General Chairs:
Dieter Fellner, Ph.D. TU Darmstadt, Fraunhofer IGD
Alexei Sourin, Ph.D. Nanyang Technological University
Program Chairs:
Johannes Behr, Ph.D. Fraunhofer IGD
Krzysztof Walczak, Ph.D. Poznan University of Economics