The Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) is a non-university research institute under
public law of the state of Berlin. The division Mathematics for Life and
Materials Sciences is offering a post-doctoral
research position (f/m)
reference code: WA 41/18
pay grade E 14 TV-L Berlin (100 %)
The position is offered at the earliest possible date and will be a
fixed-term contract for two years with the option to be extended.
In the area of clothing simulation, research and application questions of
garment scanning, geometric modelling and visualisation, as well as the
simulation and animation of clothing worn on the human body are
investigated. A team of six to eight people will work on model-ing,
simulation and visualisation in the context of 3D fit analysis.
The following tasks are relevant for the geometric modelling of garments for
simulation and visualisation:
* model-based geometric reconstruction of textiles from 3D measurement
* algorithmic detection of seams for geometric modelling
* conversion of the geometry into problem-specific data structures for
numerical simulation, as well as interactive manipulation and visualisation
* fast collision detection during deformation and fitting
* removal of unwanted ambient light effects from measurements
* development of innovative reconstruction concepts based on methods of
machine learning
We expect communication and teamwork skills, creativity, as well as a high
degree of in-dependence and commitment. We offer a challenging professional
environment with ex-cellent equipment and a friendly working atmosphere, as
well as opportunities and support for further qualification for scientists
at all stages of their careers. Scientific publications at the highest
international level are our goal. Participation in international and
national conferences is welcome and possible.
* PhD in computer science, mathematics, physics
* very good knowledge and skills in software development (C++,
* experience in several of the following areas: Image processing,
computer graphics, geometrical modelling, computer-aided design
* Interest in the use of machine learning methods
* willingness and ability to analyse scientific publications
* good command of spoken and written English
The candidature of women is encouraged. Since women are underrepresented in
information technology, ZIB is trying to increase the proportion of women in
this research area.
Persons with disabilities will be given preference, when equally qualified.
Please send your application, quoting the reference code WA 41/18, including
CV in tabular form and all relevant documents by September 23rd, 2018 (date
of receipt) to
Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
- Administration -
Takustr. 7
14195 Berlin
or electronically as pdf-form to: <mailto:jobs@zib.de> jobs(a)zib.de.
You find our privacy policy on our website at
Further information about the position can be obtained on our website
www.zib.de from Dr. Stefan Zachow (E-mail: zachow(a)zib.de).
For further job offers please visit our website at
<http://www.zib.de> .