Postdoctoral Position in Data-intensive Analysis, Visualization, and
Storage, Argonne National Laboratory
We are seeking a postdoctoral appointee in data-intensive analysis,
visualization, and storage. Join a vibrant multidisciplinary research team
of computer scientists and discover new parallel scalable algorithms for
data analysis and visualization, storage and analysis of scientific data,
and integrate your ideas in parallel scientific simulations on some of the
worlds largest supercomputers.
You will work in the Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division at
Argonne National Laboratory, in the Chicago suburbs, funded by the DOE
SciDAC Scientific Data Analysis and Visualization (SDAV) Center, the DOE
Center for Exascale Simulation of Advanced Reactors (CESAR), and other
projects. Be part of an integrated, multidisciplinary research team and
collaborate with computer and computational scientists at Argonne as well as
in the broader community.
The ideal candidate will have comprehensive knowledge in C/C++ programming
under Unix/Linux, and experience in data analysis and/or scientific
visualization, including one or more of the following: statistical analysis,
graph analysis, data mining, visualization of scalar and vector multivariate
data. Experience in software development for parallel computing is a plus.
Candidates should have earned a Ph.D. in computer science within the past
three years.
Follow the link below to the official Argonne job posting and apply online
there. The attached advertisement has more information as well. To apply: