The Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems Group of the Faculty of Science
and Technology at the University of Siegen aims to fill at the earliest
possible date the following vacancy:
one Post Doc for Computer Graphics (focus: fluid simulation)
(fulltime position, salary scale 13 TV-L)
This position is initially limited in time to a period of two years with
potential for contract prolongation depending on a positive project
development. The term is limited by the regulations of the German
Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVG).
Your tasks:
We are looking for a talented researcher who has interest in contributing to
research in the field of particle based fluid simulation and visualization,
preferably with a strong implementation to realizing efficient algorithms
on graphic processors.
Your profile:
We expect excellent PhD grades in the fields of Computer Science or
Mathematics with a clear relation to particle based fluid simulation,
which finds reflection in pertinent high-level publications. We also
expect excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.
You will be given opportunity to work towards your habilitation.
The University of Siegen is an equal-opportunity employer and is committed
to increasing the number of women involved in research and teaching. We
therefore encourage qualified women to apply. The University of Siegen
offers excellent opportunities to combine career and family. Applications
from competent disabled persons are welcome.
Written applications including a full CV, certificates, grade transcripts
and two letters of recommendation should be sent to Prof. Andreas Kolb,
University of Siegen, ET-I, Computergraphik no later than 02.11.2016 under
ref. Mark 2016/Fak.IV/ETI/WM/217.
For more information on the Chair and the University of Siegen please refer
to our homepage <> and