Call for Papers
Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces
(co-located with Eurographics 2004)
Grenoble, France
Aims and Scope
Modeling systems possessing great functionality now enable us to create very
complicated models. However, computers have yet to become usable at the very
early stages of design, where pencil and paper still reign. This is because
present-day interfaces require designers to leap large conceptual gaps from
their mental models of desired objects to the geometric models that formally
express their shape. As computer systems become more sophisticated, alternative
input modalities and interface technologies are emerging which may form the
basis for a new generation of sketching applications supporting what we may
call Calligraphic Interfaces. The purpose of this workshop is to explore novel
user inter-faces sketching models. The workshop will build on work done in
recent years on modeling, 2D user interfaces and 3D user interfaces. Work in
this area, promising as it is, is still far from complete. The workshop will
look at means to improve usability of object design systems (including
product-design, character-design, or other application areas) through
user-centered design approaches, ranging from personal design assistants to
media-rich virtual and augmented environments. One direction will focus on
handheld and tablet computers for mobile input, combining pen and speech with
retrieval of remote product and geometric data using sketches. Another
direction will look at creating technical designs from sketches using novel
input techniques in 2D and 3D, exploring multiple senso-rial modalities and
Intelligent User Interfaces. A third direction will explore the relationship
between geometry representation and interaction techniques, especially as a
catalyst for new interaction techniques.
Authors are invited to submit technical papers in these or related areas.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- - Multimodal interfaces for sketching
- - Intelligent user interfaces and sketching
- - Mobile appliances for design input
- - Novel input techniques
- - Inferring shape from sketches
- - Sketching surfaces
- - Sketching diagrams
- - Usability studies
- - NPR and sketching
- - Sketching mathematical annotations
Submission Procedure (all submissions are electronic) Authors are requested to
submit papers, no longer than 10 pages, with the main body set in Eurographics
Conference Paper Format. You can download a set of LaTEX style files from Each paper should contain title,
authors' names and affiliations, abstract, keywords, text, illustrations and
references. Detailed guidelines are available through the Workshop Site under
instructions for authors. Submissions will be done electronically via email to
sbm04-papers(a) We will accept papers in PDF format only. Please
contact the conference organizers should you experience any problems with
electronic submission. Post-workshop proceedings will be available on-line
through the Eurographics Digital Library and in paper book form in the
Eurographics Book Series. Selection will be based upon technical and scientific
content and relevance to the workshop.
Workshop Format
The workshop will take place just before the
Eurographics'04 Conference (September 1-3, 2004, Grenoble).
As such, it will provide a very interesting opportunity
for researchers that want to attend / present communications
at both events. The workshop will be held in one day,
including paper presentation and invited sessions.
Participation is open to everyone, not requiring submission
of a paper.
Important Dates
June 11, 2004 Submission deadline
July 5, 2004 Notification of acceptance
July 26, 2004 Deadline for camera-ready copies
August 31, 2004 Workshop
Venue and Fees
The workshop will be held at INRIA, Grenoble. Workshop participants will be
charged a registration fee that includes a workshop proceedings book (printed
by Eurographics Press), coffee breaks and a social event in the first evening
of the workshop. EG members have a 90+ Euro discount on the workshop
fee. Comprehensive information about Grenoble, traveling and accommodation can
be found at the workshop Web page.
Workshop Co-Chairs
Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Eric Galin, INRIA, Local Arrangements
Program Chair
John F. Hughes, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA
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