10th VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archeology and
Cultural Heritage
7th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
September 22-25, 2009, Valletta, Malta
Call for Papers
-Towards a "digital agenda" for the integration of technologies into
Archeology and Cultural Heritage-
Nearly every organization whose mission includes promoting access to
cultural information, is well aware of the value of digital applications,
and digital technologies are finding their way into cultural organizations.
Nevertheless, a clear-cut division still exists between humanities
researchers, computer science researchers, information scientists,
librarians, and campus technologists, which prevents a complete achievement
of the potential represented by the integration of these disciplines. Each
community has distinctive practices, lingo, assumptions, and concerns.
Understanding technology needs of the humanities, and more specifically of
Archaeology, Libraries and Cultural Heritage, has particular relevance to
the future of knowledge and education delivery, as well as, to develop
shared technology services to enhance humanities research now and in the
The main goal of this VAST is to bring together professionals from all
fields to start a true dialogue on CH needs and ICT solutions and achieve a
true integration of disciplines. This VAST aims at disseminating the idea of
a more systematic integration of digital practices in research and education
programs for CH, exploring good practices, guidelines and skills development
possibilities to structure long-term initiatives and move towards a "digital
agenda" for Archaeology, Libraries and CH.
This is why we are seeking contributions that advance the state of the art
in the technologies available to support sustainability of human heritage.
- 2/3/4D Data Capture and Processing in CH
- Augmentation of physical collections with digital presentations
- Data Acquisition Technologies
- Digital Libraries
- Digital capture and annotation of intangible heritage (performance, audio,
dance, oral)
- Interactive Environments and Applications for CH
- Long term preservation of digital artefacts
- Metadata, classification schema, ontologies and semantic processing
- Multilingual applications, tools and systems for CH
- Multimedia Data Acquisition, Management and Archiving
- Multi-modal interfaces and rendering for CH
- On-site and remotely sensed data collection
- Professional and Ethical Guidelines
- Serious games in CH
- Standards and Documentation
- Storytelling and Design of Heritage Communications
- Tools for Education and Training in CH
- Usability, Effectiveness and Interface Design for CH Applications
- Visualization
Archeology: Dr Zahi Hawass - General Secretary of the Supreme Council of
Antiquities of Egypt
Museums: Mme. Christiane Naffah - Director of the Research and Restoration
Center for France Museums
The best papers presented at VAST 2009 will be selected for re-submission on
a special edition of the upcoming ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural
Heritage (JOCCH), an online, peer reviewed publication.
VAST 2009 introduces the "VAST-STate-of-the-Art Reports (VAST-STARs)",
inspired by the EG STARs. These are papers providing useful novel overviews
of research in the fields of computer graphics, computer science and
related fields that can benefit the multidisciplinary nature of VAST. They
are survey papers in what the community considers important areas that have
not been covered before or recently. Their aim is to give a detailed account
of the principles, algorithms and open problems of a research area, so that
an interested reader can quickly become up to speed in this field. We
warmly encourage all colleagues to submit to the VAST-STARs reports. The
VAST-STARs will be published with the full papers and are also eligible for
the best paper award. Two VAST-STARs will be selected by peer review and
will be published in the EG proceedings together with the full papers.
VAST-STARs authors will present their work with a 60 minute presentation
during VAST 2009.
We are soliciting five types of contributions:
=Full research papers presenting new innovative results. These papers will
be published by Eurographics in a high-quality proceedings volume.
=VAST-STARs providing a useful novel overview of research in the fields of
computer graphics, computer science and related fields that can benefit the
multidisciplinary nature of VAST.
=Project papers focusing on on-going projects, the description of project
organization, use of technology, and lesson learned not innovative technical
content. These papers will have an oral presentation and will be included in
a "Projects & Short Papers" proceedings volume. Authors will have the option
to present a poster during the breaks to provide more information regarding
the project.
=Short papers presenting preliminary ideas and works-in-progress. These
papers will have an oral presentation and will be published in the "Projects
& Short Papers" proceedings volume.
=Tutorials and Workshops: half-day and full-day working sessions that
provide an opportunity to educate and share on key topics of interest
face-to-face. Tutorial submissions will be published in the "Projects &
Short Papers" proceedings volume. Workshops that provide supplemental
materials in time for the CD-ROM printing will also be included. All
material will be made available on the VAST 2009 website.
All types of submissions will be reviewed and feedback given to the authors.
See detailed information on the VAST 2009 website under Submissions.
Event Committee: Kurt Debattista - University of Warwick, Sandro Spina -
University of Malta
Program Committee: Cinzia Perlingieri - University of California at
Berkeley, Denis Pitzalis - The Cyprus Institute, STARC
Local Organisational Committee: Sandro Spina - University of Malta, Chris
Porter - University of Malta, Keith Bugeja - University of Warwick.
VAST-STARs Committee: Fotis Liarokapis (Coventry University - UK), Michael
Ashley - University of California at Berkeley
- ISC -
Achille Felicetti (PIN - University of Florence)
Aderito Marcos (Universidade do Minho - Portugal)
Alan Chalmers (University of Warwick - UK)
Alan Smeaton (Dublin City University - Ireland)
Alberto Proenca (Universidade do Minho - Portugal)
Daniel Pletinckx (Visual Dimension - Belgium)
Daniel Thalmann (Virtual Reality Lab - Switzerland)
David Arnold (University of Brighton - UK)
Erik Champion (Massey University - New Zealand)
Eva Zányi (University of Warwick - UK)
Fotis Liarokapis (Coventry University - UK)
Graeme Earle (University of Southampton)
Holly Rushmeier (Yale University - USA)
Kriste Sibul (ICOM-CC - Estonia)
Jean Angelo Beraldin (National Research Council - Canada)
Juan Barcelo (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Spain)
Michael Ashley (University of California at Berkeley)
Milena Dobreva (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - Bulgaria)
Karina Rodriguez-Echavarria (University of Brighton - UK)
Luis Paulo Santos (Universidade do Minho - Portugal)
Mercedes Farjas (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Spain)
Nadia Thalmann (MIRALAB - Switzerland)
Paolo Cignoni (ISTI - CNR -Italy)
Robert Sablatnig (Vienna University of Technology - Austria)
Roberto Scopigno (ISTI-CNR - Italy)
Sofia Pescarin (CNR - Italy)
Stephen Stead (Paveprime Ltd - UK)
Vittore Casarosa (CNR - Italy)
Maria Theodoridou (FORTH - Institute of Computer Science - Greece)
Bianca Falcidieno (CNR - Italy)
Isabelle Bloch (ENST - France)
Abstract submission (full/project/short/workshops/tutorials/VAST-STARs):
12th May 2009 (23:59 PTZ)
Paper submission for full papers and short papers: 15th May 2009 (23:59 PTZ)
Author notification: 21st June 2009
Camera-ready: 28th June 2009
Conference Web Site:
Event Chairs: Kurt Debattista, Sandro Spina -
Program Chairs: Cinzia Perlingieri, Denis Pitzalis -
General Info/Organisation/Logistics: Sandro Spina -