The UK Chapter of the Eurographics Association (EGUK) presents:-
Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2007
University of Wales, Bangor, UK, 13-15th June 2007
** Paper deadline February 28th 2007 **
The 25th Conference organised by the UK chapter of the
Eurographics Association will be the fifth Theory and
Practice of Computer Graphics 2007 Conference (TP.CG.07).
All accepted papers will be published by Eurographics
(pending) and held on the Digital Library, and will be
available at the conference.
Call for Papers
This conference focuses on theoretical and practical
aspects of Computer Graphics and brings together top
practitioners, users and researchers, thereby
inspiring further collaboration between participants,
particularly between academia and industry.
The Programme Committee is seeking refereed papers and
work-in-progress reports in all aspects of computer
graphics and its applications. The topics of interest
include (but are not limited to):
computer animation, computer-based art and entertainment,
computation geometry, display technologies, fundamental
algorithms, graphics application systems, graphics
architectures and acceleration hardware, fractal and
natural phenomena, human computer interaction, image
processing, Internet graphics and collaborative
environments, medical imaging, modelling methods,
rendering techniques, texture synthesis, scientific
visualization, information visualization, virtual
reality and virtual environments, volume graphics,
web graphics.
Further details and submission categories may be found on
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