Point-Based Graphics 2007 - Call for Papers
Co-sponsored by Eurographics and the
IEEE-CS Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (VGTC)
The drive for increasingly complex 3D geometric models, especially those
scanned from the real-world, has brought about a growing interest in methods
that build on point primitives. Following the highly successful 2004, 2005,
and 2006 Symposia on Point-Based Graphics, the 4th symposium of its series,
PBG07, aims to further demonstrate the applicability of point-based methods
in modeling, rendering, and simulation, and in a wide range of application
domains. The PBG07 will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, September 2-3,
2007, and will be co-located with Eurographics and the International
Workshop on Volume Graphics. The best papers of PBG07 will additionally be
published in a special issue of Computers & Graphics. We invite your
original contributions in areas including, but not limited to, the
- Data acquisition and surface reconstruction
- Geometric modeling using point primitives
- Sampling, approximation, and interpolation
- Rendering algorithms for point primitives
- Geometry processing of point models
- Topological properties of point clouds
- Hardware architectures for point primitives
- Animation and morphing of point-sampled models
- Hybrid representations and algorithms
- Use of point-based methods in real-world applications
- Transmission and compression of point-sampled geometry
Important Dates:
25 May 2007 Electronic paper submission
29 June 2007 Author notification
13 July 2007 Camera-ready copy
Conference Chairs:
Baoquan Chen, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
Matthias Zwicker, University of California at San Diego
Papers Chairs:
Mario Botsch, ETH Zurich
Renato Pajarola, University of Zurich
Papers Committee:
Bart Adams
Marc Alexa
Daniel Aliaga
Nina Amenta
Kavita Bala
Loic Barthe
Carsten Dachsbacher
Tamal Dey
Philip Dutre
Joachim Giesen
Enrico Gobbetti
Markus Gross
Gael Gunnebaud
Arie Kaufman
Leif Kobbelt
Piyush Kumar
Nelson Max
Gopi Meenakshisundaram
Torsten Moeller
Klaus Mueller
Hanspeter Pfister
Voicu Popescu
Miguel Sainz
Dietmar Saupe
Marc Stamminger
Alexandru Telea
Matthias Teschner
Amitabh Varshney
Luiz Velho
Michael Wand
Ruediger Westermann
Tim Weyrich
Michael Wimmer
Yanci Zhang
Afra Zomorodian