Dear colleague,
We would like to invite you to join us in College Station, Texas from
May 22-25 for Shape Modeling International (SMI) 2012.
We are very excited to have a great program lined up, including three
keynote speeches, four courses, and 39 paper presentations. The
program, including the list of keynote speeches, papers, and courses
is available on our website:
Early-bird registration closes on Sunday, April 29. Please make sure
to register soon to catch the reduced rates. The online registration
form is available on our website at:
Hotel and travel information can also be found on our website.
We hope you join us in College Station!
Best regards,
Ergun Akleman & John Keyser
Conference Chairs
== Further information:
Shape Modeling International 2012
Conference Chairs: Ergun Akleman and John Keyser
Shape Modeling International (SMI) provides an international forum for
the dissemination of new mathematical theories and computational
techniques for modeling, simulating, and processing digital
representations of shapes and their properties to a community of
researchers, developers, students, and practitioners across a wide
range of fields.
Shape Modeling International 2012 (SMI’12) will be organized in
College Station Texas from May 22nd 2012 to May 25th 2012. The
conference will be held using classroom and auditorium spaces in the
Langford Center of the College of Architecture at Texas A&M
University. The main auditorum will be the Geren auditorum in Langford
Center B.
The conference will have activities including keynote speeches,
technical papers, practical papers, courses & tutorials, and a
sculpture exhibition. The following list is a detailed explanation of
the activities:
Helmut Pottmann : Freeform Architecture and Fabrication-Aware Design
Greg N. Frederickson: Beyond Swinging: Hinged Dissections that Twist or Fold
Carlo H. Séquin: The Design and Realization of Large-Scale Free-Form Sculptures
Abstracts for the keynote talks are available on the website.
Chairs: John Hart and Scott Schaefer
Technical papers, as before, form the core of the conference. 20 full
papers and 11 short papers have been accepted. All papers will be
appearing in the journal Computers & Graphics, and will be presented
during the conference. The technical paper sessions include Processing
Parametric Models, Geometry Compression, Interactive Modeling,
Fitting, Differential Geometry, Modeling, Computational Geometry and
Deformable Surfaces.
Chairs: Carlo Séquin and Wei Yan
Eight papers have been accepted as FASE papers. These will be
published in a special issue of Hyperseeing magazine and also be
presented in FASE sessions at the conference.
Chairs: Cindy Grimm and Ann McNamara
Two 2-hour courses will be presented the second day of the conference,
in parallel sessions:
Quaternions and Dual Quaternions by Ron Goldman
Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation: Computation and Applications by Wenping Wang
Two half-day courses will be presented the third day of the conference
in parallel sessions:
Surface-, Flow-, and Volume-Based Techniques for Shape Modeling by
Giuseppe Patane, David Xiangfeng Gu, Xin Shane Li and Michela
Implicit Modelling by Brian Wyvill, Alexander Pasko, John Hart and
Herbert Grasberger
Chairs: Gabriel Esquivel and Goran Konjevod
A conference exhibition will be held in the Exhibition Gallery in
Langford Center A. In addition to accepted artworks, some works from
conference participants will be on display.
Ergun Akleman
Apr 22 (2 days ago)
to Mark
Hi Mark,
I am sending this email to inform you coming SMI conference. See that
well-known researchers related to Architectural modeling and sculpting
such as Helmut Pottmann and Carlo Sequin will give key not speeches
and Weinping Wang will give a course. We will also have many other
interesting presentations. Please feel free to share with anybody who
may be interested in.