UDMV'2017 Call for papers
Paper submission Extended Deadline : July 31, 2017
5th Eurographics workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation :
( <http://smartlivinglab.ch/udmv2017>
Date and Location
November 24 in Fribourg, Switzerland.
Important dates
July 31, 2017 : Paper submission
September 15, 2017 : Author notification
October 27, 2017 : Camera-ready paper
November 24, 2017 : Workshop
Contributions addressing the following topics are welcome
The fifth UDMV workshop focuses on users' experiences and gives a special
emphasis on urban comfort. The user experience relates to urban density,
ambiances, vegetation, pollution, networks, and transports. Therefore, all
papers dealing with the data modelling and visualisation of the user
experience will be greatly appreciated. Other topics are also welcome:
* Modelling the static and dynamic features of the city
(spatio-temporal data)
* Multi-scale geometric data (from building scale to urban scale)
* Multi-scale temporal data (from real time to history time)
* Visualisation of several urban data layers (aggregated indicators)
* Visual analytics using urban data (decision making processes and
* Modelling of thematic information relying on multi-dimensional city
models (3D thematic information)
Submission and Registration
For paper submission and registration please visit the URL of the event: